Saturday Open Thread [5.18.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 18, 2013

Usually, you can tell when the GOP has reached its overreach point on the scandal machine when they start screaming about something dumber than dirt. In this instance, they are apparently unhappy that a U.S. Marine held an umbrella over President Obama and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan as it began to rain over the press conference they had earlier this week. Something about violating the U.S Marine protocol about not carrying umbrellas. Which I’m sure has nothing to do with doing what your Commander-In-Chief asks you to do. And, there’s this:

Before it’s all done, they’ll be blaming Obama for the Global Warming they don’t “believe” in. Of course, we have the reminder why someone holding the President’s umbrella might be a good idea:

A good visual metaphor for the Bush years, I’m thinking.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (12)

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  1. puck says:

    Comment rescue from WaPo: “I think they are mad because the Marine is white.”

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Which leads into the real reason: Obama is black. How dare a white man be subordinate to a black man!!! That is the reason.

  3. Dan says:

    Anyone have an opinion on the goings on in Wilmington city government, i.e. the budget impasse?

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, Mayor Williams is drunk with power.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    At bottom, the administration doesn’t consult much with the City Council, perhaps expecting that they would be the rubber stamp they (mostly) were during the Baker years. I think that Theo Gregory is trying to make Council relevant again (well past time). It is very good that Council presented a budget that included their own input. I am NOT happy about the $250K for “youth initiatives” slush fund Council gave themselves. I have no idea what this is and given that there is very little money for kid recreation in the budget in the first place, it makes more sense to use this money in a way that serves the greatest number for the money. Letting Councilpeople put their names on Little League uniforms at taxpayer expense is just stupid. But Williams does have to talk to Council and Council should certainly have the right to defund what it likes.

  6. xyz says:

    The difference? None of the other umbrella holders were Marines. Just sayin’

  7. puck says:

    All the services have the same umbrella code, I believe. Are you saying US Marines are too dumb to come in out of the rain?

    And this bit of brilliance:

  8. bamboozer says:

    Sure, it’s stupid, childish and desperate. But it’s all part of the GOP’s endless assault on Obama, if today’s “scandal” is exposed and ridiculed move on to ten more you just whipped up.

  9. Gus says:

    The issue is Obama’s contempt for the military.

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Another baseless factless accusation from a right wing nut job named Gus. Contempt for the military? If that were true, you ignorant slob, then Obama would have never entrusted his entire Presidency to Seal Team 6 on the mission to kill Bin Laden, for if that mission had failed, his Presidency would have ended in defeat in 2012. So, if Obama had contempt for the military, as you say, that mission would have never had happen.

    Gus, you need to get over your racism. And if you cannot, then please shut up and move to an isolated corner of the world never to be heard from again.

  11. Dave says:

    Additionally, he would have kept boots on the ground instead of using stand off weapons (UAVs). I guess his contempt for the military extends to keeping them alive. If I was still in uniform, I know I would hate him! I would have preferred to be a dead hero or at least spend some time at Walter Reed being outfitted with new limbs. How dare he treat the military in that fashion.

    I guess he should sent them off on a fool’s errand like um.. let me see if I can remember.