If You Could Ask Jack Markell a Question….

Filed in Delaware by on October 3, 2008

…what would that be?    Cassandra, Liberal Geek and I will soon have the opportunity to do just that.   We have our questions, but I thought it would be nice to hear what questions the Delaware Liberal community has.  And if the questions are good, we may ask them for you.    So in the comments, pose your own questions of the man who may indeed be our next Governor.

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  1. nemski says:

    When Markell looks back at the end of his two terms(!) as governor, what will be the accomplishments of Governorship that will tell him that he did a good job?

  2. Kilroy says:

    Please ask Jack,
    With all indications point to Copeland winning the lt. governor’s race, do you see a Markell / Copeland administration a benefit in breaking the deadlock in fill financial transparency of public schools?

  3. Land Use: County land use is out of control in Sussex and New Castle. What are his plans to remedy this?

  4. Kilroy says:

    Kilroy // Oct 3, 2008 at 10:11 am

    Try it again!

    Please ask Jack,
    With all indications pointing to Copeland winning the lt. governor’s race, do you see a Markell / Copeland administration a benefit in breaking the deadlock in full financial transparency of public schools?

  5. nemski says:

    Kilroy, do you really think they’ll ask it that way? The financial transparency is quite important though and it should be asked.

  6. Another Mike says:

    Will he make clear to the General Assembly that the days of closed government in Dover are a thing of the past?

  7. DavidV says:

    How about a medicinal marijuana plan?

  8. Kilroy says:

    I think they may and inject, if Copeland wins.

    I’ve spoke to him by phone and E-mails and easily could ask myself . Don’t want to bug him as he needs to focus on winning ! Which I support

    Also, there are other ways to communicate


  9. Kilroy says:

    5 nemski // Oct 3, 2008 at 10:43 am

    “Kilroy, do you really think they’ll ask it that way? The financial transparency is quite important though and it should be asked.”

    I think they may and inject, if Copeland wins.

    I’ve spoke to him by phone and E-mails and easily could ask myself . Don’t want to bug him as he needs to focus on winning ! Which I support

    Also, there are other ways to communicate


  10. liberalgeek says:

    Kilroy – You keep saying that Copeland is looking good. Where are you getting that impression? I get the impression that Copeland doesn’t have the statewide appeal that Denn has.

  11. edisonkitty says:

    As Governor, will you support extending Medicaid benefits to eligible adults that will provide dental care, as we do now for children?

    If so, what steps will you take to make this a reality?

  12. Kilroy says:

    liberalgeek // Oct 3, 2008 at 11:18 am
    “Kilroy – You keep saying that Copeland is looking good’

    Look I am not the guy biggest fan and I walk for the Delaware GOP as Chair of the 19th Rd, Delegate and member of the state committee. Though Bush tarnished by image of the GOP presidents come and go by local parties don’t.
    I am sure you can agree this election will be historical in minority turn out. Copeland has made deep inroads in the minority community. One of biggest social issues plaguing minorities is record numbers of minorities incarcerated. I am not talking about harden felony criminals but stupid shit like drug use / possession, petty crime and probation violation. We can debate those issues however, there are deportation in sentencing between black and white and some overkill mandatory sentence guidelines. Also, Personally I agree if a non-violent offenders comes out of jail and keeps his ass out of trouble for say 5 years, yea give him a pardon and clear his record and restore some civil liberties like voting.

    Keeping people down after doing the crime and then the times does really offer hope for someone who really wants to be a productive member of society.

    Copeland does recognize the needs to address prison healthcare issues and reforming sentencing guidelines and such. The minority vote block should be taken for granite especially this historical election. Throw in Copeland will get 100% Republican vote, many independents, minority votes and a few democratic votes. And OMG, his f’ing charming ways, he wins!
    Also, having a Republican Lt. Governor with a Democrat Governor ( a given) you have some sense of political balance and surely Copeland would keep a diary that could be used against jack in 4 years. If they work together on such issue of financial transparency maybe both sides could come together and do what is right.
    So, where are all the poll for the Lt, Governor’s race??

    My relationship with Copeland wasn’t me just being someone yapping in the community! I had ongoing communication with Copeland about the education issues and through the political function we sat and talked. I feel he just sold me out by not getting involved in the Red Clay breaking the laws at will on contract bid laws, charter school approval laws and complete disregard for financial oversight in which I use to be a member of the district Community Financial Review Committee in which I boldly insisted the Red Clay School Board approve in which I had to lobby each board member and a off the record indirectly I wouldn’t run for school board. A little F-ing support from Charlie would have helped.

    The needs of the community are way bigger than my ego and personal disappointment in Copeland. Shit, I treated him like an everyday Joe as 75% of his friends are just latching on to him for some stupid social-class bullshit.
    Sorry to rant but many play local Jr. political analysis are base on opinions without real world substance. But then what do I know with a GED and pocketful of college credits ( certainly not in the language arts)

  13. liberalgeek says:

    I was wondering if you had heard that Copeland was doing well from anyone except Copeland (like polls and such)?

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    Yeah, liberalgeek, I would sure like to see those polls with Copeland ahead.

  15. P.I. says:

    Copeland is a legend in his own mind. He has accomplished zip, zero, zilch as a legislator. He is a man who publicly supported open government and sabatoged the effort when it counted. If you look at his record, you’ll find he’s been pretty much useless in Dover except to get on the radio and talk the talk. I guess his shoes are just too small to actually walk the walk.

    Copeland is as unprepared to serve as Lt Gov as Palin is to serve as VP. God help us if either of them is ever in the position to fill the top slot of the state /nation.

  16. arthur says:

    I would like to ask Jack, if his audits only produce .5% reduction in state spending and his job creation plan only produces 10% of the jobs he is promising, what sustainable cost savings plans does he have in place?

  17. Kilroy says:

    liberalgeek // Oct 3, 2008 at 1:57 pm
    “I was wondering if you had heard that Copeland was doing well from anyone except Copeland (like polls and such)?”
    Unstable Isotope // Oct 3, 2008 at 2:22 pm
    “Yeah, liberalgeek, I would sure like to see those polls with Copeland ahead.”

    I too would like to see creditable polls ! Hear from Copeland? Do you really thing he wants me anywhere nears his campaign the way I’ve bee trashing him at Kilroy’s the same time no one has dare to breath his name let alone criticize.
    This election is different and the assumption Carney would win sent a clear signal it’s not politics as usual. We have a major block of minority voters coming into picture and Copeland has capitalized on it. Markell with get the same level of minority votes and the lever doesn’t say Markell / Deen. Copeland’s name will be list on top of Denn’s and Copeland names is more recognizable.

    Nothing personal against Denn as this is pure political opinion on my part!

  18. X Stryker says:

    I would ask the following:

    Jack – Civil Unions. Will you make them happen? Will you promise to make them happen? Thurman Adams be damned?

    (maybe that should read “Thurman Adams be DAMNED!”)

  19. anon says:

    (1) Given the reform fervor and good-government sentiment among your supporters around the state, how are you going to get along and compromise with Thurman Adams, the man whom many regard as evil incarnate, without disappointing your voters?

    (2) Have you met personally with John Atkins, and what do you think of him? Have you struck a deal with him to keep him on the Democratic side should he provide the single-vote majority in the House?

    (3) John Carney made land use one of his primary issues as lieutenant governor. Will you follow the Carney-Minner “Liveable Delaware” approach? Would you consider appointing John Carney to a post overseeing environmental or planning issues?

    Looking forward to your writeup. If you can deliver it with all the nitty-gritty details, so much the better – less emotion and rhetoric, in other words.

  20. Joanne Christian says:

    Given the tenuous dance with education in the budget….what is the viability of the SEED program going forward? And is it preK and fullday K before SEED?

  21. Tom S. says:

    When does life begin?

    Also, you have promised to “close the gun show loophole”. This is a complex issue with many different ideas of what exactly constitutes the “loophole” and many more ways to “close” it. What specific legislation are you looking to put in place.