Making Shit Up, Dirty Tricks, Blatant Lies… All in a day’s work for today’s GOP

Filed in National by on March 4, 2013

totally not shocking…

An escort who appeared on a video claiming Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) paid her for sex has told Dominican Republic police that she was instead paid to make up the claims in a tape recording and has never met or seen the senator before, according to court documents and two people briefed on her claim.

The woman identified a lawyer who approached her and a friend to make the videotape, according to affidavits obtained by the Post. That man has in turn identified another lawyer who gave him a script for the tape and paid him to find women to fabricate the claims, the affidavits say.

Entire WaPo article.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Tom Hawk says:

    If Menendez can find the lawyer who set this up, he has an excellent case in order to sue for libel and slander. Even better, a plea deal might cause that lawyer to divulge who is behind the effort. My guess is that it would trace to a New Jersey Tea Party member or group that will be running against Menendez in 2014. A lot would be dependent on the cooperation of the Dominican police.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I added a link for the story. But this:

    Menendez said Monday he didn’t know the details of the two new statements. “But as I’ve said all along, there are obviously some people, some interests using right-wing blogs that have been perpetuating smears about me and I hope that all the truth comes out, because they are nothing but that — smears.” he said. “I’ve always said that these are all false. They’re smears, so I look forward to seeing whatever the Dominican courts have to prove what I’ve said all along.”

    And apparently The Daily Caller has posted the video. Would be nice if Tucker Carlson would have to finally face a judge for making shit up.

  3. Republican David says:

    I wondered who paid her to say this? I never jumped to conclusions that he was guilty because the process needs to work, that is why I never dealt with it. This however has no credibility. I say let the system work. Now there is so much doubt, he is pretty much free to move on.