Not Gonna Do It

Filed in National by on March 2, 2015

Governor Jack Markell just did his best impression of Dana Carvey’s impression of the elder President Bush. He said “not gonna do it.” Well, actually he said “not going to happen.” But my way is better, because I can show this clip:

The ‘it’ is the legalization of marijuana while he serves as Governor.

“I’m certainly willing to look at the decriminalization aspect. I am not in support of doing what they’ve done in Colorado or Washington state or a few other places, doing full legalization,” Markell, a Democrat, told WHYY. “It’s not gonna happen while I’m governor. It may be the right thing. But I don’t think we know. I think we need to take a few years and see what the impact has been in some of these other states.”

So I guess that means Rep. Helene Keeley’s HB 39, the Decriminalization Bill, is safe from a veto for now, if it even gets passed.

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  1. MikeM2784 says:

    Yes, let’s keep supporting the untaxed and unregulated underground economy while spending millions putting people in jail for possessing something that is no more harmful than two legal substances (alcohol, tobacco). Makes sense.

  2. mouse says:


  3. puck says:

    Speaking of SNL, if you haven’t seen it yet check out last week’s ISIS skit with Dakota Johnson. It has an edge and a bite like 1970’s SNL, only with better production values. And of course is offending people.

    And speaking of marijuana legalization… did you catch Paul MCartney on the SNL40 special? He didn’t hit every note but still has more music in his little finger than all the other SNL musical guests combined. I am not a big Beatles fan but I am a much bigger fan of their solo careers. Welcome Sir Paul to Delaware this summer.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    I assume this is another calculation based on political expediency and spending political capital… He seems to be very afraid of this issue for really no particular reason…. but you all seem to have a better handle on state politics than I do and some of you know Markell personally. Is he really waiting to see how this plays out in CO, OR, WA, AK and DC? Does anyone really think this is even contraversial at this point? What’s going on here?

    I can only guess that he just doesn’t want to have the argument and that it could somehow hinder other objectives. It really doesn’t matter to me. I’m an affluent white man. I smoke the herb daily and with impunity pretty much wherever I want to. But this part of the “War on Drugs” has been such a waste and a tool for the criminal justice system to manipulate and lock-up poor people. I guess we just need that tool in the toolbox still. Kind of a disgrace…

  5. cassandra_m says:

    A legal marijuana industry won’t be whining to the GA to help it to be more profitable year after year.

  6. Dorian Gray says:

    Oh, is that a dig on the casino industry? Nice! Everyone always uses booze and tobacco to illustrate the hypocrisy. Gambling is another good one. And they are subsidized… Markell looks pretty cowardly on this. At least to me he does. Am I out of line here?

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    No, you are not out of line

  8. Geezer says:

    “A legal marijuana industry won’t be whining to the GA to help it to be more profitable year after year.”

    I believe you underestimate the whining capacity of people in industry.

  9. SussexAnon says:

    One thing he isn’t being cowardly about is the gas tax. He still supports his proposal and was on PBS this weekend saying “If others have an idea on how to fund transportation projects, I would like to hear it.”

    Screwing the tourists without lube by tripling the f-ing tolls on Rte 1 isn’t going to get us there.

    And saying “legalization is not gonna happen while I am in office” isn’t much of a threat when you are already a lame duck and have about 14 months before EVERYBODY stops paying attention to you.

  10. mouse says:

    If the gas tax wouldn’t go all to NCC big pork barrel projects, maybe there would be some support down state. When you come down here to go to the beach, this about the roads you are traveling on..

  11. John Kowalko says:

    I have an idea how to absolutely “not fund” transportation projects and that would be to take $40 million out of the Transportation Trust Fund, leaving all the current operating positions and expenses in it, and transfer it to the General Fund in order to more easily meet the June 30 deadline for a balanced budget. Oh! sorry, that’s what’s already proposed. Here’s a better idea how about a higher PIT on $125,000-$250,000 taxable income earners or a higher PIT bracket on in excess of $250,000 taxable income earners, or a slight uptick in the maximum corporate tax cap that over 2,100 of the wealthiest corporations in Delaware currently take advantage of. How about a pittance on the exploding crude oil by rail shipments. On and on and on the wheel goes round and round mixing the same old infertile ground to be spread with a healthy dose of manure injected into the dialogue.
    Representative John Kowalko

    John Kowalko

  12. Another Mike says:

    Too many damn cops in the GA for the herb to become legal. Make it legal and half of police would have nothing to do. Jail population goes down, costing corrections officers jobs. Plus there’s that whole interdiction thing. Can’t take cash from cars stopped on 95 if the cops can’t use the “your car smells like weed” line.

  13. Dorian Gray says:

    I know it’s off original topic, but since he commented I think I will mention that I fucking love John Kowalko. Not only does he post under his own name – he signs his posts… twice. I love that, sincerely. Polar opposite of Markell the coward. King of political equivocation and slimey triangulation

    The only thing I miss about living in Windy Hills, Newark is my State Rep. I lived about six houses down (on the banks of White Clay Creek!). Here’s to the fightin’ 25th!

  14. mouse says:

    DE needs to weed out these fake dems

  15. Legalize It says:

    The copposition has no choice but to fight decriminalization. Some cop somewhere may lose a half hour of sleep wondering if it was wrong to beat a high school kid bloody and senseless for that 1/2 gram of pot.

  16. mouse says:

    Hear Hear dammit

  17. Joanne Christian says:

    DG you better hide your stash real well. You come on here smoking and toking with immunity/impunity daily, then report you live 6 houses from where you lived before in Windy Hills? Hot Dang, that’s better than Facebook. DelLib where are your censors? Save this guy from himself…..and the Po-Po.

    Just call me friend.

  18. Joanne Christian says:

    16 THOUSAND JOBS created in Colorado alone last year from the LEGALIZED marijuana industry. 60% medicinal production. And one cookie per resident in recreational.

    I’m not saying to embrace vices and such but seriously–are you waiting for the parade to just march on by? Are you waiting to be the 47th state to legalize/decriminalize this, and then get in the game? Seriously, how bout we do leverage and cut our losses now? Offer the casinos to convert to some sort of “prop the crop” facility–whether packaging, retail, etc., and let’s reinvent ourselves to an underutilized economic windfall now, that can cover the casino losses AND switch out our stock in trade? These casinos are a dime a dozen now. People just want a dime. Jump on it. Ban the slot, allow the pot. 🙂

    No charge.

  19. I think that Markell, whether deliberately or otherwise, has succeeded in ensuring the passage of Helene Keeley’s decriminalization bill.

    While he has not publicly announced his support for the bill, he is considered to be supportive of it. Full legalization was not going to happen during his term anyway b/c of teh State Police. Being wrong on almost everything doesn’t mean that they’ll be ignored.

    I think Markell now provides cover to those on the fence who otherwise would have worried about retribution from the cops. Who should no longer be listened to.

    Triangulation at its best. Whether intended or not.

  20. Dorian Gray says:

    Joanne… Thanks for you earnest concern. I no longer live in Newark. I did live down from Kowalko when i lived there. However, I couldn’t care less who knows what. That was the original point. About 50 people marched in Wilmington last weekend on this issue. One fucking clown was dressed in a costume as a pot leaf. What’s the chances one of those white kids was holding? 99%? Nothing happened. It’s a relatively harmless vice. Nobody cares unless, as mentioned, enforcement can be used to harass minorities. I’d wager $10,000 the quote-po po-unquote won’t be coming to my door.

    Feel free to leave these posts up. I’d prefer it.

  21. Republican David says:

    Decriminalization is a horrible idea. It maybe the worst of both worlds. It leaves the crime syndicates in charge, ruining lives and neighborhoods. It allows them to get customers with weed then move them to harder drugs. Legalization dethrones the crime syndicates and allows us to regulate it and keep it away from kids, using for recreation, better. Half measures are not good.

  22. SussexAnon says:

    Somebody needs to stop n frisk Republican David. He just came out in favor of regulating something.