Comment Rescue – How Republicans win
If some future civilization studies us, and wonders how Republicans stayed relevant in spite of the fact that their policies continuously failed, and proposals were roundly hated – I hope some unearths this exchange.
Regarding the “Discharge Petition” ‘Liberal Elite’ wrote, “I’ll be amazed if this works. …seems like a waste of time and effort.”
To which I responded,
That’s why the GOP bullshit wins, in-spite of people hating it. We are too good to do the small stuff. To turn the wheel a little bit. To move the block forward a centimeter. They get off on it.
I assume the metric system will make sense to future archeologists.
So true. Democrats and Liberals are too into good governance and proper procedure, rather than politically winning a fight. It is the high minded elitist liberalism at work. I have never understood it, since I am a Street Fight Democrat. I want the Republican Party to be continuously destroyed at every encounter, whether it be legislative showdown or a electoral one.
I agree with doing the small stuff. Yes, it’s political theater, but it can be very effective.
Also, I love the fact that you rescued your own comment. 😉
I was turning blue waiting for you guys to rescue it.
Since I’ve been apologizing today, allow me to say… I’m sorry I didn’t rescue your comment.
@DD “I want the Republican Party to be continuously destroyed at every encounter,…”
I largely concur with this sentiment, but I still think the discharge petition is futile and will win no points. Is this getting any airtime in the news? Is it going to hurt the Republicans, or will it more likely make the Dems look ineffectual?
Obama needs to do something much more dramatic. He needs to simply embrace the fiscal cliff as a better deal for America than what the GOP is offering and then leave town, saying he’ll try to work with the next congress to get a better deal for America.
That’s it. That wins, big time.
@p “Since I’ve been apologizing today, allow me to say… I’m sorry I didn’t rescue your comment.”
It looks to me like he rescued my comment.
The reason the GOP has done well, isn’t because we didn’t do enough little futile things… It’s because the Dems negotiate in bad faith, or just poorly.
The Dems who takes large donations and then deliberately fumble the ball are one major source of our partisan problem. At least the Republicans are bought in daylight.
Obama needs to do something much more dramatic. He needs to simply embrace the fiscal cliff as a better deal for America than what the GOP is offering and then leave town, saying he’ll try to work with the next congress to get a better deal for America.
Hear hear. Remember the discharge petition only addresses the Bush tax cuts, but the cliff also includes the spending sequester and other Obama tax cuts as well. Even if the bill is discharged and passes, there is still plenty of cliff to jump off. But full expiration of the tax cuts as per current law is still the best practical choice politically and economically.
The reason the republucans stay relevant is because they are capitalist, and democrats are socialist
Goo goo, gaa gaa, bikey!
The reason republicans stay relevant is becuase somebody has to eat all that dead crow and bushels of sour grapes. Its the best seller at CRI’s lunchroom.
The last time the USA had a liberal President, it was Richard Nixon
when we got the Environmental Protection Agency. With Clinton we
got Welfare Reform, NAFTA and the end of the Glass Steagall Act. People who call Obama a Socialist need a dictionary. Obamacare is a copy of Romneycare with big Pharma and Insurance Companies making big money. Just because Fox News says something over and over again just doesn’t make it true.