Delaware to Apologize for Slavery

Filed in National by on December 7, 2015

It must be nice to be Jack Markell at this point in his career. He can just troll the shit out of Republican fuck-wits all he wants.

Delaware Governor Jack Markell, commemorating the 150th anniversary of the 13th Amendment outlawing slavery in the United States, announced on Sunday a resolution to officially apologize for his state’s role in slavery.

“We must publicly and candidly acknowledge the lasting damage of past sins – damage that continues to reverberate more than 150 years after the abolition of slavery,” Markell told worshippers at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Wilmington, Delaware, his office said.

The ratification of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution officially ended U.S. slavery on Dec. 6, 1865.

Via Reuters

Someone should ask John Carney about this. I wonder what his half hearted agreement would sound like in 3 to 4 weeks?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (25)

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  1. Mikem2784 says:

    Carney would have to doing a public opinion poll to see what he should think before announcing a position.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Governor Elect can’t just blurt out support for this. There might be a voter in Bumfuck, Sussex who may feel slighted.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    If Carney reads the comment section of Markell’s Facebook post about this, he’d never endorse it. What a cesspool of stupidity.

  4. Jason330 says:

    That’s my whole problem with Carney. He gives comments from the nuts and Republicans too much weight.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    I just voted in the DL poll. All funny choices. I especially enjoy the Irish asking for an apology too. That old canard is the best. The most troubling response is the one for which I voted. The old “I didn’t own slaves” routine.

    One must need to repress some strange and disturbing shit and basically ignore reality if one believes that only slave owners are at fault. Every American white person (even families of immigrants who arrived in the 20th century) has benefited from our history of white supremacy. This is simply a case of the lack of reckoning with what one would prefer not to reckon with.

    An almost linear connection from the police brutality of today runs though the racist “War on Drugs,” vast racial disparities in the criminal justice system, housing discrimination (whereby we shoved minorities into the ghetto), Jim Crow, lynchings and directly back into chattel slavery. To ignore this is silly and ignorant.

    I’m not a fan of cliché, but in this case one is illustrative. This move by Markell is, in the most literal sense, the very least we can do.

  6. mouse says:

    Read The Debt

  7. mouse says:

    When I was a kid not that long ago, my parents would take me to Beverly Beach on the Chesapeake. There was a guy there who inspected everyone who came in and certainly no blacks came in.

  8. Anonymous says:

    He is just lining up his next job!
    Every Delawarean needs an apology for his bad investments, with the taxpayer dollars!!

  9. LashLarue says:

    I am so happy the party of slavery is apologizing for slavery.

  10. Tom Kline says:

    With all the issues in DE this clown is on an apology tour 200 years to late.

  11. Delawarelefty says:

    The only clowns here are the conservative fools of anonymous, lash and tom. Go back to DP where no one will see or hear you. Your idea of intellligent dialog is mind numbing. You spew nothing but garbage. If your Relug party has a better candidate, then put them up for election. The problems of today are often rooted in your past mistakes. Delaware is cutting edge in their rejection of anything republican.

  12. Delawarelefty says:

    Hey Tom, Trump is giving away brown shirts. Have you got yours?

  13. Bane says:

    Hey Anonymous,

    What job is there for Governors who apologize for slavery?

    Furthermore, does super rich Jack Markell who is a popular 2 term Governor need help getting a job? Does he need a job?

  14. mouse says:

    The party of slavery was and is conservatives

  15. Stat says:

    That is a ridiculous statement.

  16. pandora says:

    Stat, since you claim to know history… what happened to those pro-slavery Democrats? Did they stay with their party or did they find a more welcoming home? Walk us through this.

  17. Stat says:

    The 13th amendment abolished slavery and the pro-slavery Democrats eventually died off.

  18. jason330 says:

    The most recent to do so was Smyrna/Clayton’s Sen. Jim Vaughn. (Oct 2007)

  19. Anonymous says:

    @Bane. He is going for a Senators job or an appointment job if Hillary gets elected (Sec. of Ed.).
    I think his popularity is waning, too many bad business deals. His poor plans for education.
    Delaware was a leader in egalitarianism. Read the history, Delaware did a great job. They actually closed their ports to any slave ships.

  20. Geezer says:

    “the pro-slavery Democrats eventually died off.”

    You left out “and their pro-slavery descendants register Republican.”

  21. Bane says:

    Anonymous, what are you talking about? A leader in Egalitarianism? Delaware didn’t even ratify the 13th Amendment until 1901. The General Assembly rejected all three civil war era amendments…. 13th, 14th, and 15th.

    Secondly, if leading the way for an apology for slavery was a quick way to a new job, I’m sure more than 8 states would have done it by now.

  22. Stat says:

    Another ridiculous statement. Nobody in America is pro-slavery. That’s like saying Trump speaks for all the GOP. I would never vote for that dummy.

  23. Aoine says:

    “Nobody in America is pro-slavery”

    really – they why try to pass Bills that allow undocumented immigrants the ability to stay and work but no chance to become citizens…with no rights.

    call it what you will – but second-class citizens equals slavery

    look up Bracero Program

  24. Aoine says:

    never mind – I could not resist and did it for….. you – well, I did it more like the others here that might actually read the article

  25. stat says:

    “second-class citizens equals slavery”
    I find that offensive. To compare people who come under their own free will with the opportunity of making good money to take back home to the the life of a slave that is treated as property is not the same.