Saturday Open Thread [3.7.15]

Filed in National by on March 7, 2015

The Los Angeles Times reports that President Obama “is laying out plans for a post-presidential period that his friends envision as a busy third act of his life, using his public prominence to try to address socioeconomic challenges in the world.” I think Obama is going to be a hybrid of Carter and Clinton, but I think he will actually stay focused on America and not the third world / Africa.

“Economic empowerment for the disadvantaged, expanded opportunities for girls and the programs that help young men in the project that he calls ‘becoming a man’ all are likely to figure in the agenda of the last two years of his presidency and afterward, according to people close to him.”

Delaware’s unemployment rate dropped at even 5 percent.

Over the past year, Delaware has added more than 8,000 net jobs outside of agriculture. Much of that growth comes from professional and financial services, as well as transportation. […] Delawareans’ take home pay every week continues to grow slowly, standing at just under $740 per week. That’s still well below January 2009 when weekly earnings totaled about $770 every week.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) “maintains unwavering control over Democratic members of the House on legislation — in contrast to the House speaker, John A. Boehner, who continues to struggle with his cacophonous caucus — and she may be a surprisingly vital tool for the White House at the end of President Obama’s tenure.”

“Her lasting authority was demonstrated this week when she helped pass a measure from the Senate to avoid yet another government shutdown. That vote ‘strengthened our hand,’ Ms. Pelosi said, a sentiment that many Republicans, who are eager to show that they can effectively govern, agree with, teeth clenched.”

I dare say Pelosi has been the most effective congressional leader since Tip O’Neil or perhaps Lyndon Johnson before him.

The Economist, that huge bastion of liberalism, has this to say about Obamacare and Supreme Court (emphasis added):

This week the Supreme Court heard yet another legal challenge. In King v Burwell, the law’s opponents argue that its subsidies for individuals buying health insurance on the federally organised online exchanges are illegal. They are unlikely to prevail but, if they do, the law will be gutted and the insurance market thrown into turmoil.

That would be a terrible shame, for Obamacare appears to be working better than expected. First, despite the incompetent rollout of (the website that allows people to use the federal exchanges), the proportion of Americans who lack cover has fallen from 16.2% to 12.3% since 2009. Second, the previously terrifying pace of medical inflation has slowed. The amount that America spends on health care grew by 3.9% a year in nominal terms between 2009 and 2011—having grown by 7.3% a year in 2000-08. […]

As Americans age and Obamacare continues to extend coverage, federal outlays on health will probably start to grow again as a share of GDP over the next decade. America still spends far more than it needs to on health care, as the gap with other nations shows. But there is hope at last that health inflation can be made more manageable. Scrapping Obamacare and starting again from scratch would make this harder. Far better to build on what appears to be working. For the Supreme Court to rule for the challengers would be a woeful outcome.

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    For the life of me, I cannot think of WHERE Delaware added 8000 jobs the last year. Is that a typo? Maybe 800? Seriously, did we open a call center or something for the financial industry because 8000 additional jobs, shouldn’t leave us with the fuzzy budget forecast, and scare tactics to the seniors about property taxes, with that type of robust employment in this state.

  2. kavips says:

    Joanne… at 2026 square miles, that is only 4 jobs per square mile… that is barely crosses the human capability of perception….

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    I get it kavips, but when Energizer adding 260 new jobs I believe OVER the next TWO years, grabs front page headlines, a few months ago—I’m just kinda scratching my head about if there is any epicenter for these 8k jobs. Construction is flat. My acquaintances in banking aren’t feeling real secure, DuPont downsized management, Christiana Care may have picked up an Urgent Care or rehab facility. Seriously, have the theatres at the Riverfront, mall, and Westown done a massive hiring? Because between that and DOE jobs in Dover, I’m loathe to suspect some numbers magic in that net report. Any company move here lately?

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    Oh….and 4 of my 10 neighbors have moved in the last 10 months…….for jobs. Florida and Louisiana.

  5. Norinda says:

    $740/week are Low Wages-therefore the economy has grown in the low-wage job sector. Net or Gross Wages?

  6. bamboozer says:

    I base my perception of jobs on help wanted signs, until last Thursday I drove a truck around New Castle County on a daily basis. The results, lots of signs, lots of help wanted. No, these are not “good” jobs for the most part, but lots of jobs none the less. And if you wish to move to Florida or Louisiana well, via con Dios and tell Rick or Bobby we said hell no.

  7. Tom Kline says:

    Delaware isn’t in good shape. They’re cooking the books… What’s the real rate of unemployment…

  8. puck says:

    740/week are Low Wages-therefore the economy has grown in the low-wage job sector.

    That’s how expansions always start. Stay tuned…