Wednesday Daily Delawhere [10.3.12]

Filed in Delaware by on October 3, 2012

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  1. Jconnor says:

    Farm on Pyles Ford Rd.

  2. Zafo Jones says:

    It appears to be a tree of some type, perhaps a conifer.

  3. heragain says:

    It’s a picture of why laid-off workers in the 30’s loved the DuPont family.

  4. Hugh Sharp’s farm.

    probably bought/built by his dad –

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Nancy is right. This is on Center Meeting Road in Centreville. The house was built in 1930 by Isabella duPont Sharp, who used it to stable her horses and to entertain her friends.

  6. I have a lot of friends in the Greenville/Centreville area and one moved to Unionville, spending a lot of time with Bella Sharp, Hugh Jr.’s daughter on her little horse farm up that way. What makes this property unforgettable is the immense, square stone tower.