So There is a Special Election or Something…?

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008

In addiition to a bunch of stuff, the guy was an Eagle Scout. (…is an Eagle Scout? Do you ever stop being an Eagle scout)

GOP Names Tom Kovach to Run in Special Election

Candidate is Weldin Park Resident, BHS Grad, Soccer Coach

WILMINGTON— At Monday night’s meeting of the Brandywine Republican Committee, the GOP named Weldin Park resident Tom Kovach as its candidate in the 6th District Special Election to be held on Saturday, December 20.

Kovach, a 1987 graduate of Brandywine High School and 1992 University of Delaware grad, is a Director in the Delaware law firm of Parkowski, Guerke & Swayze. Kovach and his wife of 15 years, Sandi, have two daughters, ages 11 and 10, and a son, age 5. A former environmental enforcement officer for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Kovach now practices commercial litigation, concentrating in areas of environmental and administrative law.

“I will be an independent voice representing the people of the 6th District.” Kovach said. “Our state desperately needs creative ideas to get our economy back on track, fix our schools, and protect our environment. I look forward to making a positive difference in Dover and fighting for what is right for the citizens of Delaware. As a legislator, I’ll demand responsible and accountable management of our tax dollars, work to improve the quality of our children’s education, and work to bring redevelopment and new opportunities for businesses in Delaware.”

Active in his community, Kovach is an Eagle Scout,

There was more but I cut it off at that.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. I like this one

    I will be an independent voice representing the people of the 6th District.”

    uhhhh won’t you be A REPUBLICAN VOICE buddy?

  2. Gorilla says:

    Good point, donidiot…..let’s eliminate all democrat or republican candidates. Can’t have THEM around!

  3. observer says:

    Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.

  4. mike hunt says:

    just ask mike protack!

  5. Unstable Isotope says:


    “Independent” is the new Republican.

  6. Gorilla says:

    No. “Democrat” is the new black.

    Didn’t you read the memo?

  7. Puzzler says:

    The salient question on this thread is, “Has anyone seen mike hunt?” (for you youngsters, it’s a reference to the movie PORKY’S)

    Also, Gorilla, “Democrat is the new black” sounds pretty openly racist. Did you mean it that way?

  8. Gorilla says:

    I prefer to consider it openly cynical.

    Scores of dumb white democrats now think that centuries of oppression (implicit or explicit) have been wiped away as of two weeks ago.


  9. Unstable Isotope says:

    I don’t know any Democrat of any color who thinks centuries of oppression have disappeared.

  10. liz says:

    He “will clean up the brownfields”….now thats a plan I want to hear. (from Priscilla the ole elephant).

  11. liz says:

    Repukes are all up an angry cuz they claim the dems forced the “special election” during the Xmas holiday! The dems wouldnt hold the election in January after the holidays. Are repukes now claiming dems are anti-Santa?

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    No Liz, the dems aren’t anti-Santa we’re sure. But the Repubs were trying to be a little more considerate of this busy time of year, no matter what you’re doing by way of Hanukkhah, Christmas, Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa, travel, year end, and everything else on the calendar to add one more obligation to the list of voting. Even the Dept. of Elections rejected the first submitted date by the dems of Dec. 23rd, knowing full well, they probably couldn’t staff the polls. But that’s OK, say what you want, and we’ll just hope that spirit of whatever holiday softens the rhetoric.

  13. That firm’s political timber sure jumps out: Parkowski and Swayze.
    Interesting choice, a fellow Bulldog with an environmental background.

  14. MJ says:

    Gorilla is the new schmuck.

  15. Gorilla says:

    Not even close.

    I’m the old schmuck.

  16. Gorilla says:

    After da election, G, here da dope message 4 ya
