Strap In

Filed in National by on September 29, 2008

The bailout package has failed.  The Dow is currently down 525…

Enjoy the ride.

Update:  It occurs to me that this could be a case of crying wolf!  Several times in the past 7 years, we have been faced with ultimata from the Bush administration.  “You must pass this, or else” has gotten us killed by this administration.  I wonder how history will treat this vote?  Finally, our spines stiffened and we rejected the doomsday scenario or we zigged when we should have zagged…

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  1. Comment Rescue — Why It’s Not Over, Part I | September 29, 2008
  1. cassandra_m says:

    CNN on the failure.

    And the market started off the day tanking, as if they didn’t like the deal at hand.

  2. pandora says:

    I’m thinking I might swing by the bank and take out some (not all!) cash. For a rainy day?

  3. anonone says:

    Sarah Palin could fix this. She has seen Wall Street.

  4. anon says:

    Forget a roller coaster. This is going to be I-95 at rush hour smashing into Del. 1 in Rehoboth on the Fourth of July weekend.

  5. Tyler Nixon says:

    What’s with the cavalcade of whining from the House Democrats on this. Gosh, they are such patriots standing with Paulson and Bush and, yes, Mike Castle.

    Yes, please, “blame” the fiscal conservative Republicans for stopping this horrendous bailout. Throw us into that briar patch with the 90+% of the American public who oppose it pretty much any way it is structured or tweaked.

    Now, when the economy doesn’t in fact crater, collapse, meltdown, apocalypse, or whatever fear-mongering doom they have been predicting, we will see whether we really needed this national socialist power grab.

    Happy day!

    (Hi anonone….how YOU doin?!?)

  6. Pandora says:

    You’re sure the economy won’t crater, collapse or meltdown? Serious question, and one that has concerned me for some time.

    What will happen if we don’t do the bail out? And, how certain are you?

  7. jason330 says:

    As Kavips see it, we’ll all look back at this day whistfully as we recall life before banks, houses, electricity and civilization all went away.

  8. Von Cracker says:

    I guess the Dems will now introduce the bill they want, bi-partisanship be damned.

  9. Tyler Nixon says:

    What Jason said…

    Pandora….I’ll take my chances.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    The fed is broke.

    No money for loans.

    Businesses (small and otherwise) can’t obtain credit.

    To survive, Businesses cut jobs.

    Jobless people do not buy things and do not pay bills.

    Things not bought cause other Businesses to take same measures stated above.

    Bills not paid make companies not to pay their bills and employees, or pass the cost onto you.

    …at least that’s the theory.

  11. Pandora says:

    Understood, Tyler. Just wondering what those chances are?

    Please bear with me here… I majored in Art, not accounting! 😉

  12. Tyler Nixon says:

    If I possessed that crystal ball, Pandora, I’d be somewhere on my private island now, rather than blogging from Van Buren St.

    I can tell you there is no doubt in my mind about the ills that come from propping up mal-investment by adding another $700BN to our nation’s already staggering public debt, which I believe has as much to do with the weakening of our economy as any Wall Street and financial sector profligacies.

  13. anonone says:

    Hi Tyler!

    A bit poorer. You?

    I am not going to blame the conservative repubs for voting this down. I am going to blame the repubs and their “voluntary regulation” idea for getting us into this mess to begin with.

    Financial meltdown

    You and your fellow repubs own it all.

    But I am sure that you hope Sarah Palin can step in to save this mess.

  14. anon says:

    Putting on cynical tinfoil hat….

    Suppose the bailout doesn’t happen, and the sky doesn’t fall… Now the Repubs in Congress get to campaign against all the Dems who voted Yes.

    We have a lot of Dems mounting strong challenges to Republican districts… were any of them in the Yes column today? I bet the repub ads are already in the can.

    What if the Repubs have given up on McCain, and the whole bailout thing is a play to cut their losses in Congress?

  15. Von Cracker says:

    It appears the House GOPers already gave up on McCampaign:

    From Political Wire:

    “What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all of the parties to the table, including the House Republicans, whose votes were needed to pass this.”

    — McCain campaign strategist Steve Schmidt, on Meet the Press yesterday, taking early credit for getting House Republicans to support the bailout bill.

  16. anon3 says:

    Let’s be clear about something. It was not JUST the republicans who hated this banker democrats all over this country didn’t support it either. We are not all stupid people…it just goes to prove that when smart people on both sides of the aisle see the “writing on the wall”, we can be non-partisan in our rebuke of the “insiders” like Paulson, Pelosi, and many republicans who tried to bail out their banker buddies. Right meets left on this.

  17. anonone says:

    “Suppose the bailout doesn’t happen, and the sky doesn’t fall”

    Lets see…

    The stock market has crashed.

    The dollar has crashed.

    Energy and food costs are soaring.

    Foreclosures are at all time highs.

    Banks are failing at a record pace.

    Gov’t deficits are soaring.

    State tax revenues are falling.

    Poverty and hunger are rising.

    We’re stuck in two wars.

    And you don’t think the sky hasn’t already fallen?

  18. Pandora says:

    So much for putting “Country First”.

    I’m not sure I want the bail-out, but blaming a speech for changing your yea to a nay is childish.

  19. anonone says:

    And I love this one (from Politico):

    “Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and his top aides took credit for building a winning bailout coalition – hours before the vote failed and stocks tanked. ”

    How’s your campaigning for McInsane-Palin coming,Tyler?

  20. anon says:

    So I guess this means the McCain campaign is still suspended?

  21. liberalgeek says:

    I can see the Dow from my basement!

  22. Tyler Nixon says:

    Gingrich opposed the bailout.

    But if you believe there is a crybaby caucus look no further than Barney, Nancy, and Harry…squealing little piggies that they are today.

    Who might you bring up next from yesteryear, to deflect from your failed congressional leaders?…Howard Baker? Bob Michel? Ev Dirksen?

    Yeah…real salient point. LOL.

    (Hi chicken little anon-non! Love ya! You’re my favorite cyber stalker!!)

  23. liberalgeek says:

    Tyler, what is Gingrich running for? What office does he hold?

  24. anonone says:

    Don’t you love the irony – a Gingrich McPalin Ron Paul repub like Tyler reveling in the tragedy that his political party has brought upon our country.

    Tyler, there is nothing – nothing – for any American to “LOL” about today.

  25. […] Maybe I am just naive, but if we are going to have to live with a central bank issuing and manipulating our national currency, why not let the American people go directly to the discount window and eliminate the usury-loving, fee-grabbing banker-broker middle men?? […]

  26. cassandra_m says:

    Barney is calling them chumps!

    Go Barney! Pointing out how embarrassed the GOP ought to be today is just right. McCain, BushCo and Boehner made a big deal of being able to get repubs to vote for this crapola and they failed. And with any luck, this gets to be the media narrative.

  27. anonone says:

    BTW, Tyler, who mentioned Gingrich in this thread before you?

  28. Tyler Nixon says:

    Yeah, it’s all about the all-important spin and the “narrative”. Good to know we all have our priorities in order.

    Oh and of course, the fiscal conservative Republicans should be so embarrassed they saved the country from the BushCO subsidiary known as The House Democrat Leadership.


    (anonone : – follow the link.)

  29. Truth Teller says:

    Here’s a thought love that idea

  30. anonone says:

    The same BushCO Tyler Nixon helped put in office in 2000. And the same policies he supports today by supporting McPalin.

    Dow on Bill Clinton’s last day in office: 10,587.59
    Dow today: 10,365.4

  31. Truth Teller says:

    However now that the repuks have shown that they are a bunch of cry baby’s and put hurt feelings above country. The dem’s if they had the balls which is doubtful should go to their members and address every issue and pass a bill without one Repuk vote. The last time a bill passed without one Repuk vote was under Clinton in 1993 and look what the economy did after that. You Folks remember gas at $1.50 a gallon or less a balanced budget and a whopping surplus. now under Bush and a Repuk House and Senate for six of the last 8 years gas at over $4,00 a gallon no surplus and the Budget hasn’t been balanced in years. Wall street was the victim of greed and those responsible should go to jail. ( don’t hold your breath) I have only one advice for all those that want to continue down this road VOTE FOR MCSAME AND THAT DIP SHIT OF A RUNNING MATE

  32. anonone says:

    Right on, Truth Teller!!! (Except Bush would veto it.)

  33. Tyler Nixon says:

    (“Here’s a thought” is the link to my post over at Libertarianville, Delaware).

  34. anonone says:

    More “LOL” stuff for Tyler:

    NASDAQ Jan 19, 2001 = 2770.38
    NASDAQ September 29, 2008 = 1983.73

    CPI, January 19, 2001: 175
    CPI, September 29, 2008: 219

    Dollar exchange with Euro, January 19, 2001: 1.068
    Dollar exchange with Euro, September 29, 2008: .695

  35. cassandra_m says:

    Folks have been taking credit for McCain saving this deal since yesterday:

    “[T]his bill would not have been agreed to had it not been for John McCain. … But, you know, this is a bipartisan accomplishment, a bipartisan success. And if people want to get something done in Washington, they just watch John McCain.” — Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, 9/29/08

    “Earlier in the week, when Senator McCain came back to Washington, there had been no deal reached. … What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all the parties to the table, including the House Republicans.” — Senior adviser Steve Schmidt, 9/28/08

    “But here are the facts, and I’m not overselling anything. The fact is that the House Republicans were not in the mix at all. John didn’t phone this one in. He came and actually did something. … You can’t phone something like this in. Thank God John came back.” — Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), 9/28/08

    So how do they walk this back? I’m betting they blame Clinton or they get their victimhood on.

  36. Paul says:

    “Wall street was the victim of greed and those responsible should go to jail.”

    Will that include the Home-Mortgage signer that lied about their income and other assets? Knowing full well that when the ARM became due that they would not / could not afford the payments. ILL gotten goods.

    And please, stop the BS about refinancing the house as the house inflation made the house worth more. And the Owner could count on that. That is Gambling, and they lost the bet. NOW is the time to PAY on that bet.

    The FASTEST cure to this financial Crisis is to let it fail. Let the remainder of the Market survive.
    Time to stop subsidizing stupidity.
    The most expensive part of an education ‘is not having one’. If you think education is expensive, consider the cost of ignorance.

  37. Tyler Nixon says:

    Sing along, anonone:

    Gee our old LaSalle ran great…

  38. anonone says:

    Sing along, Tyler:

    They used to tell me I was building a dream, and so I followed the mob,
    When there was earth to plow, or guns to bear, I was always there right on the job.
    They used to tell me I was building a dream, with peace and glory ahead,
    Why should I be standing in line, just waiting for bread?

    Once I built a railroad, I made it run, made it race against time.
    Once I built a railroad; now it’s done. Brother, can you spare a dime?
    Once I built a tower, up to the sun, brick, and rivet, and lime;
    Once I built a tower, now it’s done. Brother, can you spare a dime?

    Once in khaki suits, gee we looked swell,
    Full of that Yankee Doodly Dum,
    Half a million boots went slogging through Hell,
    And I was the kid with the drum!
    Say, don’t you remember, they called me Al; it was Al all the time.
    Why don’t you remember, I’m your pal? Buddy, can you spare a dime?

    Once in khaki suits, gee we looked swell,
    Full of that Yankee Doodly Dum,
    Half a million boots went slogging through Hell,
    And I was the kid with the drum!
    Say, don’t you remember, they called me Al; it was Al all the time.
    Say, don’t you remember, I’m your pal? Buddy, can you spare a dime?

  39. mike w. says:

    Republicans and 40% of Democrats voted against this bailout because their constituents were against it. Regardless of what the talking heads are saying today they did the right thing with this vote. They represented their constituents, which is after all what members of the House of Representatives is supposed to do.

    “I’m not sure I want the bail-out, but blaming a speech for changing your yea to a nay is childish.”

    Agreed pandora – members had their minds made up on this vote well before Pelosi’s speech.

  40. Tyler Nixon says:

    Follow the bouncing troll?

    (You better jump out of the way, anon, or the sky may hit you on its way down…)

  41. Truth Teller says:


    Don’t be so sure that Bush would veto it . Remember it’s the Mushroom cloud over wall Street and he wants the 700 BILLION for his friends. So the Dem’s ought to load this bill up so it really protects the Tax payers. And let him Veto it if he dares.Let them put their balls on the desk and see if he is man enough to slap them. i was success in my career because i was able to call all the pussies who were my superiors wsho lacked conviction and those who worked under me to allow them to challenge me and saddly to say i won most of the time because they didn’t have the confiction of their beliefes.

  42. Joanne Christian says:

    ECONOMIC CLEANSING NOW!!!! Anything else, delays and devalues the inevitable, and I just want to get this over with, instead of all the twists, and turns and rule changes of programs that will never benefit a 2 job working, tax paying, law abiding (I think),and rule-following schmuckette like myself. Just this past week, I received the great news my line-of-credit I use against my “already OWNED hard assets”, has decreased 50%!! That’s 50% folks….what the heck are people doing who don’t even own a doorknob, or hood ornament? No, I’m not saying “poor them”…I’m screaming…Stop them!!….because as time will tell, once again, those irresponsible, and reckless w/ credit will gain from the U.ltimate S.afetynet A.ssociation–and that vine climbs right up the tree to those higher branches. My husband is bringing up the suggestion to start accepting payment in euros…hey why not? It’s all on the table….

  43. Tyler Nixon says:

    “The same BushCO Tyler Nixon helped put in office in 2000.”

    Hmmm. So that was what was really going on when I was a campaign field staffer for Senator Bill Roth during the 2000 election?

    Damn, anonone, you are an oracle dude! Or perhaps your are channeling Dave Addington’s snide comment to me about Roth’s loss…

    …you remind me a lot of Addington. Same disposition.

  44. anon says:

    I am coming on board with the “economic cleansing” argument.

    What if instead of Doomsday, what we are facing is just an ordinary recession? And at the end of it, we will have shed all the trick mortgages, the leveraged securities, the credit card debt for plasma TVs and trips to DisneyWorld, the McMansions, and the granite countertops?

    ….what the heck are people doing who don’t even own a doorknob

    Guess what, the poor will still be poor.

  45. Tyler Nixon says:

    Well said, anon.

    Did I miss where the social safety net collapsed (or will collapse) in this country, along with all this bad paper?

    Or is it that some of us want it to be a cozy hammock, lined with C-notes?

  46. liberalgeek says:

    Tyler, there ar a lot of holes in that safety net, and we are having trouble patching them with the cobwebs we have been given to work with…

  47. pandora says:

    The scary thing is NO ONE knows what will happen. This is all theory.

    Again, not sure where I stand on the bail-out (or should we call it rescue?) package. So many unknowns.

  48. Not Brian says:

    The market is a short term (down to the second when open) barometer of the price one party will pay for another for a share of a company.

    Today’s fast fall in stock prices may be largely due to the reaction to the bailout failure, but if it was not this drop today, it would be other days. Even if the bailout succeeds, it helps banks and will increase short term liquidity. That does not solve the problem.

    We have had earnings driven by people becoming heavily indebted. All this excess cash was dumped into the economy. Unless you believe that once the credit markets get settled out that banks will take the same risks, and that houses will increase in value and we will get back to the sme liquidity as today then you have to realze there will be less money out there to spend in the economy. Than results in lower earnings.

    The market had been priced like the boom was going to go on forever. It needs to come down. Paying banks for having been irresponsible will not help. Bailing out derivatives that will have NO VALUE in a severe recession is not an answer.

    Economic cleansing is the only way for it to work.

    I could see an an argument for putting the $700Bln into infrastructure (stimulate employment and invest in the future) or for some form of assistance to homeowners designed to help them improve their equity position in their home, but a blank check to the banks is insane. It is a giveaway. It is a crime.

    I work for a big FI, it would likely benefit me directly for this to go through. It should not.

    People who believe that the stock market will be harmed by this are crazy, it is the tail wagging the dog. People are getting out of stocks because they (and their risk) are not worth what they are priced at, not because the bailout failed. The DJIA is down from 14K… did it lose the first 25% over a year because of anticipation of the bailout not passing? No, because it is over valued. The market needs to settle out, it does not need to be supported.

  49. Pooping Left Wing Troll says:

    I strap myself in before I go poop $700 billion. How about you?

  50. anonone says:

    “Did I miss where the social safety net collapsed (or will collapse) in this country, along with all this bad paper?”

    You did. Think about the impact on state tax revenues, and then watch where the necessary budget cuts are made. There will be massive shortfalls due to low financial institution profits and capital gains taxes.

  51. anonone says:

    Tyler, I guess you and Bill Roth were out campaigning for Al Gore, right? Just like your supporting Obama, now. Right? Right?

    Oh, and let’s not forget you helping to install the Bush-Cheney regime and war criminal Donald Rumsfeld in particular after the stolen election in 2000.

    You have much more in common with David Addington than I ever will.

  52. Unstable Isotope says:

    See what happens when you are out of touch all day? My parents are visiting and we went to the beach. I come home to find our stock market lost 7% of its value!

  53. Not Brian says:

    Well at least it did not ruin your day at the beach!

  54. Tyler Nixon says:

    “Tyler, I guess you and Bill Roth were out campaigning for Al Gore, right?”

    You’re a “smart” lawyer anonone, what are you saying?

    Really, your contortions have become absurd. Because I didn’t campaign for Al Gore I “helped elect” George Bush??

    Your constantly cyber stalking me here on DL is quite tiresome and tired, if only because it is always the same tripe.

    Chrissakes, come up with some original material…like you want to mass murder all Republicans or something.

  55. Joanne Christian says:

    U.I –Enjoy that day at the beach because your virtual stock lost a virtual 7%…..or whatever other amount the cybercapitalists/crooks declare. Up in smoke now baby….our money was played with on the front end…and now we’re being asked to double down. DUMB DOWN is more like it. There’s a reason you don’t throw good money after bad….but our legislators keep winding for the pitch….

  56. anonone says:

    Hey Tyler,

    As long as your writing about your repub opinions, I’ll respond. Nothing personal, I just think the last thing Delaware needs is to elect a right wing repub representative like you.

    Anybody actively campaigning for repubs in 2000 was also helping Bush-Cheney get elected, just as you and your party are trying to get McCain-Palin and Christine O’Donnell elected this year.

    You can’t be serious in your objections to Bush/Cheney and then support and share a ticket with McSame, who voted with Bush 90% of the time and selected an utter moron for a running mate.

  57. Tyler Nixon says:

    Stalk away. You don’t respond to anything. You trot out your black-and-white one-dimensional delusions and play them on loop.

    Why is it you don’t “respond” to my writings of my “repub opinions” anywhere else in the blogosphere (besides kavips)?

    Like I said, add me to your mass murder list. I know who you are and it is pretty revolting to believe it.

    Want me to call you out by name? We can get right to the bottom of it in short order, to illuminate all our Delaware Liberal friends and fanatics.

  58. Gharmon says:

    We can keep pointing fingers, but the facts are this is going to get much worse. I am sad to say it, but I went to the bank this evening and took out $500 (daily limit) and am going to do the same tomorrow, just to have “under the mattress.” Overreacting? Sure. But it makes me feel better. Your bank goes under, the FDIC won’t be handing out checks the next day….
    It’s funny, when my grandfather passed away and we were cleaning out his house, we found nearly $7,000 stashed in drawers, closets, etc. and thought it was crazy. Different times, but this is a glimpse into why that generation didn’t trust banks…..

  59. Hmm…I think I have a clue. How come I’ve never seen anonone comment on any other DE blogs?!?

  60. anonone says:


    Interesting – I have written on other blogs (including yours, Mike) but not so much recently. I don’t read other DE blogs much.

    Anyway, I don’t know where you get the “mass murder list” stuff. I don’t believe in violence, nor do I wish you any harm. I don’t disparage you personally. I attack your political beliefs and your record – doesn’t that come with the territory? I comment on many other threads in this blog that you don’t, and you’re most welcome to rip them if you want. I can handle it, and I won’t call you names (other than a right wing repub :)).

    You are running for office. You are commenting on these threads. It seems to me that it is perfectly legitimate for anybody to respond to you as you are voluntarily a public figure.

    Regardless, you don’t have to respond to my posts. I don’t know why you consider commenting on your posts to a blog thread as “stalking”. Isn’t that what these forums are for? That seems a bit paranoid to me.

    You’re the “smart” lawyer here, Tyler, not me. You’re the one running for office, not me.

    In regards to anonymity, I don’t know why you have such a problem with that. I don’t know who anybody is who writes under a pseudonym unless they have told us (like Mike Mathews). I don’t know who Cassandra or DD or Kavips or Not Brian or whatever Throwing Monkey or evil twin or Mike w. are. No clue. And it doesn’t matter to me; and if I knew I wouldn’t tell (even Mike w.). You probably wouldn’t care who I was if I wrote to agree with you all the time. But if trying to guess who people are or trying to “out” them is something you think would endear you to this community, I think you will find that you’re sadly mistaken.

    All the best.

    P.S. For the record, you did ask me how I was doing in your first post on this thread.

  61. Tyler Nixon says:

    “But if trying to guess who people are or trying to “out” them is something you think would endear you to this community, I think you will find that you’re sadly mistaken.”

    I am not looking to be endeared just not lied about. Only people who fabricate distorted about lies about me, like I supported George Bush, garner my attention for eventual unmasking. You’re not as clever as you think…believe me.

    You are fair game, bud, as long as you engage in personal attacks and blatant mischaracterization of my beliefs and values by cheap false association with people I detest.

    A few life experiences like having been privy to a Presidential Transition Team as a volunteer staff assistant or working as a Roth campaign staffer are insufficient by any reasonable calculus for you to characterize me as you do.

    You are rigid and doctrinaire in the most shallow manner and as I said, it is tiresome because you add nothing but distortion and attack.

    I know who you are and you deserve none of your craven anonymity as long as you continue to falsely characterize me, no matter how reduction ad absurdum your criteria are.

    You should know that Latin, lawyer boy.

    So are you ready for me to call you out?

    Otherwise deal with the consequences of your actions.

  62. Hmm…I’m looking through my archives and I’ve never had an “anonone” comment on my blog. If you’re who I think you are, then you’ve certainly commented on my blog using another name that’s well known by most people who read these blogs…hmmm!

  63. pandora says:

    Mike, why are inserting yourself into this? Does this concern you in any way, shape or form? For the record, I don’t like threats of “outing”.

  64. Tyler Nixon says:

    By the way, I consider ‘outing’ someone’s evil anonymous “alter ego” a lot different than outing a truly anonymous writer using only one pseudonym, which is NOT the case with anonone.

    Have the balls to say what you say to me with the name you usually use around here. I mean really, what do you have to fear from me? I can take any heat, but I can’t abide a craven smear artist hiding his split personality behind an alter ego identity.

  65. Pandora,

    I’m not going to out anyone. anonone made a comment that he/she has commented on my blog. I am disputing that. Again, I don’t see it as my place to out anyone and I’m really not interested in pursuing that. Even though this anonone person has said some really ridiculous things about Tyler.

  66. anonone says:

    “A few life experiences like having been privy to a Presidential Transition Team as a volunteer staff assistant or working as a Roth campaign staffer are insufficient by any reasonable calculus for you to characterize me as you do.”

    Then we disagree. I think volunteering to help Don Rumsfeld get confirmed and serving on the Bush/Cheney transition team in 2000 is part of your record. Some people would view that positively; others would not. My opinion is with the latter. You may not think that it shows your support for Bush/Cheney at the time, but I think that it does. You couldn’t have paid me to do that.

    Newt Gingrich’s corrupt and disgraceful record in the house is what it is. You proudly served him. Some people would view that positively; others would not. My opinion is with the latter.

    You are currently sharing a ticket with John McCain, Sarah Palin, and Christine O’Donnell. You have been outspoken in your criticisms on Bush/Cheney yet you uncritically share a ticket with a person who voted with Bush 90% of the time. Some people might view that positively; others would call is hypocrisy. My opinion is with the latter.

    You supported Ron Paul for the repub nomination for President. Ron Paul published some absolutely vile racist remarks in his newsletter in the 90’s, and didn’t denounce them until years later. Some people believe him now, others don’t. My opinion is with the latter.

    Your record, like all politicians, is subject to judgement and interpretation. Obviously and understandably, you don’t like my judgement of yours. I don’t think it is distortion, and you can disagree. Politics isn’t softball.

    If you want to chill free speech on blog threads and try to shut people up that disagree with you, keep threatening to out people. I guess threats are what you do, and honestly, it isn’t very becoming.

  67. It has nothing to do with chilling free speech, anon. You’re making way too many PERSONAL allegations and innuendos to make anyone believe your anonymous moniker is now appropriate at this point. I know who you are. I will not reveal your name. The next time I see you out, I’l just give you a little wink to let you know I know who you are. And I think it’s a fucking disgrace that as someone who generally comments under a name people recognize that you would put out your ridiculous anti-GOP hate against a guy like Tyler who has been attempting to revive the party on a local basis.

    By the way, anonone, you are a Democrat. Sen. Robert Byrd is a Democrat and, at one time, a grand wizard in the KKK. So, by your illogical deductions, that would make you just as bad as Tyler for having supported Bush and Co. in 2000. If you actually gave a damn and spoke to Tyler, then you’d realize that he’s got about the same amount of fire in his belly against BushCo. as the fine folks here at DL.

    Snap out of it, lose the anonone moniker, and go pack to posting your ridiculous all-anti-GOP, all-the-time rants under the name we all know you by here.

  68. Tyler Nixon says:

    “Tyler for having supported Bush and Co. in 2000”

    I appreciate your support, Mike.

    To correct : I DID NOT support Bush-Cheney in 2000, if by support you mean voting for, working for, contributing to, or otherwise advocating or doing any damn thing for them whatsoever.

    During the 2000 primary I supported McCain. Otherwise, my focus in 2000 was for Bill Roth. I voted for Harry Browne for president.

    The Transition Team opportunity was short and interesting, but in no way substantive. It was a glimpse of the “inside”. A Transition Team is a formal government entity, not a campaign/political organization. To say I “installed the Bush regime” is hallucinatory.

    Yeah, politics ain’t softball “anonone”. You are as much in the public fray here as I. You can’t honestly believe I should take your smear and give you a free anonymous pass do you? Drop the phony umbrage about being “outed”. Grow up. There are no rules except : learn to take what you dish out.

  69. anonone says:

    Mike Mathews:

    I don’t post under any other name. I have not made any “PERSONAL” allegations or “innuendos “against Tyler – I comment on his posts and his political record. The personal attacks and name calling are from him, and he has called me a lot of them.

    I hate what the GOP has done to our country in the same way a German would hate the Nazi party for what they did to their country. Tyler’s past and current record as a loyal GOPer is pretty clear as I outlined in post 69. As I have said before, I hope that one day the GOP is relegated to the dustbin of history and that their members aren’t welcome into polite society in the same way other extremist totalitarian political parties have been. So I don’t want to see it “revived” locally or nationally.

    People that have “fire in [the] belly against BushCo” aren’t supporting or running on the same ticket as McCain-Palin, Mike Castle, or your sweet heart Christine O’Donnell (sorry) as Tyler is.

  70. anonone says:

    Yes, Tyler, a Transition Team is a formal government entity but it is staffed by political appointees, not civil servants, often as a perk for party loyalty.

    I appreciate what you’re saying, and I take you at your word for who you voted for, but I don’t believe that having anything to do with helping Bush/Cheney “transition” after they stole the election was a noble endeavor.

    Personally, I was on the streets of D.C. on January 20, 2001 protesting his coronation.

    You wrote, “You are as much in the public fray here as I.” No, Tyler, I am not. You are running for office. I am not.

  71. Tyler Nixon says:

    You are such a con artist and liar. I have lambasted Christine O’Donnell many many times as a religious zealot whom I would never support, including on this blog. (Matthews will confirm this).

    Your allegation is typically false. But since you only really migrated over here relatively recently, I can understand how you may have missed my comments on Ms. O’Donnell from over the past 2 years, dating back to her ’06 bid.

    The only candidate you mentioned who I have shown any support for is John McCain, and that has only been in fairly recent public comments.

    I am on the ballot for state rep in the Republican column, as well as the Libertarian Party column. I am not on a “ticket” and I certainly have my own independent political identity quite divergent from others running as Republicans. Obviously you are simply incapable of any such rational distinction.

    Your obvious political retardation and hypersimplifications don’t change that I am running as my own person. Your reference to my “record” is a complete joke. What record?? A couple of short-lived low level staff positions almost a decade ago??

    Try as you might this is not a “record” for cripes sake. If anything is a “record” is it my countless public statements, whether blogged, broadcast, or otherwise, harshly excoriating many of those you falsely claim I “support”, by ballot osmosis.

    Merely because your entire shallow identity revolves around being a “dem” doesn’t mean mine revolves around being a Republican, nor that anyone else’s revolves around their party affiliation, simply because you can’t see past your own mania.

    Your party absolutism is your own pathology and apparently allows you rationalize any lying distortion to suit your twisted perspective, which is just sad for you. I sincerely pity you and your seething nastiness.

    You insert yourself into a public controversy with public statements about public matters. You are definitely fair game. What do you think, people become your one-way punching bags because they step up and run for office? But I appreciate your 2nd-rate lawyer parsing of what defines a “public figure”. They teach you that in constitutional law?

    Ready to come clean?

  72. Paul says:

    I was on the D.C. streets on January 20, 2001. I saw protesters.
    Were you one of them? Who threw Apples and Oranges over the police lines, to try to hit marchers in the Parade? That was Wise and noble.
    I was located near the Navy and Marine Monument, that has lots of flags displayed. I watched a band of protesters, dressed in Black, With knit caps, and bandannas hiding their faces, to make them anonone-mous. They carried 5 gallon plastic buckets to make drumming noises. They carried gallon milk bottles with water to rinse their eyes from any tear gas used against them. They climbed the monuments nearby, tore down the flags, that represented many years of History and Traditions that made this Country, and Defended Liberty all across the world. They then trampled and tore the flags. Some tried to burn the flags.
    Is that the anonymity that you support? Is that the idea of protest, that you support. You were there.
    I hope to see you there next January 20. I hope to be there to see a President who knows and respects the History of this Country and it’s Veterans. I’ll be between 7 and 9 St NW, and Penna Ave. At the Navy monument.

  73. anonone says:


    Then I stand corrected regarding your “support” for Ms. O’Donnell. You’re right; I have not read all the posts that you have ever written on here or anywhere else. But like it or not, you do share the ticket with her as defined in the dictionary as “a list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public offices”.

    The only reason that I know about your experience working for Gingrich and the Bush/Cheney transition team is because you used to feature them on your website. You may want to relegate them as “a couple of short-lived low level staff positions almost a decade ago”, but that is not how you wrote about them before on your website:

    “In August 1994 Tyler began work in the U.S. House of Representatives on the staff of Congressman Newt Gingrich. When the GOP became the majority in Congress he served in the House Speaker’s Office for most of 1995, frequently staffing meetings among senior Congressional leaders.
    Tyler has assisted political campaigns at every level, from State Representative to President, including a position on Senator Bill Roth’s campaign staff, where he worked on minority and youth outreach, media relations, and campaign advance. After the 2000 election he assisted the Congressional Relations staff of the Presidential Transition Team, working directly with Donald Rumsfeld, Mel Martinez, and other cabinet nominees to coordinate their confirmations by the U.S. Senate.”

    Your words, not mine.

    Of course, now this is scrubbed from your website, and it doesn’t even mention that you’re either a repub or a libertarian.

    Party affiliations matter. Had you been successful in getting the very old and ill Bill Roth re-elected in 2000, the repubs and Trent Lott would have clearly controlled the Senate, instead of the 50-50 split. I guess that is what you wanted. Party majority status in the legislative bodies makes a big difference regardless of how “mavericky” individual members think they are. I want to see as few repubs as possible elected in Delaware and nationally.

    By the way, in an earlier post you wrote “You should know that Latin, lawyer boy.” Are you really that racist to use “Latin” as a derogatory term and refer to someone you think is a Latino man as a “boy”? That is surprising, particularly from you.

    Finally, your name-calling, threats, and “calling out” are more suited to bad behavior on an elementary school playground than a serious political candidate.

  74. You’ll be there for Barack Obama, Paul?

  75. anonone,

    You’re a bigger moron than I thought. Tyler wasn’t referring to Latin, the race. He was referring to the Latin phrase he used in the sentence before. Jesus Christ are you that thick?

    reduction ad absurdum your criteria are.

    You should know that Latin, lawyer boy.

    Got it?

    Also, because Tyler has been on the same ticket as George Bush and you seem to not be able to stop criticizing him for it, how about answering the point I made above: Because a former grand wizard of the KKK, Robert Byrd, was on the same ticket as Al Gore, John Kerry, and Barack Obama, doesn’t that make them just as guilty?

    You’re reasoning and rationale are pathetic. Now walk away with your tail between your legs because you’re cooked!

  76. anonone says:


    I was not among the very very small minority of lawbreaking protestors. In fact, as I was holding my sign standing outside the exit closest to the coronation, one of the repubs came over to me as he was leaving and said, “What are you doing out here? You look like one of us!”

    I replied, “I am. I am an American.”

    Hopefully, I’ll be back there next year to celebrate instead of protest. See you there!

  77. anonone says:

    Mike Mathews:

    I don’t know Latin and I don’t like to be referred to as “boy”. Sorry, I missed the context. My mistake, and I apologize to Tyler.

    I have never voted for Robert Byrd, and he has never led or been on the Delaware or the national Democratic ticket, so your argument is beyond ridiculous.

  78. No, anonone. The argument works. Now you’re being selective in how you wish to apply your own standards. Or, should I say, double standards. What a fraud and a hypocrite.

  79. anonone says:

    Mike M:

    Could you please provide a reference that shows that Senator Byrd was a grand wizard of the KKK?

    He was admittedly a member some 55 years ago, and he has said, “I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times… and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.”

    We can talk about a W.V. Senator’s horrible racist judgement from 55 years ago or we can talk about what is going on in Delaware and nationally today. I am interested in the latter, not the former.

    John McCain and Sarah Palin are running for President today and Tyler supports them even though McCain voted voted with Bush 90% of the time. That is the public record. If you want to elect a McCain-Palin repub, then vote for Tyler.

    By the way, I respect and acknowledge that you’re defending your friend.

  80. Perhaps not grand wizard, maybe wizard of the bed sheets. Either way, it’s like you’re excusing his past behavior. But the difference between you and me is that you seem bent on castigating Nixon against his mere association and involvement with the Republican party because of George Bush. Well, you should point that mirror inwards when you’ve got some trainwrecks in your own party.

  81. Tyler Nixon says:

    The only reason that I know about your experience working for Gingrich and the Bush/Cheney transition team is because you used to feature them on your website.”

    That was “featured” in my bio section of my website OVER FOUR YEARS AGO. It hasn’t been there since late 2005.

    Only one person around here knew me during that campaign (2004), which is another reason why I know who you are. Like I said, you’re not as clever as you think.

    I love the “scrubbed from my website” assertion. That website was put together in early 2004 by a professional web designer. After that campaign ended, I became my own webmaster, through the ’06 campaign and since. Nothing was “scrubbed”. The whole ’04 website was scrapped.

    Here are other quotes from that bio from 2004 :

    “Tyler is a U.S. Army Infantry combat veteran. His service as a soldier began in November 1990 with an active-duty Airborne enlistment. He served a two-year tour in Berlin, Germany with Company B – 6/502nd Infantry Regiment, an air assault unit affiliated with the 101st Airborne Division. In 1991 he deployed to the northern Iraqi border for combat operations with the Allied Ground Combat Force.

    Tyler served in the 11th Special Forces Group and later the Virginia Army National Guard Infantry, while also a leader in the Georgetown Army ROTC cadet cadre. In May 1995 he received a permanent commission as an Army Infantry Officer and soon joined the Delaware Army National Guard, serving as a line commander in Laurel, Dagsboro, and Delaware City.

    He is a recipient of the Army Achievement Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal, Expert Infantryman’s Award, Parachutist Wings, and the WWII Army of Occupation Medal (for service in the Berlin Brigade). Currently he is a Captain in the Individual Ready Reserve.”

    “He is committed to the simple maxim that clean energy = clean air, clean water, and a cleaner Delaware.

    “His campaign offers Delawareans a positive, inclusive message and the chance to take back their government, putting public service back into politics.”

    “Tyler will make Delaware’s government accountable to all citizens, vigilant of individual liberties, responsive to growing environmental concerns, a partner to free enterprise, and worthy of taxpayer trust. He is an independent, strong leader who believes in only one special interest — the public interest.”

    But none of that matters because I am a hated Republican (and Libertarian), right? We all know one person around here who hates Republicans like the plague and openly expresses such hatred, unlike anyone else on DL. It happens to be someone who knew me back in ’04 too.

    You can tap dance and lie to preserve the pernicious alter ego you call “anonone”, which only makes you lower in my book, but you are quite craven and quite two-faced. You can say it’s “nothing personal” but I take it quite personally, since I know you and you know me…personally.

  82. anonone says:


    No, not a Wizard at all and I am not excusing anything.

    Maybe you can explain this to me. How can a person who has supposedly been against Bush/Cheney for years turn around and support McSame who has supported Bush 90% of the time for the last 7 years? And after McCain nominated Palin, who make O’Donnell look like a policy wonk ?

    You don’t see the cognitive dissonance in that?

  83. anonone says:


    Before you go too far down the path of crediting someone you know as me, let me be clear: we have never met. The only time our paths may have crossed that I know of was at a Ronald Reagan rally in Media, PA in the 80’s. You were there as a supporter; I was there as a protestor.

    And I don’t hate you. I hate what your political party has done to our country.

  84. Tyler Nixon says:

    LOL. Yeah. And you closely followed my 2004 campaign too, right? Enough to unearth a bio from a website for a nomination bid that never made it past May 2004.

    Are you obsessed or crazy or both?

    You can tap dance on, but you are very hate-filled and not just about a political party.

  85. anonone says:

    Doing research into the past records of politicians is not a bad thing.

  86. Tyler Nixon says:

    Really? Have you figured out who Harris McDowell is yet?

    Or by ‘politicians’ do you just mean Republicans?

    “I don’t even know who Harris McDowell is.” – anonone

    That you don’t know who Harris McDowell is speaks volumes of your ignorance.

  87. anonone says:

    Yes, I do now. But hey, I am ignorant. As I said, I don’t follow local politics much outside my district. I guess you know everything about everybody.

  88. Tyler Nixon says:

    …your ignorance.

  89. anonone says:

    Yes, my ignorance. Anything else?

  90. Tyler Nixon says:

    But hey, I am ignorant.

    My God, a truthful assessment from anonone. Pinch me.

    I guess you know everything about everybody.

    No, that’s your job…especially about their hearts and souls.

    Thanks for the lively exchanges, but sincerely you have a severe mental block between what people actually are and how you would like to paint them.

    You’re a hateful anti-Republican. You hate all Republicans, you lump every last one of us in with Bush, and you analogize us to Nazis.

    Your protests otherwise are simply the result of some other mental block you have, perhaps the glaring absence of any ability to be self-critical or real (not surprising for someone hiding behind a pseudonym). Your “record” reveals that you operate on anger and hatred for Republicans. Just admit it.

    Spare us your occasional “Oh but I don’t hate you”. It takes some scary hate to analogize any fellow American to the Nazis. I know because I have done it about Bush and his ilk….BECAUSE, YES, I HATE THEM.

    I can admit it. You should stop trying to kid yourself and everyone else that you don’t hate ALL Republicans, versus “what their party has done….blah blah blah”

    My only regret is getting sucked into this anonsense. So have the last word.

  91. Joanne Christian says:

    I’m glad I went to bed before this all started. This is creepy….and I don’t want this made into an Oxygen channel movie….Interesting, DL hasn’t had one of their own threaten the ban button…oh the bread crumbs….Tyler…I hope you’re licensed to conceal!!! Matthews….you were good to be there!!!
    Anone-Help really is very available, and accessible–and you can be anone or a someone in accessing. Truly, your obsessing, categorizing, cataloging, and targeting is crossing some boundaries that concerns this reader. DL can be in touch in w/ me if you need the help/support to navigate that first step–all anonymous of course. You will be relieved at the freedom and lift a rational line of thinking will bring to you–and it’s non-partisan!

  92. anonone says:

    “It takes some scary hate to analogize anyone to the Nazis.” Really? Tell me which of these things did not happen in the last 7 years of repub rule or under the Nazis?

    – Unprovoked invasion of other countries
    – Big lies
    – Torture and killing of innocents
    – Imprisonment without charges
    – Spying on citizens and building a police state
    – Putting the interests of “the Party” over the interests of the Country
    – Questioning the patriotism of dissenters
    – Stifling free speech
    – Politicization of the courts and Justice Department
    – Vote suppression

    All of these have occurred as official policies under the leadership of the repubs with the enthusiastic support of your candidate, McSame. If the Germans had stopped the Hitler and the Nazis earlier, we would not have had WWII. Maybe we can expose and stop “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” McCain and the repubs before it is too late for our country and the world.

    That is not hate – it is hope.

  93. mike w. says:

    “….Tyler…I hope you’re licensed to conceal!!! ”

    Haha. The nice thing is he’s free to carry openly in this great state.

  94. Paul says:

    “I hope to see you there next January 20. I hope to be there to see a President who knows and respects the History of this Country and it’s Veterans. I’ll be between 7 and 9 St NW, and Penna Ave. At the Navy monument.”

    “You’ll be there for Barack Obama, Paul?”

    What would it take for Obama to have such an awakening, to respect the History of this Country and it’s Veterans.?
    If he wins, I’ll be at home, making things secure. Wiring a new security camera system. And stowing away enough Ammo to last 4 to 8 years.

  95. liberalgeek says:

    Paul – you are a sad man.

  96. anon says:

    You’d better check the ammo and supplies you stored away when Clinton won; they are out of date.