Perspective on this one?

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008

I need some perspective here.

1. Why is what the Dems doing right? Right for the country? Right for me? Why are they trusting Bush and a guy that ran Goldman Sachs and was appointed by Bush?

2. Why is it that the Republicans are the ones saying we shouldn’t be bailing Wall St out?

3. What the hell am I missing here?

4.  Why don’t I know more about this plan?

5.  Can’t the government take “only” a measley $200bil and see how that goes?

fyi: Washington Mutual crashed and is gone, like the 4th largest bank in the US I believe….

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    Let it crash. Tie it around the Republicans neck. Fuck it.

  2. I’m down with that man. Christ, how they can believe it is that bad.

    Somewhere in a cave a dude is laughing his ass off right now

  3. jason330 says:

    You got that right. Osama is the luckiest fuck in the world. Hitting us with George Bush in the White House turned out to be CRAZY successful.

  4. hmmmmm I smell a visual post for tomorrow…

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Right now is the time to ask Paulsen how badly he wants this thing. If he really wants it — he needs to get on camera and hang the repubs hanging out for an ideological solution. But that won’t happen.

    I don’t mind if this deal crashes and I think that I’d hang it around the repubs neck and take the time to take a look at a bunch of interesting alternatives that financial types have been proposing over the last few days.

  6. anon says:

    Republicans are running out the clock to give McCain cover for skipping the debate.

    They will back down over the weekend and let Dems give Paulsen the money. Then watch them campaign against the bailout, and also accuse Dems of blocking tax cuts.

    They will continue to oppose Bush’s plan ( it’s a whole herd of mavericks!)

    Nice jujitsu, to hang Bush around Dem necks. That’s the trap we were being warned about.

    Watch for a morning press conference to be called in which McCain has brilliantly negotiated talks between the Senate Republicans and House Republicans. The House Republicans will come to the table. A miracle! And McCain’s maverick leadership pulled it off! And deal or no deal, he can fly to Mississippi in triumph, with doves flying around him and the clouds parting in the sky with a blessing beam of light from on high.

    h/t dailykos

  7. whispertoo says:

    Lasting political benefit from the deal only works if the deal works. And by what yardsticks are voters going to judge that?

    – Have I been laid off?
    – Am I in imminent danger of losing my job?
    – Have my hours been cut?
    – Has my pay been cut?
    – Have I lost some of my savings?
    – Are my neighbors/family/friends in the same boat?

    Within six months to a year, the answer of many people is going to be “yes” to at least one of those questions. This deal is not going to affect ordinary peoples’ lives at any meaningful level in time to do any good before the recession hits full-blast.

  8. Stella Bluez says:

    I agree with anon….I feel that the Repub hold-outs are all about getting McCain elected……this is an entire political scheme to make McCain the hero of the day….Bush is on board, too….calling the candidates to the table….very un-Bush…..calling anyone to a table…..very un-Bush…..the Dems are being played big time…..McCain is being coached thru all this, that is why he never seems to know his next move (or what the hell he thinks, he’s a friggin puppet)…..

  9. Stella Bluez says:

    God….I hope I am wrong….maybe McCain isn’t listening to anybody….just his impulsive, delusional mind….

    But the Dems are going to get caught in a trap if they aren’t careful…..the American people are overwhelmingly against this bail-out…..

  10. Nancy Willing says:

    The polls are evening out. They are showing that the McCain ‘strategy’ is the spin that wins.

    Wall Street vs Main Street is what the independents want to hear about. McCain is painting himself as the savior of Main Street…with the House DEMs firmly behind him.

  11. oops, the House GOP…