R.I.P. Sen John McCain’s Presidential Ambitions

Filed in National by on April 2, 2007

UPDATE: Mitt Romney is a dolt who thinks Bush was right to attack Iraq.  Stick a fork in him too.

Tons and tons of bad news for Mike Castle’s pick to be the next President of the United States.

First of all, the Sunday pundocracy threw him under a bus called “Fred Thompson”. Then the quarter ended and McCain had to disclose that he raised about as much money as Joe Biden. Around the same time he shot his stupid mouth off about how safe some Bahgdad neigborhoods are and got his slapped around for that. Then, to put a cherry on top – he went to bagdad to demonstrate how well the war is going and how safe Bagdad is…only…oopsie. It is only safe when you take 100 infantry men and a black hawk helicopter with you.


UPDATE: I forgot one. New polls out show that most people don’t want to vote for an old guy like McCain.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. bc says:

    I will vote for Fred Thompson just to get his wife into the whitehouse. She is both smart and hot. (No risk of him porking a fat intern and Freddy probably gets all of his exercise at night so we wouldn’t have to watch him continuously crash his bike while wearing spandex.)

  2. anon says:

    It is the Dukaki-zation of the GOP!

  3. Disbelief says:

    Hate to say it as a Dem, but Rudy is our hope for the future.

  4. jason330 says:

    The little part of you that makes you “hate to say it” is called sanity. The fact that you “hate to say it” but went ahead and said it anyway means that you sanity is losing the battle in your mind against insanity.

    See a doctor right away.

  5. bc reminds me of the comics thusly named which depict cavement dragging females by their hair.


  6. bc says:

    B.C. was(is?) a great comic.

    Nancy Willing is a great porno name though.

    Not sure what your comment meant, so i will leave it at that.

  7. ” Mitt Romney is a dolt who thinks Bush was right to attack Iraq. Stick a fork in him too.”

    Translation: I, along with other Democrats, fear Mitt Romney as the biggest threat to my party taking back the White House.

  8. jason330 says:

    I was worried for a second. i think Bush’s election shows that voters are capable of falling for anything.

  9. No, really. I speak fluent Jason. That’s the translation.

  10. motnewbie says:

    Well Thank God! Jason is back and I have to change diapers again (because of my new daughter). Well, at least changing diapers is cool!

  11. bc I refer to your caveman reason for a Thompson presidency.

  12. bc says:


    Obviously i was kidding and wouldn’t base a vote on that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying a woman is attractive and it certainly doesn’t amount to advocating physical abuse.
    So if you mean “caveman reason” as being attracted to the opposite sex (or same sex) is something so ingrained in humans that it has been around for thousands of years, then i agree.
    But if it was meant as a slight, then perhaps you should think again. I, like 99% of the world, enjoy sex and enjoy looking at the opposite sex. (I thought republicans were supposed to be the Puritanical type??) I particularly like SMART hot women and have no shame in saying I would like to see such women in the limelight.

  13. it was in that you did not indicate that you were kidding/and/or/ I took you at face value and your nickname was too much to resist.

    you know the comic strip b.c. of course.

  14. bc says:

    Fair enough. Perhaps I will start posting as Marmaduke to avoid the stereotyping.

    Also, the Geico Cavemen would like to have a word with you.

  15. heh!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hear that there is a pilot in the works for a TeeVee show based on the Geico Cavemen.
    I love those commercials, just love ’em.