Sunday Talk

Filed in National by on October 5, 2008

From Daily Kos:


Meet The Press: Paul Begala & Mike Murphy. Very Serious Discourse with Hillary Duff fan David Gregory, somnambulant Gwen Ifill, Peggy Noonan, Chuck Todd and David Yepsen.  NBC bigwigs considering Chuck Todd and David Gregory as part of an ensemble to host MTP after Brokaw retreats to Montana.

Tweety: Richard Stengel, Michele Norris, Joe Scarborough and conservative outcast Kathleen Parker.  Predictions here.  They report Hurricane Sarah coming to Florida to work the Rove strategy of narrow ugly win using the base.  Good luck with that.

This Weak: BATTLEGROUND BONANZA: Off-message Gov. Ed Rendell (D), Passed Over Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R), Worst politician in Florida Sen. Mel Martinez (R), and Ohio Patriot Sherrod Brown (D).  Karen Tumulty, Supersexy Katrina Vanden Heuvel, The Wall Street Journal’s Gerald Seib, and George Will talk about McCain rising from the ashes of the worst gop presidential campaign in my lifetime.

Face The Nation: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Lieberman) and Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D).  Rep Roy Blunt (R-MO) and future grand jury subpoena recipient Heather Wilson.

Fixed Noise: The Architect of 22% & future presidential pardon recipient Karl Rove.

Late Edition with Wolf: McCain economic destruction advisor Nancy Pfotenhaue.
Candy Crowley, Gloria Borger, Ed Henry, dull gop strategist Alex Castellanos, Hilary Rosen, gop strategist Leslie Sanchez and Donna Brazile discuss how McCain will become the comeback kid.

60 Minutes: The Delta Force officer leading the hunt for Bin Laden in Tora Bora recalls how Tommy Franks is the stupidest fucking general on the planet for letting that bastard escape for free.  Another example of John Kerry being right.  Wall Street’s imaginary numbers game.  The race for the electric car between Silicon Valley and Detroit.  My money is on the valley.

Fareed Zakaria GPS (CNN): Bill Gates and various ambassadors & analysts I can’t pronounce.

Football Night in America on NBC: Keith Olbermann previews how much the Jaguars will whip the Steelers.

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  1. Not Brian says:

    Check out the argument between Rahm Emanuel and Marsha Blackburn…. the two of them were talking over each other and getting quite animated over the question of Obama’s ties with Ayers… Emanuel brought up the Keating association and basically said Ayers did what he did when Obama was eight, McCain was associatng with criminals while in office when he was 58…. she said Obama’s career was started in ’95 by a fundraiser by terrorists….