Obama and My 7 Year Old Daughter
As I was putting my 7 year old daughter to bed on Thursday night (just before the debate) my daughter says, “Daddy, if Obama wins, will he make gas prices go up?” I was a little stunned, but I recovered quickly.
“Hmm. I don’t know. I guess that it is possible that he might raise the taxes on gas a little bit. But he wants to use that money to make cars go farther with less gas.”
“So when I drive, I won’t have to buy as much gas?”
“That’s right.”
“Jenny didn’t tell me that part of it.”
“She said that if Obama is President, gas prices will go up. Then her Mom walked in and said ‘shhh!'”
I fear that my identity as a liberal blogger is getting around the neighborhood.
First question, do you have an Obama sign on your lawn? If so, the sign may have triggered the conversation. This summer my kids came home and told their friends said that Obama wants to murder babies. The conversation happened immediately after I put up the sign.
Also, everyone (including kids) is talking about this election. Or it could be as simple as your reaching celebrity status – which you rightly deserve, btw!
it is funny how parents use thier children as surrogates
I don’t get how Delaware is so blue, yet I feel I am surrounded by red-staters. My neighbor across the street has a McCain-Palin sign up – and we live on a cul-de-sac (how symbolic is that?).
The morning after an Obama win I am putting the flag on my porch and blasting a loop of patriotic songs, Sousa marches, and “Happy Days Are Here Again.”
“it is funny how parents use thier children as surrogates”
Miscreant follows the Troll Creed of “well your side does it too.”
Thanks for playing Miscreant.
Actually, Nemski, it’s more like exposing your hypocrisy. I’m not familiar with the “Troll Creed”. Is that where you don’t have a valid or intelligent response, and you call the poster a “troll”. It seems to happen a lot on this blog. Teach me about the creed, professor, you appear to be a master.
Nice dance, Nemski.
Part of the Troll Creed is to insist on your own response being “valid and intelligent” in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
A bunch of kids singing an inspirational song is sappy as all hell, but not the same thing as lying to your kids — as in telling them that Obama will raise gas prices. If these kids were singing for McCain, I’m sure you wouldn’t find anything corrupt about that.
And in that you find the Troll Creed — a claim that your side does it too, without actually finding an instance where the other side has actually, you know, lied to their kids.
Thanks for the lesson in trollery, Cassandra. And, even though you used the explanation to simply lable me again, you seem to have some real expertise. Nowhere did I insist that my post be taken as valid or intelligent, so that may have been projection on your part.
Actually I would have been as equally offended if McCain, or anyone else, did something so creepy to indoctrinate their children to their way of thinking.
Who is lying? It’s too early to tell what would happen. Even DV had the wisdom to tell his daughter that gas prices may go up, even though he added a little spin (taxes for R & D).
In discussions with my children about both religion and politics, I have tried to be as objective as possible, letting them ultimately decide. I also fully realize they watch what I do. My older daughter is rather liberal, and my youngest is more conservative. I’ve never lied to them, or dressed them up in costumes for my cause.
.Of course, it won’t be a comfortable fit in your “creed”, but try it anyway.
The lie is, of course, that Obama would raise gas prices, which you nicely sidestepped. As we all know now living through the past few years that the price of oil rises and falls for alot of reasons not exactly related to what a President does. Of course oil prices will go up — the lie is telling a little kid that Obama specifically will do so.
“Actually, Nemski, it’s more like exposing your hypocrisy. ”
Yeah, unfortunately the folks here don’t seem to get that.
Yeah, unfortunately the folks here don’t seem to get that.
Missycan’t isn’t getting ‘it’.
His “no where did I insist that my post be taken as valid or intelligent”, while calling Nemski out as a hypocrit relative to his sample, is precisely how he is insisting on the validity of his sample.
So using one’s children to spread Republican “talking points” (since that is the favorite phrase ’round these parts) is a definitive no-no, but brain-washing one’s children into singing a vapid, lie-laden, Stalin-esque “praise our glorious leader” chorus is perfectly acceptable and to be encouraged?
Well, it is good to know that the tradition and heritage of the Democratic Party’s double standards is still alive and well in the world.
Children should be left out of this and I agree with Linoge and
miscreant. Some of the liberals on this site with their tempers and hatred are scary along with their choice.
As for keeping us ‘honest’ and exposing our ‘hypocrisy’, let me quote a rising star of the Republican party, “Thanks, but no thanks.”
Susan, where in my original response was hatred or a flare of temper? Please be specific.
Touchy, Touchy. Hey I’m glad 7 y.olds are talking to their folks about politics, and vice versa. I’m sure the “shhhh”, was more to hush the confusion of what little ones can say. And what do you expect w/ the naive decree that children should be kept out of the discussion? The radio, TVs, and all other medium they watch/listen is saturated w/ the effort. Open up the discussion!! I have kids all over the range of ideaology….and as I was lit dropping today for the very capable and competent Charlie Copeland–my youngest–just 7–says “Mom, How come you have to be 18 to vote?” And mom says..because the government wants you to understand some of the things you’re voting on, now that you are becoming a adult. My point being–what 7 yo even knows you have to be 18? Those whose parents talk to them about responsibility, and what adults should and need to do. The political positioning is no different, than manners in our home, family rules, and holiday rituals. 7 year olds don’t vote–but they still need to be taught civic responsibility–and if the neighbor’s kid got it wrong–you say so what?, and that’s why we vote on things…and that’s why adults vote to help take care of wrong things. Lighten up!
Sorry Nemski, my comment was not directed at you but at some others who have used hatred in the past has caused me to look at liberals in a different light.
The point would be that earnestly telling a seven-year sordid party talking points is just wrong. What next?
The earnest repetition of Sarah Palin’s disgusting attempt to paint Obama as ‘palling around with terrorists’ will lead to little kids being ‘very scared’ of our next president?
“His “no where did I insist that my post be taken as valid or intelligent”, while calling Nemski out as a hypocrit relative to his sample, is precisely how he is insisting on the validity of his sample.”
This is the same logic, or lack thereof, that got you bitch-slapped into oblivion over at Down With Absolutes. His response to my post, which clearly demonstrated hypocrisy, was to ignore the fact that all parties engage in indoctrinating their children to some extent, and to call me a name. My sample wasn’t my statement, your interpretation was. I hope you understand this simple concept. I dumbed it down for you considerably. I do take comfort in the knowledge that your ignorance kicks you in the ass on a daily basis, though.
“As for keeping us ‘honest’ and exposing our ‘hypocrisy’, let me quote a rising star of the Republican party, “Thanks, but no thanks.”
The truth is out there, Nemski. Don’t feel obligated to understand it to the point it interferes with your flawed ideologies.
Joanne, agreed! Politics is discussed in our home, as well as religion and sex ed. My conditions concerning these subjects are that my children refrain from such discussions with other children or adults and always be respectful.
In discussing politics with my children I refrain overly from adult topics. Funny how my 14 and 11 year old knew about Bristol Palin before I did – which obviously generated a discussion. I explained how sad it was for a 17 year old to be in such a position and that her life was forever changed. I offered no harsh, personal judgement, but made it clear that being pregnant and married at 17 was not anything to celebrate.
Exactly pandora–The original post mentioned gas prices..that’s lightweight to a 7yo being burdened w/ abortion and terrorism in their dreams. It’s appropriateness of topic and not politics of candidate that is more suspect here. That’s when I cry foul of a “supposed political discussion”, and insert, this is why adults will make these grown-up decisions, and it’s just great the neighbors know they can vote too!!!!
By the way LG-you handled your daughter’s good night story very well..but Pandora, at our table the Bristol story definitely reflected more of an error at 17 then to compound w/ a poor choice of uneducated, unwilling, unprepared cliff dive into marriage. I told the kids to cut their losses!!! The son said it sounded like a Jerry Springer show in the making! Maybe, because of the ages of mine now..15,17,19…my comments weren’t so unopinionated! I am still incensed at stage appearance of FOB!
I still say that directing conversations with kids about politics is a lot whacky if a ton of partisan stinkpile is included. What they may pick up from the adult’s talking is another thing.
My young environment was one rather vocal conservative parent and at least two very vocal anti-establishment older siblings trading barbs at the dinner table over things like the existance of welfare queens or the need for DuPont to clean up its own pollution. I believed my big sister more than my father, natch.
My dad was involved with county politics in the fifties having had a single term appointed to the NCC Levy Court (which he found appallingly slimey) and a 15 year stint as the chairman of the then volunteer County Parks Commission.
I will never forget him sitting us younger ones down and telling us to never vote a straight ticket, especially in local politics and that there are very corrupt people in county politics. He was referring directly to Harry Roberts and John Daniello, not that he named names at the time. I think I pieced that together later asking my much older siblings WTF happened with dad during the early 1960’s late 50’s and the county political scene he so despised.
“Sorry Nemski, my comment was not directed at you but at some others who have used hatred in the past has caused me to look at liberals in a different light.”
Moderate liberals are tolerable and friendly, but from what I’ve seen of the far left both in person, on this site, and elsewhere have definitely caused me to look at liberals in a different light.
“The truth is out there, Nemski. Don’t feel obligated to understand it to the point it interferes with your flawed ideologies.”
They never will Miscreant. Liberal ideology doesn’t allow for looking objectively at truth and fact when it interferes with ideology. You can put a fact in front of them that’s irrefutable and proves their argument wrong and they’ll continually deny that said fact exists.
Wow…I’ve been a far left liberal all my adult life (which is a long time).
I found the Democrats way too conservative in the eighties & quickly joined the Green Party after it’s formation.
I am a pacifist, I believe in the utmost respect of others, I believe in leading by example instead of yelling & screaming talking points…..I am a nurse & have devoted 29 yrs to that profession….
It is a shame that those of my ilk should be considered so unpalatable due to our far-left stance.
Children generally follow the parents political inclination. The girl probably heard Obama will raise taxes and that gas prices are going up and in her mind they were the same. Kids hear stuff and then put it together in odd ways.
I’ve been at the Eagles game all day, so I have been unable to respond.
First, this post was written by me, LiberalGeek, not Donviti. You can always tell which of the posts are mine, because they make proper use of punctuation, spelling and grammar. 🙂
Second, no, I do not have any outward signs of my politics. No yard signs (they are verboten, due to deed restrictions), no bumper stickers, and I keep the Obama/Biden tattoo covered most of the time.
Third, I agree that children shouldn’t be exposed to indoctrination. My son said that he wanted to be a Democrat at the age of 10. I told him that he isn’t allowed to decide until he is old enough and he asks his Republican grandfather for advice also.
“Third, I agree that children shouldn’t be exposed to indoctrination. My son said that he wanted to be a Democrat at the age of 10. I told him that he isn’t allowed to decide until he is old enough and he asks his Republican grandfather for advice also.”
Sorry I thought you were DV. Enjoy your temporary promotion.
who’s donviti?
Hope you enjoyed the Eagles game Liberalgeek. I thought you handled yourself well with your daughter’s question and applaud your insight with your son as well. My daughter started coming home from school in third grade telling me who her teacher said I should be voting for. That is what I mean by keeping children out of it, they should not be taught someone else’s opinions at such a young age. Let them grow up and decide for themselves when they are old enough. They have little time as it is to remain innocent without adult worries.
“Liberal ideology doesn’t allow for looking objectively at truth and fact when it interferes with ideology. You can put a fact in front of them that’s irrefutable and proves their argument wrong and they’ll continually deny that said fact exists.”
I know, Mike, but its still entertaining to try.
Truth and fact certainly do exist, but you certainly can’t fault us for knowing that neither will be attached to posts by either mike w or by miscreant.
So I’m hoping you are at least enjoying your shared delusion. You’re a cute couple, not matter what.
The republicans and their supporters telling their children these crazy stories, are in fact rascists at home.
CNN has now taken to quoting G. Gordon Liddy, the ex felon Watergate Plumber, who served time in prison for refusing to co-operate with authorities. This man is now on mainstream corporate media, spreading horrific lies which CNN is “quoting” and airing.
The Rove, Liddy political criminals have been working out their techniques since the Nixon administration. Get ready for the filthiest, dirtiest, muck, and mire last 30 days ever in a presidential election.
My children tell me the majority of kids in their classess support Obama, only two or three supporting McCain. In my neighborhood there are only two Mccain/Palin signs and many, many Obama/Biden.
Anon, I wasn’t going to say who the teacher was promoting but since you stated that Republicans are at fault with your comment, let me tell you that it was a Democrat Liberal teacher each time my daughter came home and told me how I should vote. Not a Republican. Teachers should not be telling small children how their parents should be voting when they have no idea what politics are all about at that age. I have instilled in my daughter to make up her own mind as to who she wants to vote for after looking at all the facts and checking out what both parties say as they are both at fault for taking a piece of what is said and turn it into something else. That is why I read all truths and facts about what both parties say and make my decision based on no one’s opinions but my own. People who try to sway me turn me off, I will listen but I will also check what is being told to me. And if I don’t like what one person stands for, I don’t just vote for that person because of what I am registered as. And I don’t condemn a person in either party and then turn around and vote for same person I condemned just because that is the choice at the end.
“The republicans and their supporters telling their children these crazy stories, are in fact rascists at home.” Anon’s comment, not mine. But if this is how you feel Anon, then same thing goes for Democrats who do the same thing, only it is spelled racists without the a you used. And I do not condone any kind of racists towards anyone.
Oh please can we get back to the local stuff?
“Truth and fact certainly do exist, but you certainly can’t fault us for knowing that neither will be attached to posts by either mike w or by miscreant”
TRANSLATION: Liar, liar… pants on fire?
As always, another brilliant, well reasoned argument from Cassandra.
Miscreant – regarding what’s quoted above from Cassandra, allow me to quote someone that I’ll bet is fairly unpopular around here.
“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.”
– Ayn Rand