Super Saturday Results

Filed in National by on March 5, 2016

We have Democratic caucuses today in Nebraska and Kansas, a Democratic primary in Louisiana tonight, Republican caucuses in Kansas, Kentucky and Maine, and a Republican primary in Louisiana. Bernie Sanders is favored to win Nebraska and Kansas, and Hillary is favored to win Louisiana.

Following the results here at Decision Desk.

KY GOP: Trump leads
ME GOP: Cruz wins
KS GOP: Cruz wins
LA GOP: Trump wins
KS DEM: Sanders wins
NE DEM: Sanders wins
LA DEM: Clinton wins



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  1. Jason330 says:

    So the Canadian Ted Cruz is having a big night. I’d much rather face him than Trump in November.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    I’m rooting for Cruz so that you and I can be right.

  3. Dave says:

    Yep, better Cruz than Trump. Cruz will have trouble tacking to middle for the general. Unfortunately, so would Sanders. It’s not easy to move to a place you’ve never even visited.

  4. kavips says:

    This is odd. I was struck that if you flip Texas because it was Cruz’s home state, and flip Vermont because it was Sanders, the Trump map and Hillary map for the most part match. Bernie matches Cruz and Rubio combined.. Admittedly, there are a couple of exceptions.. Remember Iowa was decided by coin tosses… and New Hampshire was almost home to Bernie…