First State Politics Gets It.

Filed in National by on March 5, 2007

Al Mascitti misses the point.

In other news, Luis Carlos de Noronha Cabral da Camara, of Portugal, died in 2001 with a 13-year-old will leaving his entire estate (including two residences) to be divided among 70 people he had randomly selected from the Lisbon phone book, with explicit instructions that his relatives would get nothing. (According to a January 2007 Agence France-Presse dispatch, the outraged relatives are still challenging the will.)

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  1. Can I use that as a permanent endorsement of all my views and beliefs?

  2. Al Mascitti says:

    I’m sorry, what was the “point”? Conservatives want to distance themselves from Ann Coulter, after inviting her to speak at their circle jerk?

  3. anon says:

    I don’t buy the conservative retractions. The whole thing seems like a textbook Rove move. With one “joke” the Republicans put a major hurt on both Edwards and Romney, and all it cost them was Ann Coulter.

  4. Funny, Al Mascitti broke faith with me today.

    Al did not let me rebutt a falsehood made about me on his program by Paul Clark. Al would not let me on air to give my side. He then said that he would take several steps to rectify his refusal to allow me the opportunity to clear my name of Clark’s slimey lies, but by the end of the day yesterday, nothing had been done.

    So I gave him a bit more time to live up to his word. I still haold out hope that he comes through… .I just put a few calls into Paul Clark to see if he will respond directly to me.

    It ain’t easy fighting county hall, but I sure don’t need Al Mascitti leading me down the garden path in redoubled trouble. What up Al???

  5. Al Mascitti says:

    Bullshit, Nancy. I asked you if Clark was obeying the rules he agreed to, to have no part in the La Grange business. You used the opportunity to take a swipe at him over his stance on the southern sewer project and to say that, sometime in the past, he took part in secret meetings about Bayberry. He responded, basically by denying it and with his character assassination. You called back asking to go on again. Sorry, but that’s where it ends for the day. When we got back on the air I summarized what you told me, which boiled down to “Are so.” We’re in the radio business, not a schoolyard. Believe it or not, the public isn’t hanging on every word between you and Paul Clark. I gave out your blog address, so anyone who wants to can check it out there. If you have a problem with that, oh well. Guess I’ll just have to join the blogroll of people you’re feuding with.

  6. G Rex says:

    I guess nobody’s visiting Nancy’s blog if she has to bring her latest squabble over here.

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Delawareliberal is the new home of squabbles. We are happy to host them too. Hell, sometimes we start them.

  8. G Rex says:

    Yeah, you could start a new thread category called Festivus, for the airing of grievances.

  9. Al, you can deny what ever you want. You can try to isolate me as well as anyone else can.
    Protecting Clark seems to be your bag.
    I dug up all the proof I need and it will as far as I can push it; you want to keep your hands clean?
    The topic I responded to was Bayberry Al, your topic, the Saturday WNJ article. There was no blindside schoolyard attack.

  10. G Rex,

    Hubiecon refused to take his beef with me home and then, you had the the Donviti – Tyler Nixon showdown. These all set the stage for that post of mine above.
    I knew that it was over-the-top, but the way I see it is that Paul Clark slanders with impugnity on WDEL. Blindly accepting what the politicians say? It is just another day at WDEL!!.

    Anyway, The best direction that I can take now is to put my story into letter form, request co-signers of “persons with knowledge of the aforementioned” and then present it as a press release.

    I don’t want folks believing the strawman being putout on the Mascitti show where: “she is loony, she lies, she got no credibility”

    The one’s with the courage to question authority first must be allowed to voice the question.
    The Soviets kill people for this still.
    What just happened in Russia? Two days ago a top journalist fell/was pushed out of a 5th story stairwell window….