Is Rand Paul electable?

Filed in National by on March 11, 2013

My sense is that Rand Paul comes off as just too shrill and crazy too win nationally. Also, can he Jesus-up enough to satisfy the GOP base? I kind of doubt he can without looking like a wishy-washy Romney v2.0.

Anyhoo, the desperate losers on the right are looking for a white knight and think they’ve found one in Son of Paul.

Conservative writer John Fund reports in National Review that the well funded right-wing group Club For Growth is eying Rand Paul for a presidential run in 2016.

But at the annual Club for Growth meeting here in Palm Beach, it wasn’t kids in the audience who greeted Paul as a hero, giving him a standing ovation both before and after his talk last Friday. …

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    Not electable but necessary… like Bernie Sanders on the other end of the spectrum. Something to break the Dempublican beltway “philosophy”.

  2. puck says:

    The good news is we have finally found a politician willing to halt our drift toward authoritarianism. The bad news is it’s Rand Paul.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal and Paul Ryan are all unelectable in a national election, pundit blather be damned. If there is any lesson to be learned from the 2012 election it is that radical conservatism, the only type that seems to be left, has been rejected by a clear majority of Americans.

  4. DEvoter302 says:

    Rand Paul represents the rising political philosophy of conservative libertarianism that a majority of 30yr old and under agree with. Whether that can win an election isn’t an issue of if but when and it’s what will break the monotony of two parties that hold the same statist philosophy.

  5. Jason330 says:

    When you can get a dozen under 30 conservative libertarian Republicans in a room let me know. Until then I will continue to regard them in the same political class as the Yeti and the Sasquatch.

    Also – by the way, it isn’t just “social conservatives” that have failed hard lately, it is the small government side too – so you are starting your movement 100 yards behind the starting gate. Good luck though.

  6. socialistic ben says:

    Devoter, here is the thing.
    If you DO support Rand Paul, would you be willing to work to make sure he wins the (even one) state necessary to make the statement you’re talking about, even if it means a Democratic victory? ( And since most of his votes would come from disaffected republicans, it would be a doozy.)
    I dont think there are enough Conservatives who would risk it…. Just like I’m not annoyed enough at Dems to risk a republican president to pull the same thing.

  7. SussexAnon says:

    We heard the same “under 30 waves-a-comin'” during the Ron Paul years.