Palin: The Gift That Just Keeps on Giving

Filed in National by on November 6, 2008

This is just STUNNING.   But then again, it is not.   It is stunning in the respect that how could this woman ever get elected to high office?    As I have said, she is the perfect reflection, or symbol, of the Radical Reich in this country, personifying blind faith over uncontroverted facts and ignorance yet arrogance.    Yes, the right wing is as dumb as Palin. 


Partial Transcript:

Smith:  Now that the election is over, Carl, tell us more about those reports of infighting between Palin and McCain staffers.

Cameron: I wish I could have told you more at the time but all of it was put off the record until after the election. There was great concern in the McCain campaign that Sarah Palin lack the degree of knowledgeability necessary to  be a running mate, a vice president, and a heartbeat away from the presidency. We’re told by folks that she didn’t know what countries that were in NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, that being the Canada, the US, and Mexico.  We’re told she didn’t understand that Africa was a continent rather than a country just in itself … a whole host of questions that caused serious problems about her knowledgeability.  She got very angry at staff, thought that she was mishandled…..was particularly angry about the way the Katie Couric interview went. She didn’t accept preparation for that interview when the aides say that that was part of the problem.  And that there were times that she was hard to control emotionally there’s talk of temper tantrums at bad news clippings……

Notwithstanding that there is to be an avalanche that will continue for many days now we’re told of stoy upon story of the foibles of Sarah Palin.

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  1. anonone says:

    Over on some of the conservative blogs they’re “tracking down all the people from the McCain campaign now whispering smears against Governor Palin to Carl Cameron and others” to make them “political lepers.”

    Get out the popcorn.

  2. Sarah Palin says:

    Africa is incontinent?

  3. delawaredem says:

    The Right Wing truly wants her to run for President in 2012!!!! And she is ambitious enough and power mad enough to do it.

    Now, if it was revealed that my candidate did not know the countries that made up North America(!!!) or that Africa was a continent (!!!), it would mean that my candidate does not possess a SECOND GRADE EDUCATION!!!!

    And that would mean I would stop supporting that candidate. But NOOOOOO, the Right Wing wants to hunt down and ostracize (or kill) those staffers for revealing how horribly unqualified she was! They are unfazed by this revelation!


  4. anonone says:

    By the way, is anybody asking why the press chose to keep this “off the record” until after the election? Tell me about the liberal bias again? Do you think if Mcinsane had won, that they would be spilling this now?

    This is a prime example of why the repubs and their media conspirators hate this country and hate democracy. That they would put this shell of politician one heartbeat away from the Presidency shows the disdain that they have for the welfare of America.

  5. “Sarah Palin, Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?”

  6. Maybe her kid being retarded is genetic…

    (was that too far?)

  7. Truth Teller says:

    I believe that the story here is the suppression of this news story. So much for fair and balanced

  8. Geezer says:

    DD: It behooves one, in a post criticizing the intelligence or language skills of another, to get the words right.

    The word is “ostracize,” unless you were referring to the blender manufacturer.

  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    Amen, A1. Yep, a bit tasteless Brian. The rightwing reaps what they sow. They’ve spent 30 years putting down intellectuals and now some are just *shocked* that they end up with a party full of dopes. I guess the party leadership will be a fight among Mittens, Failin, perhaps Newt Gingrich and whoever else pops out of the woodwork. Pass the popcorn!

    I’m still wrapping my mind around how inappropriate her behavior is. Maybe she has some mental health issues and that’s why she wouldn’t release her medical records. The woman is a governor and she thinks it’s appropriate to greet people wearing a towel or buy tons of clothes with other people’s money.

  10. delawaredem says:

    I was referring to a blender manufacturer. 😉 Touche Geezer.

  11. delawaredem says:

    Yeah, Brian. Too far. Keep the kid out of it. We have enough to work with Sarah alone

  12. Geezer says:

    DD: It’s all good. I believe some of these conservatives are crazy enough to toss their erstwhile colleagues into an Osterizer.

  13. delawaredem says:

    A1 and TT–

    Embargoed stories and off the record conversations between the press and the campaign staff happen ALL THE TIME! Hell, even I get news that is embargoed. For example, candidates often send the text of major speeches out to journalists so that they can write their stories prior to the delivery of the speech, but the text and subject of the speech is considered embargoed until delivery or immediately prior to delivery.

    That is why Tom Brokaw or Brian Williams knows what the President is going to say prior to the State of the Union or an Address from the Oval Office. They have the speech.

    The Press cannot report comments or stories given off the record.

  14. Unstable Isotope says:

    I want to hear about her temper tantrums and her close relationship with Randy Scheunemann. Scheunemann got fired from the campaign for her!

  15. pandora says:

    After reading this I asked my 11 year old daughter to tell me about Africa. She said, and I proudly quote: “Africa is a continent. Egypt is in Africa, so is Madagascar, South Africa, and Nigeria. Why do you want to know, Mommy?”

    Sarah Palin is a National embarrassment, and yet the Republican base loves her. One of Bush’s greatest sins, imo, was the mocking of intelligence and making the term synonymous with elitist.

  16. Unstable Isotope says:

    Proof positive, Palin is not smarter than an 11-year-old.

    There’s a new article out on McCain’s campaign. Scheunemann says he wasn’t fired.

    I love this part:

    The advisers described the McCain campaign as incredulous about the shopping spree and said Republican National Committee lawyers were likely to go to Alaska to conduct an inventory and try to account for all that was spent.

    I love the idea of Republican lawyers searching through her closets.

  17. delawaredem says:

    Your daughter can be Vice President. Right now.

  18. anonone says:


    I understand embargoes and off-the-record. My point is that a patriot would not tell this to the press off-the-record AND embargo it until after the election. If they cared about America, they would have at least told it on-the-record as sourced by an unidentified campaign official so it could be reported before the election.

  19. Unstable Isotope says:

    A1 I think we know that McCain’s campaign put McCain first.

  20. anonone says:


    That is exactly the point: repubs always put party over country.

  21. cassandra m says:

    I think that it is incredibly interesting that it is Fox News that is now going to town on Palin. Something tells me that when the Republicans have their coul searching conversation, Palin is going to have some trouble getting into the room.

  22. Miscreant says:

    “Tell me about the liberal bias again? ”

    OK, you betcha…

    “As the presidential campaign comes to a close, a majority of voters (51%) say most reporters have tried to help Barack Obama win the presidency. Just seven percent (7%) think they tried to help John McCain.”

  23. Von Cracker says:

    God and guns don’t make the dinero like big business and war.

    The ‘conservative’ war has begun, and my money’s on the cosmo-old-school thugs.

    Palin can go lead the Taliban Christianista Party…aka – the dumb leading thee blind.

  24. Von Cracker says:

    Reality sucks, mis…

  25. jason330 says:

    Yeah…Media conspiracy. That’s it. Keep beating that drum Mis. It is a sure fire winner in 2012.

  26. face it miscreant,

    you can’t argue this was a fox report…

    way to try and change the subject though…

  27. anonone says:

    C’mon Miscreaant, are you really that ill-informed as to cite a public opinion poll as evidence of a fact? In that case, the story of Adam and Eve must be factual.

    Oh, wait. You probably believe that, too.

  28. Miscreant says:

    I agree, it’s not a viable strategy in 2012, because those same reporters who supported his campaign will obviously feel obligated to continue to prop up their choice.

    Chris Matthews:

    “I want to do everything I can to make this thing work, this new presidency work, and I think that it’s a successful model…yeah, that’s my job, my job is to help this country…because this country needs a successful presidency more than anything right now…”

  29. Sarah Palin says:

    NAFTA? Hmmm…

    NAirobi, Finland, and…. uh… TAnzania?

    Haha, I made that last one up, you betcha!

  30. RSmitty says:

    “As the presidential campaign comes to a close, a majority of voters (51%) say most reporters have tried to help Barack Obama win the presidency. Just seven percent (7%) think they tried to help John McCain.”

    Oy. People are really trying to blame the media? We (the GOP) need to get the “F” over it and direct the blame squarely where it belongs: ourselves. Stop wandering around the forest and devise a plan to get out of the woods. In the meantime, we should be asking, “How can we work with this administration to make this economy work for the people again?”

  31. cassandra m says:

    The hint that mis is misinformed is in claiming that Chris Matthews is a journalist.

  32. Miscreant says:

    “C’mon Miscreaant, are you really that ill-informed as to cite a public opinion poll as evidence of a fact? In that case, the story of Adam and Eve must be factual.”

    Like anyone here has never cited a poll?
    Who the hell are Adam and Eve?

  33. NewWaveLiberal says:

    Ugh. My five year old daughter knows Africa is a continent. LORDY.

  34. Joe M says:

    RSmitty, you are the man!

    *terrorist fist bump*

  35. why don’t you stay on topic bitterman? Or does the truth hurt to much so it easier to change the subject?

  36. Miscreant says:

    “We (the GOP) need to get the “F” over it and direct the blame squarely where it belongs: ourselves.

    I’m not the GOP, and will never be affiliated with any party. So, feel free to self-flagellate until your nose bleeds, Smitty.

  37. cassandra m says:

    The McCain camp provided nonstop fodder for the media for months and much of that fodder was in the form of covering their missteps and changes of approach as well as fact-checking their fact-free ads. No doubt the media (esp cable) overcovers everything, but the first requirement is to run a campaign that doesn’t provide alot of opportunity for the media to run off with their own narratives.

    Al Gore will tell you this is true.

  38. Miscreant says:

    “why don’t you stay on topic bitterman? Or does the truth hurt to much so it easier to change the subject?”

    You mean like you just strayed in your little ad hominem hissy fit? I suppose banning me would be easier for you.

  39. I’m not the GOP, and will never be affiliated with any party.

    now that is funny. Here I just assumed b/c you are a hateful racist that defends the gop and carries their water at every turn you were one of their goons…

  40. RSmitty says:

    I’m not the GOP, and will never be affiliated with any party. So, feel free to self-flagellate until your nose bleeds, Smitty.

    I had a feeling you’d take that personally, sensitive-one. It was a generalized statement. That’s why I cited what you quoted, rather than cite what you, yourself, wrote. Not all commenters actually talk about YOU, misthepointreant.

    I wrote what I believe to be an issue with the branding of the GOP and the assinine knee-jerk reaction to blame the media. If one can’t analyze self for fault, then one is a barrier to better things. You should take note of that.

  41. You mean like you just strayed in your little ad hominem hissy fit? I suppose banning me would be easier for you.

    I know it is hard to hear that your candidate is a complete idiot. it’s ok, you don’t have to comment you could let it go…

  42. Unstable Isotope says:

    I blame the media for talking about how screwed up our country is. If only they had kept drinking that Republican kool-aid then McCain would have won!

  43. and our country wouldn’t be so screwed up either

  44. anonone says:

    Uh, Miscreant, polls are a measure of public opinion, not arbiters of facts. Public opinion used to be that the earth was flat. It still isn’t.

  45. Miscreant says:

    “That’s why I cited what you quoted, rather than cite what you, yourself, wrote. Not all commenters actually talk about YOU, misthepointreant.”

    The quote (and link) was from a rather objective poll, not from the GOP, or someone trying to assign blame. I suppose it’s easier to assume that it was, rather than to actually figure it out.

    Nice derogatory word play on the screen name. You’re assimilating quite well over here.

  46. Miscreant says:

    “it’s ok, you don’t have to comment you could let it go…”

    Poof, it’s gone!

  47. Miscreant says:

    “Here I just assumed b/c you are a hateful racist that defends the gop and carries their water at every turn you were one of their goons…”

    Is that really all you have? Shame.

  48. cassandra_m says:

    The poll is an assessment of what the public thinks — it is not an objective survey of actual media bias. The poll is just fine as far as what it measures, and it isn’t measuring media bias.

  49. Miscreant says:

    Yes, dear.

  50. anonone says:

    NPR: Given what you’ve said Senator, is there an occasion where you could imagine turning to Governor Palin for advice in a foreign policy crisis.

    MCCAIN: I’ve turned to her advice many times in the past…

  51. X Stryker says:

    If that poll makes it true, then Ghosts are real.

  52. anonone says:

    Nightmare: Palin does a LIEberman and becomes a Democrat! 🙂

  53. jason330 says:

    The GOP is run by rich folks, and basically looks after their class interests; low taxes, no estate taxes, helping out business. However, there are not enough rich folks to elect a president, even if you count the toadies, the hangers-on, the wanna-bes and the folks who think they’re rich but aren’t. So the party has to use the religious right as its actual voters, and this group includes a fair number of folks who AREN’T rich.

    Shorter: The GOP is stuck with it’s Palins and O’Donnells

  54. RSmitty says:

    OMG, mis, you truly are misthepointreant. It’s the fact that any person can allow themselves to be such shallow thinkers to believe that the media is the blame for the results (the polltakers, not you, OK?) is pathetic.

    Man, you’re being bitter today.

  55. Man, you’re being bitter today. as opposed to the other days when he is full of hate and spite

  56. RSmitty says:

    Ah, hate and spite is normal, but when I get tangled up into his red-wild-eyed anger, then it’s bitter.

  57. gotcha…

    (you have a face for radio by the way) good stuff yesterday

  58. RSmitty says:

    (you have a face for radio by the way)

    Yes, it’s a pain being me, all that preparation for my public. 😉

    Did you square away with Maria for going on?