Friday Open Thread [1.2.15]

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 2, 2015

The latest Gallup poll shows President Obama’s approval rating is at its highest in over a year, The Hill reports.

“The latest three-day polling average, from Dec. 27-29, puts Obama’s approval at 48 percent, the highest it has been since August 2013. Obama’s disapproval is also 48 percent, marking the first time his disapproval has not been higher than his approval since September 2013.”

David Duke told Fusion that it was unfair Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) was “singled out” for speaking to Duke’white supremacist organization in May 2002, the New Orleans Times Picayune reports. Duke said that “politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, have attended everything from conferences he’s organized to his children’s birthday parties. To say nothing of Republicans, Duke estimates that he has met with Democratic lawmakers a good 50 times. He threatened to release a list with names of Republicans and Democrats who’ve been tied to him in one way or another. If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders.”

Go head Duke. Name names. Out all those fucking racist Republicans and Democrats down south, so that we can destroy their careers and lives as well. Please proceed, Klansman.

Matt Taibbi on the news that the fascist police state loving NYPD has begun a work slowdown/stoppage:

“My first response to this news was confusion. I get why the police are protesting – they’re pissed at Mayor de Blasio, and more on that in a minute – but this sort of ‘protest’ pulls this story out of the standard left-right culture war script it had been following and into surreal territory.”

“I don’t know any police officer anywhere who would refuse to arrest a truly dangerous criminal as part of a PBA-led political gambit. So the essence of this protest seems now to be about trying to hit de Blasio where it hurts, i.e. in the budget, without actually endangering the public. So this police protest, unwittingly, is leading to the exposure of the very policies that anger so many different constituencies about modern law-enforcement tactics.”


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  1. cassandra_m says:

    So. The police union’s position is that if you want to protest what we do, then we’ll stop doing it. Very interesting.

    And the NYPD is without a contract right now. So slowing down the city’s revenues seems like a bonehead play.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Agreed, David Duke have at it and spill the beans on all the politicians! Will not happen. Lived in N.Y. for 18 years, periodically the police in NYC fancy they are a power unto themselves (hmmm… Sounds like Delaware ) and act accordingly. This is nothing new and has been going on for decades in the city. Usually the result is even their supporters start to hate them.

  3. You have some real toxic elements here.

    Police acting as if the law doesn’t apply to them which, frankly is nothing new, and Rethugs finding yet another wedge issue to exploit. Every time a cop is killed, Rudy Giuiliani will be out there throttling ‘cop haters’, i.e., people who believe that they have civil rights as well.

    And, once again, the willfully-led will respond to that demagoguery by leaving their brains behind and rallying against their own self interest.

    This country sucks.

  4. puck says:

    If NYPD is proving that fewer police are needed, let the layoffs begin. I am sure NYC social services agencies would put the extra money to good use.

  5. kavips says:

    Being a Democrat, Blassio is probably too green and nice to understand power… Here is what needs to happen. He fires all those who turned their backs… There are a lot of ways to make it the moral thing to do… Here is just one… “This is the same department that ran up the twin towers when everyone was running down. These actions degrade what once was the worlds finest police force down to acting like playground cops. New York won’t, and shouldn’t stand for it.”

    Then all those remaining get beaucoup overtime… Who is going to support a fired fellow cop and give up making $200,000 this year, and last year your total revenue was under $100,000… ? Not even I would give that up.

    The problem disappears. Blassio has no more trouble with the police…

  6. puck says:

    Agreed. Deblasio should PATCO them.