Warren/Brown Debate Tonight 7:00pm

Filed in National by on September 20, 2012

I’m not real up on Massachusetts politics, but I love Elizabeth Warren.  She is a Democrat’s Democrat and if elected will be the philosophical heir to Paul Wellstone in the Senate.    The accidental incumbent, Scott Brown, hoped to get out of the debates, and hang it on the possibility of missing a vote.   There will be no vote in the Senate, so let the rhetorical blows rain down in this Republican empty suit.

Here’s the debate details:

Debate time: 7:00-8:00 ET
Watch and/or listen: The debate will stream live on CBSBoston.com. (There’s a rumor that it will also be on CSPAN, but it’s not on today’s schedule yet.)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Harry Reid was onto Brown’s BS:

    “Madam president, I’m so sorry. We have no more votes today,” Reid said. “No more votes today. It’s obvious to me what’s going on. I’ve been to a few of these rodeos. It is obvious there is a big stall taking place. One of the senators who doesn’t want to debate tonight won’t be in a debate. While he can’t use the Senate as an excuse, there will be no more votes today.”

    Reid’s maneuver came moments after the Boston Globe quoted Brown saying he’d skip the debates if called on for Senate business. His move came as a surprise to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell who appeared on the floor shortly after Reid to request evening votes proceed as scheduled. Reid objected.

  2. pandora says:

    Go Harry! That man is on fire.

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    Bostong Globe op-ed by SCOT LEHIGH

    Warren hits her stride, while Brown stumbles
    It was a good night for Elizabeth Warren — and an ominous one for Scott Brown.

  4. Aoine says:

    WTF with the Native American comment. That fool Brown should know that native people’s didn’t keep records, native people’s hid their ethnicity if they lived in the white world.
    It’s seems he is saying two things:

    1 she only got ahead BECAUSE of her ethnicity

    2 she fraudulently claimed minority status to get ahead

    WOW- of course he is a white male that thinks that minority status simply moves one forward- so not true. She is female (that was obviously to Brown as he didn’t doubt it) and a minority- that’s two strikes in the world and the time she was moving up in her profession

    And the asshole comment about she “doesn’t look like a person of color” with a barely concealed sneer on his face.

    Did anyone else catch The micro-expressions- he was positively oozing contempt for her as he spoke of her looks and skin color?

    What an asswipe he is – I hope she wipes the floor with his ass. Pun intentional

  5. Liberal Elite says:

    Brown: “She’s obsessed with raising taxes.” Warren: “No, I’m concerned with how the senator votes.”

    Obama’s intrade odds finally hit 70%. Scott Brown’s has dropped to 41% (down from 65% only 2 weeks ago). I’m guessing that it will continue to erode.

  6. Observant Citizen says:

    That’s a very flattering picture of Ms. Warren, I must think it took quite a while to compose and maybe some touch-up. Interesting poll in Massachusetts last week showing the less education, the more likely to vote for Warren. Scott Brown would do well in any sales function, cars, investments, vinyl siding, politics.

  7. socialistic ben says:

    well, you’ll never find Warren posing for a porno mag like Scott “the slut” Brown did… You’ll also never see that poll because you made it up. Kindly crawl back into your cup of tea, Bag.

  8. V says:

    OC – thanks for the information! I’ll call my aunt who’s a professor at Harvard (and a Warren supporter) and tell her she’s voting for the wrong person.