The Weekly Addresses

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 16, 2013

Governor Markell on this week’s shootings at the NCCo. Courthouse.

President Obama, following up on the message in his SOTU.

The West Wing Week:

And President Obama’s “Fireside Hangout” with the Google+ crowd yesterday. It is approximately 45 minutes long:

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    And the GOP weekly response featured a Rep from Alabama who was whinging about the Commander-in-Chief using the sequester to advance an ideological position. All while Chuck Hagel as new SecDef can’t get confirmed because the GOP wants to extract a pound of flesh for past apostasy. Is there any doubt that these people do not care about the military?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    The Google Hangout was good, I thought. Lots of way smarter questions than the Washington press corps typically asks and the President seemed engaged except perhaps on the drone question which seemed slippery. Think we could replace press conferences with Google Hangouts?