Filed in National by on September 22, 2008

If I rape you and as a result you are lucky enough to get pregnant should you be allowed to have an abortion?

Bonus Question:

Do I have a say?

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hiding in the open

Comments (106)

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  1. pandora says:

    Things too quiet tonight for ya?

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Do you live, work and rape in Alaska?

  3. Tom S. says:

    Human life is human life, it doesn’t matter where it comes from.

  4. MJ says:

    You should be able to have an abortion and no, you have no say in the matter. As some of my female friends used to say – “keep your rosaries off my ovaries.”

  5. Redproud says:

    “You should be able to have an abortion and no, you have no say in the matter. As some of my female friends used to say – “keep your rosaries off my ovaries.”

    This is what undermines your integrity as a human being.

    The fact that you rejoice in some retarded Gloria Steinem bumper sticker cheer further degrades the value of your soul.

    Every time you flush a fetus, or rejoice in some “victory” that such an act is still permitted, you drift further from any sort of universal human identity.

  6. pandora says:

    You are so deep.

  7. Redproud says:

    If that’s the best you got, pandora, order the hemlock now and do funnel shots.

  8. delawaredem says:

    So you are telling Pandora to kill herself. Nice. This from the person who berated me nonstop about my unfortunate remarks last Friday.

    You are scum, Redproud, and now, you are banned.

  9. pandora says:

    Don’t worry about this idiot, DD. He adds nothing of value and is only mildly amusing.

  10. Not Brian says:

    So… all you life loving Republicans – do Iraqis need to go into the fetal position to get your sympathy?

    I sense some cognitive dissonance here I want to explore… well, that is not exactly true, that term is reserved for people who are uncomfortable with the contradiction… don’t sense any of that…

    What if Pandora assumes the fetal position? No hemlock?

  11. delawaredem says:

    Alright, I will offer him an opportunity to apologize.

  12. pandora says:

    Not Brian, Iraqi babies don’t count with redproud.

  13. Redproud says:

    Well….she wanted choice, right?

    PS…..encouraging liberals to consider suicide and offering to round them up and shoot them are two different things, Adolf.

    I’m all for YOUR CHOICE. As long as it only applies to YOU.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    That was abit more than encouragement and you need to apologize for that, or I’m the second vote for banning.

  15. Redproud says:


  16. Redproud says:

    The lesson here, grasshoppers, is that the termination of life is a decision that can be made only by the singular life itself.

  17. delawaredem says:

    And instead of apologizing, Mr. Redproud calls me Adolf Hilter.

    He is the perfect example of a Republican and how they will offer an excuse and/or attack the victim instead of apologizing when they do or say something wrong. Perfect example.

    So, he is now banned.

  18. anon5 says:

    he is a sick reborn without a concience. throw them back under the rocks they crawled out of!

    Where did this punk come from? Is this someone McCain sent in to “blog troll”, Mike are you are Redproud friends?

  19. Linoge says:

    To answer the questions, “Yes”, and “No”.

    Easy enough.

  20. delawaredem says:

    Sign of the end times: I agree with Linoge. And it is an easy question.

  21. I thought my bonuse question was a nice touch….

  22. Senor Correctamundo says:

    And the answers are beyond your comprehension!

  23. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    so having a child produced by rape helps that child live how? it would be a constant reminder to the mother of guilt shame embarrassment and vivid memories of the horrific act that was bestoyed upon her WITHOUT HER CHOICE!!!! the relationship would be doomed from the start. full of hate and resentment.
    don’t believe me come sit in one of my numerous therapy sessions i conduct everyday where the story is the same.(luckily no children were produced!!!)
    i’m against abortion but totally FOR prochoice. it’s my body, it’s my decision.

  24. The answers aren’t just for my benefit senor….they are for the few thousand that read this tonight. So please enlighten us. but since the Catholic church doesn’t know when “life begins” I don’t sink so senor

  25. pandora says:

    Nicely said, Mrs. Hotviti. I agree completely.

  26. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    🙂 thanks pandora. b/c of my profession i am quite passionate about this type of trauma. couldn’t not say anything.

  27. Senor Correctamundo says:

    It’s called adoption, future ex-Mrs. Viti.

    Who says the Catholic Church is the authority here, DV?

    That just highlights your hatred of an institution. Maybe if you’d look past that hatred and focus on the act itself, you’d see things clearer.

  28. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    adoption????? funny. you have to be a man b/c you have NO CLUE!!!!!

  29. delawaredem says:

    Actually, the Catholic Church is not an authority here. No more than anything other church or institution or scientist or doctor or person is an authority on this subject.

    It is an intensely personal and private matter, and until we can definitely answer when life begins, we as a country and as a matter of social policy must remain pro choice.

  30. anonone says:

    Senor Incorrectamundo:

    Maybe if the “religious” institution as an organization was not complicit in enabling, condoning, and covering-up sexual abuse of children by its leaders at its most senior levels we’d feel differently.

    Maybe if you focused on the acts you’d see things clearer.

  31. delawaredem says:

    anonone brings up a very good point that Senor misses. There is a difference between the Catholic Church as an institution and Catholic faith. I abhor the Catholic Church’s past crimes regarding the sexual abuse scandals. But those scandals have not diminished my Catholic faith. I separate the two, and perhaps Senor needs to recognize that.

  32. Senor Correctamundo says:

    That’s what the liberal movement has filled your head with, so that’s what you sell to other women. The cycle continues.

    The rape is a reality. The outcome after that can be positive or negative for the life in the balance. Nothing can undo the rape. And nothing can undo the slaughter.

    Seems like the only reasonable bet is to go with life.

  33. You’re too freakin’ loose with banning people. Get over it. We all say shit we regret.

  34. delawaredem says:

    Redproud doesn’t regret it, otherwise he would have apologized. At least when I was wrong, I apologized.

  35. I don’t think you needed to apologize. Apologies over political debate are pointless nowadays. People just need to grow spines.

  36. Senor Correctamundo says:

    No, I don’t regret it delawaredem. In fact, I’m glad it showed you for the ban-monkey you are.

    You’re so easy. At least admit that!

  37. anonone says:


    Redfool needs to spend his time trying to find willing wombs for all of the frozen fertilized ovums in refrigerators and petri dishes around the country before they are murdered by being thrown out. Not to mention all the women who should be charged with murder because they used RU-486. Since this isn’t First State Filth, I won’t go any further…

  38. delawaredem says:

    Too loose with banning people? Redproud is the first person we have banned since I have been here. Mike W was not banned. He was given a time out for 24 hours. So this is the first banning I am aware of. Thus, by definition, we cannot be too loose with banning people. So you get over it.

    Redproud told Pandora to kill herself simply because she held a political opinion. He was offered a chance to apologize, and he rejected it, and instead calls me Adolf Hitler.

    He is gone.

    And I must note, I was roundly and correctly criticized in the conservative Delaware blogosphere for my inane comment about rounding up Republicans and shooting them. I was wrong and I apologized for that idiotic comment. No one was louder in condemning me than Redproud.

    So it is not too much to ask for them to uphold the same standard that applied to me against Redproud. Redproud advocated violence and the death of Pandora. He stood by that comment. And thus he is gone.

  39. delawaredem says:

    How many IP addresses do you have Redproud? I will now blacklist this current one.

  40. Senor Correctamundo says:

    I’ll settle for just stopping the slaughter of those who cannot speak in the matters that decide their continued existence.

    Final judgment for the other stuff isn’t up to me.

  41. The rape is a reality. The outcome after that can be positive or negative for the life in the balance. Nothing can undo the rape. And nothing can undo the slaughter.

    yep definitely a guy….

    carrying around a fetus due to rape is a walk in the park. It would be just like one of those annoying hangnails.

    but hey, you are entitled to your opinion.

    love the word slaughter too, like a guy going into the woman’s vag with a machete and hacking pieces of the little guy up.

    awwww, the poor rape fetus never had a chance at a normal life

  42. for the record I could care less. It is my post and if you want to be an asshole feel free. The fact that you use an alias says it all.

    I’m not for banning you and it is an internal fight at delaware liberal that needs to be tackled.

    I’m with mike matthews on this one….

  43. anonone says:

    Senor Incorrectamundo:

    I’ll just settle for just stopping the slaughter of all of those who can speak.

  44. Not Brian says:

    Senor Fucktardamundo-

    That’s what the liberal movement has filled your head with, so that’s what you sell to other women.

    Yeah… obviously women have to realize that they not only have no choice, but that they can not possibly understand their own needs or think for themselves – the liberal movement obviously took over her weak mind.

    We need big smart men like you to tell people how to think!

    OK… I hear a lot about the ‘liberal elite’ telling people how to live and getting government into their lives… are you the woman-hating-bible-thumping-IQ-under 60-elite?

  45. anonone says:

    Personally, I am for banning more of the trolls. Why should DelLib give them a soapbox just to harass Delaware Liberals?

    Of course, I don’t expect this to happen. It has been said that a liberal won’t take their own side in an argument.

  46. Anywhere IP says:

    Deldem, you should take up another hobby. You aren’t cut out for this.

    Unless, of course, you think shutting down the board entirely is a viable option???

    Seems that DV disagrees!!!

  47. delawaredem says:

    To that end, DV, I have unbanned the killer Redproud. If it is not unanimous among us, the decision will be reversed.

    So enjoy his murderous rantings everyone. The only good thing about his presence here is everyone can see Republicanism in action, double standards and all. It is ok for him to tell Pandora to kill herself, but it is not ok (according to Redproud) for me to say all Republicans should be shot.

    If Sharon, Burris, RSmitty have any credibility or moral conscience, they will now condemn Redpround as loudly as they condemned me. If they do not, than like Redproud, they will be shining examples of Republicanism.

  48. delawaredem says:

    Hey Redproud, take up the hobby of killing yourself, please.

  49. you just have a way of getting under some peoples skin I guess. Mission Accomplished.

    Funny how you seem to know what is morally correct but don’t seem to leverage that same knowledge when it comes to comments.

    oh well, you’ll get yours, or you already do and that is why you try to take it on on a blog….

    I’ll pray for you

  50. there you go DD. Sort of like a radical evangelical. his own people will take him down and all he does is drag down the rest of his party…

  51. Redproud says:

    “murderous rantings”

    Yeah, right. I think it was Monty Python who said a suicide is just an introverted murder? Or was it murder is just an extroverted suicide? I can never remember that one.

    “The only good thing about his presence here is everyone can see Republicanism in action”

    Well, it would be if I were Republican.

    “It is ok for him to tell Pandora to kill herself ”

    I reminded her of a well known option. Seemed the logical thing to do for someone who was so enamored of choice.

    “but it is not ok (according to Redproud) for me to say all Republicans should be shot.”

    Difference is in the protagonist and antagonist….

  52. pandora says:

    such a sad, little man.

  53. delawaredem says:

    Redproud. You are a Republican. You may be a registered independent, but that is only because you are so embarrassed by the failures of the Republican Party that you refuse to be called one.

    But you have the same beliefs as a Republican.
    You act like a Republican.
    Indeed, according to your name, you are proud of being Red, the color of the Republican Party.
    So you are a Republican, and a shining example of one too.

    So go fuck yourself.

  54. Redproud says:

    Hmmmmm……liberal hate…..toasty.

  55. Von Cracker says:

    Some of these paternalistic fucks here should have been aborted!

    If your vote is based solely on this issue, either side, then you’re a fucking un-serious douchebag.

  56. Von Cracker says:

    Oh yeah….if a cluster of self-generated cells is in my body, it’s my business and not yours.

  57. delawaredem says:

    Hmmmm…conservative hate….toasty. You have no problem with hate, Redproud, so stop being a hypocrite. If you can’t, get a new hobby.

  58. Unstable Isotope says:

    DD, I agree with any decision to ban Redproud. He’s a troll who doesn’t add anything to the discussion. He is simply here to disrupt the discussion and get his lulz.

    Yes, the end of the world is nigh. I agree with Linoge (yes then no) and I was listening to the radio and found myself agreeing with Newt Gingrich re Wall Street Welfare Queens.

  59. Redproud says:

    “it’s my business and not yours.”

    Sure. But there should be no outside assistance for you whatsoever, medically or pharmaceutically.

    Just wish it awayyyyyy!!!!!

    The audacity of hope!

  60. Redproud says:

    “Hmmmm…conservative hate….toasty. You have no problem with hate, Redproud, so stop being a hypocrite”

    But I don’t hate all liberals…..just the ones here!

  61. Joanne Christian says:

    Mrs. Hef(#23)–Right on!!! Not only for the victimization of the mother, but for the “legacy”, of that child….sure everyone has a horse thief in the family tree..but how esteem building is “my father was a rapist”….now there’s a show-stopper for the 5th grade genealogy project! And w/ all the open adoption/adoptive inquiry stuff….this one begs for Troy? Dunn to show up on your doorstep. Personal experience grants personal choice–so don’t choose my hell for me–enough of life will randomly choose an individual that can’t be prevented or controlled.
    DelawareDem–I hope you are out of the doghouse, and let me personally apologize for my comment exacerbating a whole rash of dialogue (apparently here and elsewhere). Wow, these words are powerful from all sides.
    Now Redproud/pride/prude/pretentious/preposterous/predacious, your targeted hateful suggestion to Pandora, and ressurrected slur to DelawareDem embarasses people (Rs) like me who use their real names, and get lumped with the likes of you. But I know, that’s my problem, and skin needs time to thicken…but may it never match your thick head of cavalier comment that you will never, ever, ever, be in a position to decide. And Matthews,(#35) you are tragically correct–but then we don’t get the chance to pompously pontificate…and humanize these words, that all too often, left unchecked, and unchallenged become group think, policy, and law. It may be haughty at times….but it sure gives some pause. Just a calibration check of our individual moral compasses perhaps.
    Oh well..enough said….Good Night….

  62. MJ says:

    If Redproud’s parents would have been pro-choice we could all have been spared his right-wing gibberish. He really needs to go back to his cave.

  63. Truth Teller says:

    I just love the Knights of Columbus they are against woman thinking for themselves. It just bothers me that these so called Knights for Christ were silent on Priest molesting little boys and girls.

  64. Redproud says:


    So funny how you all think I’m pro-suicide for liberals. I’m just PRO-CHOICE on the matter. They should have that right. I don’t want to see any more liberals have to unnecessarily suffer! What a horrible legacy they might have to endure!

  65. Mike Protack says:

    “It is an intensely personal and private matter, and until we can definitely answer when life begins, we as a country and as a matter of social policy must remain pro choice.”

    Life begins at conception, always has , always will.

    The Knights were not silent on Priest abuse and they are not against women speaking for themselves.

  66. anonone says:

    Mike the Loser:

    Cancer cells are alive, too.

  67. donviti says:

    Life begins at conception, always has , always will.

    according to who?

    Regardless, you don’t answer the question Mike.

    yet again it is easy to see why you lost….

  68. delawaredem says:

    According to Mike Protack.

  69. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    i know this falls on deaf ears but here goes. you sit up on your high horse and claim that abortion is murder wait sorry slaughter yet you are so quick and free to encourage/suggest to others to kill themselves. quite hypocritical. if you feel this strongly about prolife that should constitute all life.

  70. pandora says:

    But it never constitutes all life, for if it did Redproud would be screaming his head off about all the dead Iraqi babies and pregnant women. His silence on this issue is speaking. He is not pro-life.

  71. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    Exactly pandora, exactly!

    and i wonder if he’s for the death penatly too?

  72. pandora says:

    Oh, I’m sure he is. It fits with Redproud’s God complex.

  73. anonone says:

    Redfool probably supports the death penalty for women and doctors who have had or perform abortions, respectively.

  74. mike w. says:

    Personally I think the rapist should be drawn and quartered…… but then I’m a heartless asshole with no sympathy for violent criminals.

  75. anon says:

    Everyone has their own list of excuses for when it’s OK to take a life. Everyone thinks their list of excuses is the correct list. We let people off the hook all the time.

  76. PBaumbach says:

    Let’s remember the Republican ideology.

    Life begins at conception, and this life deserves our full support.

    However, once a person is born, you are on your own. This includes homeless, veterans, the poor, Iraqi civilians, the bankrupt, the unemployed, the uninsured, …

    Then, once you are in a persistent vegetative state, the Republicans march in to override your spouse/partner’s request for death with dignity (as defined by the patient before they reached a vegetative state).

    Gotta love the Republican ideals! Gotta wonder why they are losing so many races this year!

  77. mike w. says:

    And Dems have their own contradictions here.

    They support a woman’s “right to choose” with regards to abortion with simple reasoning. Her body, her choice, and her body is sacroscant.

    Unfortunately they take the polar opposite stance when we apply the “her body, her choice” right to choose to the decision to own and carry a firearm for self-defense.

  78. PBaumbach says:

    When was the last time that a woman’s pregnancy (or lack thereof) put an innocent bystander into the emergency room?

    I don’t see the contradiction (or parallel).

  79. anonone says:

    Mike the Racist:

    You wrote, ” I’m a heartless asshole “.

    Hey, we agree on something.

    You can go away now.

  80. Von Cracker says:

    Wow! Mike equating shit to guns….who wudda thunk it?!?!?

  81. pandora says:

    I am shocked – shocked, I tell you! – that Mike made a gun reference.

  82. mike w. says:

    “When was the last time that a woman’s pregnancy (or lack thereof) put an innocent bystander into the emergency room?”

    Yup, because women with CCW’s who carry for self-defense are shooting innocent bystanders all the time. I’m sure you have some statistical evidence to back up your irrational fearmongering right? Give me a break. Come back when you have something substantive instead of empty cries about “blood in the streets.”

    Von & Pandora – Show me how it’s not a valid comparision? Are either of you going to address the comment or just go “GUNS GUNS GUNS blah blah blah!?”

  83. mike w. says:

    Pbaumbach – You don’t see the contradiction in believing that a woman has the right to choose what do do with her own body regarding abortion, but no right to choose to defend her body by force?

  84. delawaredem says:

    No, I do see where Mike analogy works. He is saying we Democrats are supporting CHOICE for women but are not supporting CHOICE for those who want to own guns. In his mind, if a person chooses to own a missle launcher, he should be able to without any governmental interfereance. And if he choose to tow that missle launcher like a boat on a trailer up and down I-95, he should be free to do so.

    You see, Mike should have the ability to shout down those annoying planes over Brandywine Hundred. We bad Democrats are denying him that choice.

  85. mike w. says:

    More idiocy from DD. When has anyone, myself or the NRA pushed for ownership of missle launchers or other incendiary weapons with little or no restrictions? I’m sorry but your entire fearmongering statement is laughably stupid.

    DD – You believe she has the choice to terminate a pregnancy because it’s “her body her choice.” But no such freedom of choice to defend her body from harm.

  86. pandora says:

    I will not be drawn into another idiotic debate with your typical “gun baiting” comments.

    You do yourself – and your cause – a great disservice by applying guns to almost every thread.

  87. mike w. says:

    “You do yourself – and your cause – a great disservice by applying guns to almost every thread.”

    And of course only in your mind am I “applying guns to almost every thread.”

    Also, you do yourself and this site a disservice by just getting pissy rather than addressing an argument that is perfectly applicable to Pbaumbach’s comment #78. I made a gun reference because it was applicable to what was said. You can deal with it or get pissy. You for some reason seem to like the “get pissy” route.

  88. delawaredem says:

    Mike, you have said that any restriction by the government on the Second Amendment is unconstitutional. Any restriction over your right to own any weapon is deemed by you to be unconstitutional. A missle launcher is a weapon. Thus, you want to have the right to own a missle launcher if you so chose.


    I guess you have not gotten to that class in college yet.

  89. mike w. says:

    “Mike, you have said that any restriction by the government on the Second Amendment is unconstitutional.”

    I have said no such thing here or on my blog.

    DD talking about logic when he still can’t understand the “gun-show loophole” even after it’s explained to him. DD, you are far from logical.

  90. Phantom says:

    Hey Protack,
    If life begins at conception then everyone who miscarries commits an abortion. Guess they are all evil and need to be condemned. Maybe it would work better if you had some coherent thoughts and then utilized them before spouting complete bullshit.

  91. mike w. says:

    Regardless of when any of us think life begins shouldn’t the decision ultimately be left up to the women?

    The embryo is inside her body. What right do any of us have to tell her what she can/can’t do with it? Specifically, why do a bunch of MEN feel it’s their place to tell women how to deal with pregnancy?

  92. Von Cracker says:

    I have no issue with you or anyone owning a gun…and most liberals I know don’t either….red herring!

  93. anonone says:

    “Anyone”, Von Craker?

    Do fetuses have the right to own guns?

  94. Truth Teller says:

    Mike P
    I don’t recall a full page ad against sicko Priest like the one The Knight’s just ran against a women’s right to chose

  95. Von Cracker says:

    Only if the fetus can pick it up, load it, and pull the trigger, anonone!

    Should I have said “Anything”? 😀

    And, btw, I’m not giving credence to Mike’s shitty analogy!

  96. mike w. says:

    “And, btw, I’m not giving credence to Mike’s shitty analogy!”

    Yet you can’t discuss or attempt to refute it.

  97. Von Cracker says:

    “They support a woman’s “right to choose” with regards to abortion with simple reasoning. Her body, her choice, and her body is sacroscant(sp).

    Unfortunately they take the polar opposite stance when we apply the “her body, her choice” right to choose to the decision to own and carry a firearm for self-defense.”

    This is so fucking stooopid, it hurts to think about it! It’s laughable on its face and not worthy of response. But since Mike will keep on using the canned response for any opposition to his consistent excretion of tripe on this site, here we go:

    First of all, it’s a false analogy. A fetus is part of a woman, like a finger, toe, spleen, or a tumor. A firearm is a possession, a good, which is given, bought, or sold. If a woman could be able to generate a firearm within her, then maybe you have an argument there, Mike.

    Second, a woman can already “Choose” to defend herself. Mike makes it sound like there’s a total ban on firearms in this country, which there is not, obviously. Of course there are some exceptions to the rule, such as the DC ban or bans on certain types of firearms (but that doesn’t mean all firearms, right?), but it’s rare. So Mike, who says he’s not a GOP-extremist, likes to use their tactics. One of those tactics is to take the extreme case and make it appear to be the norm.

    Well, I call Shenanigans on you Mike!!!!

    And if you are only arguing about ‘carrying’ a firearm around in the car or on their person (concealed or not) for self-defense purposes, then you will have to defer to the long-standing precedent of allowing states and/or local municipalities to make its own ordinances.

  98. Dorian Gray says:

    Mike is a fucking shit-bird. It’s like discussing something with a retarded 4 year-old. I gave up last week.

  99. mike w. says:

    Von – And who would like to ban the practice of CCW nationwide, thereby denying women the right to self-defense?


    “First of all, it’s a false analogy. A fetus is part of a woman, like a finger, toe, spleen, or a tumor. A firearm is a possession, a good, which is given, bought, or sold. If a woman could be able to generate a firearm within her, then maybe you have an argument there, Mike.”

    And a woman has a natural right to defend her body from harm does she not? By extension that includes having access to an effective means by which to do so.

    It’s “rare” that she’s not able to choose to defend herself? Really? She can’t carry in D.C., can’t carry in Illinois, can’t carry in certain liberal areas of CA unless she has serious political connections, can’t carry in NY or MD unless she has serious connections. (virtually impossible for common folks)

    Even before women had the right to vote it was legal for them to strap on a pistol and go about their business. They were also able to buy any modern pistol or infantry rifle, even ones with “scary” features like bayonet’s. Now they couldn’t even carry a revolutionary war era flintlock in several areas of this country (DC and NYC for example) and folks like Obama want to restrict their rights even further. (including banning guns with scary bayonets) Is that progress?

    Courtesy of Oleg Volk – A photographic illustration

  100. Joanne Christian says:

    Isn’t there some 100 post milestone you all award or something? Would that be with or without going off topic?

  101. pandora says:

    Topic? Mike W. don’t need no stinking topic. All threads will eventually lead to guns.

  102. mike w. says:

    Pandora – “I’m just going to whine and bitch like I usually do.”

  103. Von Cracker says:

    You say women, but don’t you mean all citizens, Mike?

    And yes, all persons have the “natural right” to self-defense, even when getting the shit beaten out of them by the police. But your extension is subject to reasonableness, right?

    And self-defense (in public) is not solely by way of the gun, correct? So the next question you posed is not a valid one since it relies on the gun as the only means of self-defense.

    I love the conflation of woman’s suffrage and gun ownership! It makes it sound like only women are banned from owning such weaponry! Aye!!! Nice trick, though the emotional tug is completely transparent and ineffective.

    Again, the abortion/self-defense/gun argument is a false one. Plus Obama’s on the record saying (as it pertains to concealment laws) that what works in Montana might not in South Side. But in no way does that mean he’s all for taking away your guns….you just might not be able to walk through certain parts of the country with one. And that’s been the status quo for 200 years, regardless of the revisionist history you like to site.

  104. mike w. says:

    “And that’s been the status quo for 200 years, regardless of the revisionist history you like to site.”

    Actually that’s not true at all except in the case of blacks.