Pam Scott wrote the Barley Mill letter with Chris Coons

Filed in National by on February 17, 2013

Sadly, it is not terribly shocking that Pam Scott had a lot of influence in New Castle County. It also isn’t terribly shocking that Tom Gordon comes off as a little too giddy in this front pager.

“I think it’s outrageous that former County Executive Coons would send a letter to his constituents, partly authored by Pam Scott, that promotes the Barley Mill Plaza project. It makes you question who he was working for,” Grimaldi said. “I think it shows systemic undue influence on county government by developers and their attorneys – particularly Pam Scott.”

Scott did not return phone calls or emails.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Linda says:

    To trivialize this does a great injustice to how systemic the implications of what has transpired truly is. Looking at this in the totality of people involved is the true story. This is not “just” about Barley Mill. The level of corruption whether it be WTC downfall, Tigani/Minner or just DelDot in its entirety — the fact is no one is ever held accountable. The taxpayers continue to get screwed and the acts of corruption continue in their unprecedented brazenness.

  2. geezer says:

    Really, Linda? Have you ever looked into the county’s secret settlement a few years back of a sexual harassment suit against a sitting councilperson, and why the settlement offer jumped from $16,000 to more than $250,000?

    There was an attempt made to hold someone accountable in that case, but the executive’s supporters maintain that attempt was just politically motivated.

    I think there might be political motives involved here, too. There always are.

    PS: How did the post “trivialize” anything?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    This story confirms what we always suspected. They confirm this:

    David Grimaldi, Gordon’s chief administrative officer, bluntly states that the documents demonstrate that Scott, spouse of former County Council President and former County Executive Paul Clark, had too much access to county land-use officials.

    What is in question is this wild assertion by Sid Liebsman that now Senator Coons is somehow guilty of obstruction of justice.

    Sid Liebesman, a private attorney representing newly elected County Executive Tom Gordon, said that raises serious ethical questions about how the county handled Stoltz projects.

    “There is a possibility that the documents evidence an obstruction of justice and other possible violations in connection with the rezoning process,” Liebesman told Attorney General Beau Biden in a Feb. 4 letter. “It appears that the county’s executive branch and [Stoltz] conspired to thwart the county’s land use process and conceal documents from County Council and the public.”

    Conflict of interest and undue interest, especially between Clark and Scott. But obstruction of justice, I am not seeing it yet.

    I think that is where the giddiness aspect comes in. Remember, the Gordon-Coons rivalry colors all of this.

  4. gferari23 says:

    Coons and Clark should be investigated for corruption. What government engages in secret agreements with developers? And then hides the evidence to the court? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

  5. geezer says:

    “What government engages in secret agreements with developers?”

    Um, perhaps you’ve heard of the Markell Administration? And before that the Minner Administration, and before that… please, cut me a fking break with the faux outrage. Ask Gordon about the secret agreement between him and Dick Weir over that juicy sexual-harassment payout. Hell, for that matter, ask him to release the tapes made for his trial.

    The allegation is the tangiest type of irony. Tom Gordon NEVER did anything in public or above-board; his modus operandi was to call in each councilperson alone, so he could skirt open-meeting laws, and lay out for each one what was going to happen and what part that coucilperson was to play in it. Oh, wait … he only met with the ones who were on his side. The others found out when the measure passed.

    Your champion here is the filthiest guy in the mud pit. That’s how he knows where to look for incriminating material.

    What secret agreement was reached? None. Several level-headed experts pointed out that lawyers write and send such letters all the time. That response was, of course, tagged on to the ass-end of the story.

    This is Gordon playing the media, his typical approach to any issue. Y’all will enjoy enjoy it only as long as his targets are more morally loathsome than he is. He will spend much time and effort to make everyone he targets seem sleazier than he is, and that’s what’s going on here with Coons.

  6. AQC says:

    I wonder if Gordon sees the irony in him judging the ethics of others?

  7. Delaware22 says:

    Go Tom Gordon!

  8. geezer says:

    A sockpuppet is a sockpuppet, no matter how small.

  9. Dave Grimaldi is his own person. You have him quoted above as Tom Gordon. Dave sent me the emails used in the article and a half dozen more two weeks ago. They show Scott and Clark colluding on writing legislation tailor-made for her clients from 2005 on.

    Clark swore that there was a firewall between he and Pam when he took office. He was lying to us the entire time he was in office and now there is proof.

    I can’t wait to see what the other deleted emails will reveal. What Adam Taylor neglected to say was that all of this was in emails that Clark and his staff deleted and Grimaldi had forensically brought back by the NCC IT Dept..

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, you can never really delete an email.

  11. NotJason330 says:

    The bigger lesson in this is don’t do massive development projects next to where rich people live.

    I’d have thought that was basic “Developer 101” stuff – but I guess not.

  12. Deevins says:

    NotJason330, you’ve got it sussed. It’s hard to feel much pity for the NIMBY Richy Riches in Brandywine Hnd. in the Barley Mill case. Many of them didn’t lift a well manicured finger or raise their shrill voices when the NCC Land Use process was being undermined elsewhere in the county.

    The majority of NCC government is a cesspool and few who are willing to crawl into it are clean from the start.