We Have Exceeded Epic Fail.
I love the phrase “Epic Fail” and the accompanying pictures of failure attached to it. Thus, this is my favorite blogosphere reaction to the Blagojevich scandal so far.
Incredible. Blagojevich was already under investigation. And then he tries to sell Obama’s Senate seat? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this. This dude tried to auction the Senate seat of the President-Elect of the United States. Wow. They haven’t even invented a machine that can calculate the Fail Factor here. I do believe we have gone to Interstellar Fail. Intergalactic, perhaps.
This is pretty amusing as well. Joe the Plumber throws McCain under the Straight Talk Express.
UI…you just stumbled upon a HUGE STORY. No, not that J the P threw McCain under the bus or that he liked Palin more, but J the P aka Sam said he was on the McCain bus in September. The event in Ohio where J the P was asking Obama about his tax plan did not take place until the day before the final debate, in mid-October! And that confrontation was supposedly genuine, a random undecided voter asking Obama about his tax plan.
J the P’s answer to Beck reveals what I suspected all along: that J the P was a McCain plant.
You’re right, the bailout bill discussion was in mid-September but J the P was not introduced until the 3rd debate, nearly a month later.
If J the P was a plant, that makes McCain’s lack of vetting of him even more bizarre. I guess I tend to think the J the P is lying to make himself look better in hindsight.