Star Wars on Christmas.

Filed in National by on December 8, 2008

Luckily, I was only 2 years old in 1978, and fortunately did not witness the Star Wars Holiday Special, or if I did, I don’t remember it.   I wonder, though, why have the wingnuts not boycotted Star Wars for the last thirty years.  I mean, could there be a more blatant attack against Christmas, Jesus Christ, Christianity, and apple pie?   “Happy Life Day??!!??”   Surely in a galaxy far far away and a long time ago, the citizens of the Empire celebrated the birth of the son of God, even if it hadn’t happened yet.   Sacrilege!    If they haven’t already, all radical wingnuts must burn their Star Wars merchandise.  Yes, including that DVD box set you got last Life Day…er ah, I mean Christmas.


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  1. jason330 says:

    I was 13. I think I would have remembered such a thing. Is this some kind of joke?

  2. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, I remember it. It was a very wookie Christmas, indeed. I was an 8 year old, deep in the throes of Star Wars love. I think I liked the show at the time, but it was very hard to “get”