Returning to a Focus on Local Races

Filed in Delaware by on September 20, 2008

In a national election as important as the 2008 Presidential election is, and in a national election where, for the first time in history a Delawarean is a candidate for Vice President of the United States, it is quite easy for Delaware Liberal to concentrate on the national presidential race exclusively.    During the summer, I felt we had a good balance between national politics and local politics.

But then Barack Obama chose Joe Biden as his running mate.   And John McCain countered with Sarah Palin.  Both selections consumed a lot of our focus, especially when faced with Democratic primary races that, but for the Delaware Democratic Party’s misappropriation of party funds on Carney’s behalf, were relatively calm, civil and uneventful.   So Delaware Liberal, in the last four weeks, has become America Liberal, but for our coverage of Democratic Primary and its aftermath on September 9th and 10th, and but for Liberalgeek’s covering of the Workforce Housing controversy.

So to remedy this, in the coming weeks, we will be profiling every contested race in the General Assembly, focusing on the Democratic candidates and their adherence to the progressive principles we hold dear.   We will be concentrating on developments emerging from those races.

This is not to say we won’t mock John McCain and Sarah Palin whenever we feel like.  Call it our prerogative, because sometimes it is just too easy to make fun of them.


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  1. Steve Newton says:

    Great. I have to say, from my perspective, that the emphasis on the national political scene (which I could always get someplace else with a similar spin if I wanted it)) was getting tedious.

    I really hope you’ll do the 4th House District early on–I can’t wait to see how you match up Tyler against his specialist-interest money-grubbing Dem opponent….

  2. delawaredem says:

    Tyler is one of the few Republican candidates I will profile. He can expect to hear from me soon.

  3. anon99 says:

    Can’t wait until you get to the 41st and look at Atkins’ adherence to progressive principles.

  4. delawaredem says:


    I think it is safe to say that we here at Delaware Liberal will not be endorsing or supporting the drunken Republican, otherwise known as Mr. Atkins, in anyway. Indeed, we may even endorse Mr. Hastings and look for ways to support him, although that has not been discussed among us yet.

  5. jason330 says:

    This is where I am on that question.

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    And Jason…you are at a good place w/ your answer!!

  7. Nancy Willing says:

    Still waiting.

  8. gtg says:

    Good. We need a blog about Delaware Politics b/c Delgrape is shuttered, and Delwatch and DeLib have turned too International and too National for my taste. (I feel like I’m watching the Brady Bunch: Sarah, Sarah Sarah (oops Marsha) and Delway is too long winded.
    Please keep the heat on our Democratic Incumbent Party and the Republicans, who are both busy serving themselves rather than their constituents.
    thought 1: McDowell retires as soon as his SEU retirement plan is funded and not subject to open government laws. Who else from the GA joins his company?
    thought 2: Kowalko keeps kickin’ Ass and taking names. does he have a brother or sister we can elect in another district?
    thought 3: T Nixon re-enlists so he can outrank Brady.
    thought 4: Baker sweeps Wilmington. Griffiths and Gregory rematch in 2012?
    thought 5: Copeland runs for U.S. Rep in 2010. (now that we all know his name, and I bet he has a REALLY BIG budget.)
    thought 6. Empty beverage glass.

  9. Joanne Christian says:

    Glad to hear it….waiting with Nancy….

  10. gtg says:

    yep, waiting.