No Super Majority Required

Filed in National by on November 9, 2008

I was a bit confused by all the jibber-jabber about getting to 60 votes in the Senate. Some talking heads were making it sound like Obama would be hamstrung by a recalcitrant GOP.

Congress is pretty deferential to new Presidents though and I thought Obama would be able to bring Republicans along on any major initiatives. This survey pretty much proves me right.

Everybody wants Obama to get his agenda passed.   The 23%ers who still think Bush Rulz and Obama is a socialists can pretty much be ignored.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. nemski says:

    From 30% to 23%, it just gets sadder everyday for Republicans.

  2. Dana says:

    Jason wrote:

    Everybody wants Obama to get his agenda passed. The 23%ers who still think Bush Rulz and Obama is a socialists can pretty much be ignored.

    Uhhh, everybody talks unity after the election is over, but you might want to wait and see if things work out that way.

  3. cassandra m says:

    Everybody talks unity, but I also think that there is plenty of evidence that the electorate is interested in getting something done and not the non-stop playing for cameras.

    Last Tuesday was a functional foreclosure on a lot of Republican tactics and policies, and while opposition in the effort to get a serious compromise is understandable, obstructionism is just going to remind folks of what they voted the change. At least for awhile.

    PLUS — isn’t the 60 vote rule a rule the Senate makes for itself? If so, it is certainly possible for the new Congress to reset that rule.