Actual GOP Talking Points

Filed in National by on September 24, 2008

It looks like someone in the McCain campaign in Colorado accidentally released a Talking Point memo!




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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Told by a reporter that the e-mail had been sent to him and others in the media, Kise said, “F*ck, tell me I didn’t send it to the wrong list.”

    Kise said the talking points were meant for McCain volunteers.

    I love it.

  2. Country first!

    YEP right after I get this memo out that says I’m going to put country first

    where’s my latte!@

  3. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t understand what McCain is proposing to do. Is he going to sit people in a room and say, “cut the bullshit?”

  4. ANON6 says:

    There is no reason for either Obama or McCain to be in DC, neither of them serve on ANY of these committees. McCains stunt is to avoid the debate. He is tanking in the polls so he panics.

    Bush needs the votes and he need McSame to rally the republicans who have revolted.

    This bailout will not forestall the upcoming depression. This is not the first bailout. Herbert Hoover did the same damn thing he promised a “reconcilation act”, and then years of the worst depression in our history occured”. We should not bail out these banksters, let them fail and start over. All the mortgages could be cancelled and new mortgages written. Give the taxpayers and the homeowners a bailout, it wouldnt cost $700Billion with is really $5 trillion! We are being hoodwinked.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    This is very funny.

    I was at an event at the Philly Library tonite featuring a panel of media and politicos for each campaign. Gov. Jane Swift stood in for McCain and she spoke to all of these items except #3 and #6. And this was after she announced that she had a strong directive from John McCain to ratchet down the partisanship in that venue because we had serious problems to solve.