New Feature: Get Local

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008

In keeping with our commitment to providing more local politics, we have added a new widget on the right sidebar.  This widget will have the last five local stories easily accessible and still allow us to write fast and furiously on why Sarah Palin’s lipstick caused the current economic crisis.  You can also click on the “Local News” link at the top of the widget to see all of the local stories.  I promise that that landing page will be reworked to look more appealing, too.

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    Yeh…This is what it’s all about…the local stuff…that rises to the national stuff….paying very close attention here, can certainly hold off much more heartburn later…..shut ’em down locally, so we don’t see this rise in machine politics, careerists, and malfeasence on a grander scale. Keep at it Del Lib!!!