Filed in National by on December 10, 2008

Are you worried about losing your job?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    No. I’ll more-than-likely lose my job in the next 3 months but I couldn’t care less. I look forward to the day as the coup de grâce. It’ll end the corporate misery. I have vowed to never work for a major corporation again, banking or otherwise. I’m done.

  2. I think I’m right there with you DG. My brother has a pizza business and I think he is going to make me an offer I can’t refuse…

  3. Rod B. says:

    No. I didn’t do anything wrong.

  4. nemski says:

    DV go pizza, it’s much harder work than the corporate world but its in your blood. 😉

  5. RSmitty says:

    I always said the coffee shop smelled like pepperoni when you bought me my joe. Now I know why.

  6. Pizza is a strange business to get into in this market.

    You have Domino’s which pushed the cheap pizza/volume mess. You have Pizza Hut who has gimmick pizzas every few months. You have Papa Johns which actually produces a decent product.

    People are trying to stretch their dollar, and that means slimmer profit margins. Now may be the time to inject capitol into the market so you reap the profits when times turn around.

    I know the franchise I work for is not profitable right now as a whole. If the owner didn’t have other types of businesses we would probably be in a world of hurt.

  7. nemski says:

    I know the franchise I work for is not profitable right now as a whole. If the owner didn’t have other types of businesses we would probably be in a world of hurt.

    Does he deliver bud? 😉

  8. jason330 says:

    No. I didn’t do anything wrong.


    If the only people who ever lost there jobs were people who did stuff wrong, the entire Bush admistration would have been canned 6 years ago.

  9. MJ says:

    Nope – have civil service protection and 24.5 years of service.

  10. xstryker says:

    Yes. Don’t think it will happen, but I am worried.

  11. brian s,

    it’s a family business my friend, i’ll be just fine


  12. Does he deliver bud?

    half of the pizza business is the delivery business

  13. Unstable Isotope says:

    I am very worried. My company announced layoffs and I’m waiting to hear.

  14. flutecake says:

    I own part of this business I’m in, we make stuff HERE, cash flow is terrible even though we’re plenty busy (our business is UP from last year this month to date & year before). People are NOT paying their accounts owed to us, making it hard to pay my bills.

    Hanging on for dear life. Any positive vibes would be appreciated.

  15. anything we can help promote flute?

    as long as it’s not some dumb internet radio show, we may be able to hel9p

  16. RSmitty says:

    Does he deliver bud?

    Two contexts here:
    -1) Does he deliver, bud? (the version DV answered)
    -2) Does he deliver Bud? (as in da’ sudz)

  17. FSP says:


    If the only people who ever lost there jobs were people who did stuff wrong, the entire Bush admistration would have been canned 6 years ago.”

    Rod B.? “I didn’t do anything wrong”??

    Still nothing?

  18. Annie says:

    There are layoffs and we just got our increase in our healthcare payments each month. It’s pretty sad. We have $1 mil. deficit right now due to low donations.

  19. jason330 says:

    Pizza and Beer delivery would be huge.

    Someone might want to see if we can round up enough votes to make it legal this year.

  20. Atkins could sponsor it!

  21. Lizitish says:

    I am half expecting my v small non-profit to have to let me go, at which point I will enthusiastically pursue any opportunity the new admin can offer to help me become a public schoolteacher with manageable training expense (I already have a BA). It’s what I really want to do, but it’s hard to justify the transitional effort without a layoff from my more0than-decent current job.

  22. Nosy says:

    I always said alcohol delivery would cut down on drinking and driving! Hey – how about an auto part store that delivers? How can you get the part you need to fix your car if you can’t drive it to the auto part store?

    Wait — I’m giving away all of my good ideas!

    Oh, and yes, I am very worried about losing my job. I work for a landscaping company. I make a very decent living running the office. We were busy this year but had to slash our profit margin so we are hurting right now as far as cash flow goes. Our A/P is skyrocketing while our A/R is stagnating. Not sure what next year is going to bring . . . hopefully not a lay-off!

  23. flutecake says:

    Thanks, DV! I really am optimistic. We moved recently and have all but one moving expense paid off. Our new expenses are lower and we watch costs like hawks.

    What Nosy says about the A/R stagnating is true, but this month we’ve gotten more work in than we can buy paper at cost to print on.

    Failure not being an option, we are holding on, hoping for the best.

  24. just stopping by... says:

    I’m not worried about losing my job, because as a full time and funded student I do ok… It’s what happens come May that I’m worried about… I don’t want to go back and get my Ph.D just so I can stay afloat…but this job market isn’t making it any easier….

  25. Does he deliver bud? 😉

    I’m sure many delivery drivers deliver weed on the side. Why not, you’re going to crappy neighborhoods with cheap ass broke people anyway, might as well make a few sidecontractor bucks off the deal.

    We had one driver a few years ago that called out of his shift because he was arrested for dealing. Well, the person who answered his phone told us when we called… Explained alot.

  26. Oh, to answer the question… No.

    I have this insane ability to be reliable, dependable, and good at what I do, making me indispensable. Even at my last job i bailed out as the boat was sinking.. I was sure I had a job until the money dried up.

    If things start getting hairy, I start lining something else up. I’ve had two job offers for a career I am not even qualified for yet. Just waiting for the education to finish and the certification in May.

    Hey – how about an auto part store that delivers? How can you get the part you need to fix your car if you can’t drive it to the auto part store?

    Psst, they already do that. They make money delivering to the repair shops.

  27. Mrs. Hotviti says:

    not worried about losing my job, but i am worried about the insurance companies being able to pay me. i’m in private practice for therapy and it’s a worry i always have. one thing i do have going for me is that if the private practice thing doesn’t work out at least i can find a job with my degree and license pretty easily cause there’s lots of crazy people out there (just check this website at any given second)

  28. Sharon says:

    Not at all.