Reports From Pike Creek Civic League Candidates Forum

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2008

With some tipsters weighing in it seems like the candidates were all literally overshadowed by Christine O’Donnell‘s huge rear end.

Attendees were flabbergasted at the size of O’Donnell’s ass. As if listening to O’Donnell’s gibberish was not difficult enough, the sight of O’Donnell’s caboose made it nearly impossible last night. Apparently the thing is not small.

Of the other candidates that spoke, positive reports are coming in about Charlie Copeland’s eagerness to work with Jack Markell, neophyte campaigner, Rebecca Young’s cheerful brevity and Mike Ramone‘s phalanx of strapping young swimmers.

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About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. RSmitty says:

    Channelling your inner Mike Matthews here? So cool… 8)

  2. nemski says:

    It don’t matter how big it is Jason, cause you know you can’t touch it.

  3. jason330 says:

    When someone wants to hurt my feelings they say I’m being like Mike. I wonder if people ever say to him, “Stop trying to be a second rate Jason?”

  4. Geezer says:

    You know, I’m sure, that this is just wrong…just plain wrong. Also, I laughed so hard coffee came out my nose.

  5. delawaredem says:

    This is perhaps the most disturbing post in the history of Delaware Liberal, yes, even including my “Kill Republicans” fatwa.

    The imagery of O’Donnell’s behind, and of “strapping young swimmers.” Must … bleach… brain.

  6. Unstable Isotope says:


    This is just wrong in so many ways. I didn’t go to the forum, but my friend Bill did and the first words out his mouth about it were about O’Donnell’s weight gain. So, it must have been a shock I guess. I didn’t hear about the “strapping young swimmers.” That sounds interesting.

  7. P.I. says:

    After the image of O’Donnell’s ass was imbedded in my brain, I just couldn’t make it to the very end and the ‘strapping swimmers’. I actually did think about MM when KO’D was waddling to the stage…like do ya think he wants to eat his t’giving turkey off that shelf or what? The size of her ‘bum’ was only surpassed by the visibility of cellulite thighs rippling under her too tight pant suit.
    Charlie was unimpressive in my opinion but it could be because he fell into line right behind O’Donnell and I couldn’t get my head back into the discussion. He did say, however, that while he supported 1 of 3 minimum wage bills during his tenure in the senate, he didn’t feel he could champion such a cause under current conditions with those poor business owners suffering so much at the hands of the economy. Hell and be damned those pesky low life minimum wagers who can’t buy groceries between paychecks, I guess. More obvious than many of the little talks was the fact that KHN and KWS didn’t bother to even show up. Guess those two have a lock on their respective races and don’t need face time with voters….Hmmmmm.

  8. El Somnambulo says:

    Like a phalanx rising from the ashes, El Somnambulo heard that the highlight of the evening was Christine O’Donnell ‘strapping Mike Ramone’s young swimmers’.

    Reminds the Somnambulant One of the waning days of the Thatcher Era and those House O’ Lords Hijinks.

  9. delawaredem says:

    LOL @ The Somnambulant One.

    Perhaps Christine needs some…. uh… strenuous activity to burn off campaign trail calories.

    (The Delaware Dem slaps himself across the face and says “The Delaware Dem is wrong. Evil! Talking about poor Christine like that.” The Delaware Dem goes to the corner and says a Rosary for penance.)

  10. I can think of one strenuous activity, dd…

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Matthews —to the corner w/ DD–here’s your beads.

  12. anon says:

    So the Delaware GOP literally needs a bigger bench…

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    This is so mean, why am I snickering?

  14. nospam says:

    You guys are so, so sad. This is the best you can do?

  15. Phlegm says:

    C’mon….if you knew God wiped his ass with your existence, you’d be mean too!

  16. delawaredem says:

    God doesn’t wipe His ass. He doesn’t shit. To imply that he does is blasphemous.

    See, Phlegm, you try to make a joke about us and now you are going to Hell for all eternity.

  17. Jack Stone says:

    So as I understand the thread here, Jason330 is upset because Christine O’Donnell’s posterior is bigger than his brain??? Is that the issue?

    Would you pay attention to what a man has to say or are you a sexist, mysogynist liberal? Okay, that’s too intellectual for you… Do you judge men by their looks, or only women? When Michael Moore has something to say, are you fixated on the gigantic mountains of Mt. LardMoore, or are you thrilled with what Michael Moore is actually saying?

    Tell you what… why don’t we invite Joe Biden over to Katie’s Restaurant and we can check out Biden’s botox mixed with age lines. Biden can explain why Biden doesn’ tknow what the job of Vice President is under the U.S. Constitution, how the French and USA kicked Hizbollah out of Lebanon (never happened), and more of Biden’s rich fantasy life. We can hear how Biden wants to send ONLY 2500 US troops into a civil war in the Sudan (=”Black Hawk Down #2″) and how he wants to invade Pakistan, which would provoke an Iranian-style revolution turning Pakistan into a nuclear-armed Iran #2. Next time you go to Katie’s restaurant, give it some thought…

  18. Phlegm says:

    “God doesn’t wipe His ass. He doesn’t shit. To imply that he does is blasphemous.”

    We are made in His image:

    Genesis 1:27
    So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

    But…..since you liberals think your sh.t don’t stink….and you have a habit of reversing the creation story (a god created in YOUR image)….I can understand how you might confuse the issue and think that your god’s sh.t don’t stink either!

    Thanks for playing…..