Roe v. Wade Turns 40
40 years ago today, the Supreme Court voted, with a 7 to 2 majority, in favor of Roe. Most people still agree with that decision.
More than 50 percent of Americans believe abortion should legal in all or most cases while 70 percent want the landmark Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade to be upheld, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released Monday night.
Over the years a complacency blanketed the public over this settled law. It was taken for granted. I would personally like to thank the Republican party, with assists from Rick Santorum, Todd Akin, etc., for waking everyone up. Yet another issue where the GOP finds itself out of the mainstream.
Tags: Abortion
This morning, NPR did a very interesting story on how the “debate” over abortion started here.
Worth every minute to listen to this.
More great reading — TIME magazine had a cover story called Why Abortion Rights Activists Have Been Losing since Roe. It is a sober assessment and should stand as a lesson to progressives everywhere — because the people who want to dismantle Roe don’t seem to mind working for more than 40 years and in an incremental fashion to get where they want to go. Even if it isn’t especially popular.