DNC Live Day 3

Filed in National by on September 6, 2012

Youtube live stream of the Democratic National Convention.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. nemski says:

    How come no one is talking to an empty chair?

  2. Jason330 says:

    Jennifer Granhol is rocking it.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    None of these Hollywood people is speaking to a chair. Is something wrong?

  4. cassandra_m says:

    That guy who screamed NOOOOOOOO when Schwitzer said that Rmoney raised fees on guns in Massachusetts was hysterical.

    Clinton Arithmetic is good.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Coons on Fox right now.

  6. Jason330 says:

    How does Coons lay off that softball about the GOP Congress? Okay just mentioned GOP intrangisance.

    Now Fox talking head is concern trolling that the President could turn off people by being too good.

  7. AQC says:

    I want Charlie Crist’s tan!

  8. Jason330 says:

    MSNBC coverage is great.

  9. nemski says:

    “Ask Osama Bin Laden if he is better off now than he was four years ago!” – John Kerry

  10. pandora says:

    John Kerry – “Ask Osama Bin Laden if he’s better off now than he was 4 years ago.”

  11. cassandra_m says:

    John Kerry is probably wishing that the Dems could have pulled off this kind of closeness to the military in 2004.

  12. AQC says:

    Jill Biden looks fabulous!!

  13. nemski says:

    At least John Kerry’s campaign prepared Obama’s campaign on how not be swift boated.

  14. Jason330 says:

    I just keep thinking that this election is so over.

  15. Idealist says:

    The stark differences between these two conventions, not just on the issues, but on maturity level, are astounding.

  16. Jason330 says:

    The Biden film is pretty good

  17. Jason330 says:


    Chris mathews said something interesting about that. I’ll post on it tomorrow

  18. JG says:

    This Biden fellow is nothing if not long winded

  19. Aoine says:

    Maybe he is long-winded.

    But at least he is not talking to an empty chair

    He is talking to the PEOPLE

    clints debacle didnt make me proud to be an American – but Joe’s speech did……

    Homerun Joe!,,,

  20. nemski says:

    Joe’s rocking it!

  21. Aoine says:

    Oh God. Yes b. DREAMER’s again,,,,

    He is on point in touch andnready to go

  22. Jason330 says:

    Biden never leaves anything in the locker room.

  23. nemski says:

    Walk. Off. Home. Run.

  24. nemski says:

    Jason, you called it the other day. Joe did a great job.

  25. Miscreant says:

    Word! Joe seems especially coherent tonight.

  26. Jason330 says:

    Here we go. I hope he doesn’t try to woo John Boehner and Grover Norquist.

  27. pandora says:

    “Climate change is not a hoax.”

  28. nemski says:

    But you know what is a hoax? Trickle down economics.

  29. Jason330 says:

    I love that bringing up climate change has become a Dem strength.

  30. nemski says:

    President Obama to Mitt: It’s hammer time.

  31. I love that bringing up climate change has become a Dem strength.

    Me too. It’s a shame he’s merely preaching to the choir. Science means nothing to the Jeebus people. “God” is on their side!

  32. nemski says:

    He might be preaching to the choir, but he’s got to make sure that the choir gets out and votes.

  33. Jason330 says:

    Tremendous speech. Where’s the contribution link.

  34. AQC says:

    Loved it!!

  35. Kiki says:

    Good show Dems!