Jeff Christopher supporters now in full control of SCGOP

Filed in Delaware by on January 13, 2015

Frank Knotts’ summary of Sussex County Republican Committee elections is an obituary and a mea culpa from a reformed tea bagger. [Warning: The picture Knotts uses to illustrate his disgust is NSFL (not safe for lunch).]

Here is an excerpt of the text, but the whole sad thing is worth a read.

Tonight they elected as Chairman Vince Calabro, a man who openly supported a write-in candidate in the general election against the endorsed candidate. This is what the so-called “patriots” want for a chairman. They seek only to destroy the GOP.

I did not ask others to do that which I would not do myself, though my first instinct was not to put my name up for consideration. I was placed into an EDC position. For how long, who knows? I see no leadership in Vince Calabro, and his Vice-Chair Fred Silva, I see only revenge seeking because they were defeated in the elections that matter. Calabro worked hard for Jeff Christopher, and they lost, twice.

As we move forward I expect a purging in the committee, I take you back to one of Mr. Calabro’s planks in his platform, #7, “I will act to take any and all necessary measures that may be required to safeguard and protect the SCRP from malicious actions and entities attempting to undermine our objectives.”

That menacing plank isn’t directed at Democrats, or even hated liberals like myself. it is directed at the enemies of the revolution, like Frank Knotts, and other heretics who think Lacey Lafferty might not be the state’s best choice for Governor.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (53)

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  1. Calvin Sparks says:

    Republican on Republican crime, I love it.

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    And somewhere in New Jersey, Christine O’Donnell is going hmmm, right now.

  3. Prop Joe says:

    Lacey Lafferty? Ahh… Now it makes sense… I saw a beatup-looking Chevy with stickers all over it for “Lacey Lafferty” and I couldn’t tell if the subject was actual elected office or chairperson of the local 4-H.

    Thanks for the clarification…

    And Calvin, right there w/ you. Just grab some popcorn!

  4. Jason330 says:

    I’m not sad. The net/net, however, is that the SCRP will just be an ignored and irrelevant rump committee of idiots who piss and moan, while having no impact on the DEGOP.

  5. Cynnic Acid says:

    ROTFIML. Poor Frankie…. He’s so out of goosestep with the SCGOPheads. He really needs our support as an oppressed minority. Apparently, there is no room in the GOP for a self-proclaimed corprophagic “Lesbi-man”.

  6. Calvin Sparks says:

    I feel no sympathy for Mr. Knotts. He helped create this monster, and now he has been eaten alive by the monster he created, much like the national GOP.

  7. Moulon Spike says:

    In KKKnotts’ case , it’s a bootstrap (or bootscrap ) operation. Delaware Right is a black hole in cyberspace and Frankie’s photos so aptly illustrates the workings of his inner mind (or lack thereof) as well as his general evolution and state of being.

    Believe it or not, he is actually being paid to post such filth, garbage and rubbish as the blog is supported by a wealthy Republican backer.

    It took a real idiot to post NSFL pics to make a political point and a moron to crow about it on delaware105.9 after the fact.

    What else can we expect from a bitter , ranting hate-filled excuse for a man?

  8. Calvin Sparks says:

    Moulon Spike, I couldn’t agree more. The Blog speaks for itself. Great Point

  9. Geezer says:

    Something tells me MS is actually just another Christopher lover. The only difference between Frank Knotts and people like Mr. Spike is that Mr. Knotts recognizes the folly of his former ways.

    Please don’t bring your kindergarten disagreements in here.

  10. somebody says:

    Not exactly total control, Jason. Frank KKkottzi won as 2nd of the 35th ED.

    According to numerous GOP leaks, word on the street is that Vinnie won’t take any crap from the Bridgeville Bully.

  11. Winston says:

    Frank Knotts is his own worst enemy and when he writes the kind of garbage that he wrote last night on DR, he does his cause no favors.
    On WXDE’s Dan Gafney show this morning, he sniveled and whined himself into a self-righteous tizzy. His voice was faltering and most people thought he would start crying at any time.
    Most sties would not have allowed the one foul image that was so offensive that commenters said they were blocking his site. Franks lack of understanding of the way politics really works, is appalling and it doesn’t help that he lacks an education and has a past that includes both drug and alcohol addiction.
    His ideas lost big time at the SCGOP Committee meeting last night and he blames it on “the right wing lunatic fringe.” I’ve noticed lately in his writing and well as when he was a writer for DP, that nothing is his fault, somebody else must be to blame.

  12. fightingbluehen says:

    “Something tells me MS is actually just another Christopher lover.”

    I believe these coordinated announcements of displeasure with Frank Knotts and the Delaware Right blog ,are members of the diminished IPoD who are actually trying to get back in the good graces of the new SCGOP cabal.

  13. Anon says:

    They can bitch and complain all they want in Sussex. The largely inconsistent tea party ideology is done and the sooner they realize it’s not viable the better. I’m looking forward to their antics because this isn’t 2010. They’ll realize quickly how irrelevant they are. Zero steps forward and four steps back with these idiots.

  14. Moulon Spike says:

    Geezer- Sorry. No cigar. I voted for our Lewes hometown guy, Beau Gooch.

    FBH – You’re fishing in your toilet bowl.

    Jason 330 started the post and people are talking while the SCGOP self-destructs as F.Knotts just screws himself royally. It’s just what happens when hate mongers have blog sites and it’s what’s wrong with Delaware politics.

    Meanwhile our roads are falling apart, our air and water are polluted, our schools suck and health care is still unaffordable.

  15. Moulon Spike says:

    Anon – Sussex County will be done when its paved over.

  16. fightingbluehen says:

    “FBH – You’re fishing in your toilet bowl.”

    Toilet bowl is better than what I’ve been fishing lately anyway. You stock it. I’ll fish it.

  17. AQC says:

    Frank is the only one of the people from DP that ever came close to a modicum of intelligence.

  18. Geezer says:

    “Frank Knotts is his own worst enemy and when he writes the kind of garbage that he wrote last night on DR, he does his cause no favors.”

    Well said, but you are overstating things when you say he has a “cause.” His only aim seems to be to expose the Don Ayottes of the county as fools and hypocrites, which everybody else realized long before Frank noticed.

  19. somebody says:


    You mean he’s redundant?

  20. Geezer says:

    AQC: When Dave Burris started the blog, it was a house organ for the Republican establishment. You can argue how intelligent such a thing was, but at least it was a goal. Now it’s a different organ.

  21. Geezer says:

    “You mean he’s redundant?”

    If I said it again, I would be, too.

  22. somebody says:

    The GOP is destroying itself from within and Knotts is just one of their problems. The Dems also have less visible decay as more people are fed up with party politics in general. It’s dumb out there and getting dumber.

  23. Moullon Spike says:

    No , fightingbluehen :

    That’s Delaware politics as in politics in DE — not the blog , although Pat Fish’s latest column on the SC GOP election is hilarious.

    Just want to clear up any misunderstanding.

    Anyway, Knotts is done. Word is that he’ll be kicked out again as an ED chairboy.

  24. Critical Mass says:

    Frank knotts bears grudges he can’t win whether imagined or real. It’s not his fault, he was born with a self-destructive gene. The only thing he knows for sure is that his name is Frank Knotts and goes after people that are his betters.
    He is an attack artist forever in search of a target. He is likened to a blind pit viper striking out blindly with no particular target. He hates people like Ayotte because people like him dare to live and dare to win, whether they do or not. Knotts has not learned to live to fight another day, and lives with his past hatreds only seeking revenge for imagined misfortunes.
    Frank will never win because his psyche is geared for destruction. This finished Knotts and any credibility with he merry band of DR misfits.
    You can say what you want about Ayotte Geezer but he laid in the background waiting for Knotts to destroy himself.

    I chanced to listen to Dan Gafney’s show this morning and caught Knotts’ whining and sniveling act. That finished him. He will struggle forward but he killed what was left of DR. The Sussex GOP will self-destruct, not because of people like Knotts but it will implode from it own lack of any cohesiveness.

  25. Reflections says:

    You have been known to carry quite a grudge against Ayotte too. I’m a democrat in Sussex County and watched Ayotte in the LWV debate and two different forums and he crucified his opponent Smyk, who seemed like a little boy in comparison. He was respectful and well-prepared.
    I live in the 20th District and haven’t voted for anything but a democrat in the last 20 years but I voted for Ayotte because of his platform of government transparency and I know other democrats that did also. He ran a clean race and left the field of battle with honor.
    There are whole rumors of widespread election fraud in his race and nothing can be proved but it is stated by a checker challenger counting the absentee ballots that Ayotte took over 300 votes just in the absentee ballots. The total they counted for him in whole the election is 217. Something is fishy.

  26. Cynnic Acid says:

    This just in… Frank Knott’s had just resigned as GOP district chairman.

  27. Geezer says:

    As I thought, the insults of Knotts are coming from Ayotte and his one or two supporters.

    Please keep your stupidity over at Delaware Politics.

  28. Wondering says:

    Strike two Geezer, you’re wrong again. Better luck next time.

  29. Dave says:

    “As I thought, the insults of Knotts are coming from Ayotte and his one or two supporters.”

    The sentence structure, phrasing and word choice gives him away every time and of course the vitriol when writing about Knotts.

  30. Geezer says:

    @Dave: You might be right, but there wasn’t enough fractured syntax for me to be sure.

    Changing screen names with every post always makes it plain that “clever” SuxCo people are doing the posting.

  31. Wow, that NSFL photo really IS NSFL. Or B, either.

  32. pandora says:

    I will say this… Cynnic Acid and Somebody, Reflections and Moullon Spike need to pick one name and stick with it. Sock puppetry is not allowed.

  33. Dave says:

    “Changing screen names with every post ”

    Occasionally I’ve pondered why someone would do that, especially when poorly done and no one is fooled. I mean really what would be the point? (Except of course when you want to toot your own horn, but don’t want anyone to know – except we do know).

  34. Jason330 says:

    It is in the tradition of putting muskets in the hands of propped up dead guys along the walls of the Alamo.

  35. Mitt Romney's Dancing Horse says:

    Frank Knotts officially resigned today.

  36. Cynnic Acid says:

    YES, he resigned last night. He didn’t get his way as the Spicer-Briggs faction fell flat on its face. Not that it matters, because In Delaware the Dems and Reps act as one government establishment party. Both are hopelessly corrupt and it shows in the quality of our government. It’s the Delaware Way. More are and more people are losing interest in politics. That’s why the un-affiliateds are growing as more voters are fed up with the quality of candidates and the special interest sockpuppets in the General Assembly, etc.

    BTW, Delaware political debate and blog posts are generally retarded relative to other states, anyway. Is it something in the water or a deeper cultural problem? I (unlike Knotts, Geezer and others) don’t pretend to know.

    Meanwhile, politics sinks and stinks to new lows on the right and left wings.

    FISH ON!

  37. Jason330 says:

    Yes and no.

    Not that it matters, because In Delaware the Dems and Reps act as one government establishment party.

    So true.

    Meanwhile, politics sinks and stinks to new lows on the right and left wings.

    Well…you just said that it was the corrupt middle. So which is it? My sense is that the far right (having been courted by the moderates) is going to be feeling but hurt for a while, now that they are widely regarded as nutty pariahs.

    To that, all I can say is… Welcome to the Club! The left side of the Dems has been regarded as nutty pariahs for as long as I’ve been here.

  38. waterpirate says:

    Jason is right on target. The GOP will continue to function even as the mental decay of the official party structure continues its death spiral. I personally fear any ideology that uses phrases like: purity, cleansing, purging, and expelling unless in the context of colon health. Only time will tell how many people will drink the cool aid before this virus runs its course. Pun intended

  39. SussexAnon says:

    Party volunteers are just window dressing, getting crumbs of appreciation from aspiring candidates but once elected, they forget you and turn into Tom Carper. Untouchable.

    D’s will continue to fail in Sussex just as much as R’s will fail up north. Regardless of who is on the committees.

  40. Cynnic Acid says:


    In Delaware, the centers of power are corrupt. Rep. John Kowolko’s open Letter to House Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf illustrates this profusely. The terms,right, center and left are both relative and dynamic as they shift in time. Furthermore the texbook scheme is rather linear, thereby neglecting other dimensions. Likewise, the terms liberal and conservative have shifted over time and are losing their meaning in a post-modern world with limits to power.

  41. Jason330 says:

    Thanks Professor. You comment still makes no internal sense, but okay.

  42. SussexAnon says:

    It’s always 4:20 somewhere, Jason. lol.

  43. Cynnic Acid says:


    Relax. Take a deep breath. Read it again. You’ll get it.

    LOL back at Sussex Anon.

    Sure it’s 04:20 for one minute twice every 12 hours or once every 24 hrs in each of the world’s time zones.

  44. Geezer says:

    He’ll get what? That it’s babble? Go back to DP. Babble looks like Shakespeare among that dross.

  45. mouse says:

    The republicans elected in Sussex are mostly guys spewing angry paranoid national rhetoric and do little for their districts or the county in general.

  46. mouse says:

    The democrats are invisable in Sussex County. I bet except for maybe one district people couldn’t even tell you name of the Democratic candidates in the last election. The economic issues here are the same as everywhere. Jobs, wages, affordable living. No one gets the message out for the Democrats and the republicans run on protecting people from losing their guns and being locked up in FEMA camp, lol

  47. Mitch Crane says:

    Mouse. You have no idea what you are talking about.

  48. mouse says:

    Well, then enlighten me.

  49. Mitch Crane says:


    The facts are:

    1. The percentage of Democrats who voted was higher in Sussex than it was in the other counties and in Wilmington.

    2. The Sussex Democratic Party paid for multiple mailings promoting its candidates for county council and row offices Those candidates ran on a theme of Restoring Civility to County Government.

    3. Democratic candidates for legislative offices ran on themes of economic justice and job creation. Those candidates spent a year or more meeting voters, raising money and taking their message to likely voters.

    4. A special effort was made by candidates in eastern Sussex to reach and motivate newly registered voters ( working against the experts’ position that those voters do not vote in non-presidential years). The result was a turnout of newly registered Democrats of 48% in those districts; contrasted with turnout of 10-20% elsewhere.

    5. Most Republican candidates in Sussex DID NOT, this time, run “spewing angry paranoid national rhetoric…” Most incumbents ran on what they claimed they have accomplished-even if those claims were false. What some did do to great effect was to falsly claim that Democratic state incumbents (and some challengers even) had VOTED for the non-existent bill raising the gas tax.

    5. The Sussex Republican Party spent little or no money on the campaign. While the Dems used the filing fees for mailings in support of candidates, I am told that the Republicans designated their filing fees for their headquarters rent. Republican candidates ran on their own.

    6. In spite of our efforts, the Republicans had a turnout of their voters that was 15%-20% greater (depending on the district). This increased turnout is attributed to special interest by Republicans in the write-in effort of then-Sheriff Christopher and the complete failure of national Democrats to promote the successes of the last few years-allowing Republicans to convince voters that the economy was still in recession and that the Affordable Care Act is a failure, among other issues. The result of this was the reduced turnout among Democrats everywhere, the increased turnout of Republicans…and the very low turnout of independent and young voters.

    7. The incumbent senator who lost (Bob Venables) refused to work with the Party campaign and failed to excite moderate Democrats about his stand on issues.

    8. The Democrats have 9 functioning RD committees, in 9 districts. Our county committee is united in its purpose. We have added 9 new committee people just this week and I am already speaking with people interested in running in 2016.

    The bottom line is we lost races we should have won, but the Sussex Dems have built a foundation and look forward to success in 2016 and beyond.

  50. mouse says:

    Hope so!

  51. mouse says:

    I stand corrected. Anecdotally, the national republican message on talk radio and obsession with taxes seems to have motivated most of the locals I know. They are obsessed that Obama is illegal Muslim and the sort and vote republican in response.

  52. Calvin Sparks says:


    You are fantastic as the Chairman of the Sussex County Democratic Party. You guys have more going on now, then you have had in the past couple of election cycles. You are building a proper foundation, and in time success will follow. Kudos to you, Mr. Crane.

  53. Jason330 says:

    6. In spite of our efforts, the Republicans had a turnout of their voters that was 15%-20% greater (depending on the district). This increased turnout is attributed to special interest by Republicans in the write-in effort of then-Sheriff Christopher and the complete failure of national Democrats to promote the successes of the last few years-allowing Republicans to convince voters that the economy was still in recession…

    Mitch is working inside the system, so he can’t say it, so I will. His candidates were screwed by Tom Carper and John Carney who don’t give a flying fuck about down ticket Dem candidates. Evidenced by the fact hat their track records make it imposable for voters to discern what Democratic policies and values are.