Filed in Uncategorized by on May 2, 2007

I just faxed a question to his “Rose and a Prayer” guest and if he reads it [AND SHE RESPONDS HONESTLY], it could be explosive.

In the event he does not get to it [OR CHICKENS OUT], I wrote:

please ask if you guest knows of anyone from the “pro-life community” that is considering running in a primary against Castle to advance the pro-life agenda.

Also – what does your guest think about Castle’s stance on the wholesale murder of frozen embryo Americans.”


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (26)

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  1. anon says:

    Ask that Stepford woman if she supports the post-natal abortions in Iraq.

    She wants to insist on scientific precision with the term “cloning,” but then she goes and insists on calling the blastocysts/embryos “babies.” By that standard, so far 3351 fully armed American “babies” have died in Iraq (not counting civilians of course).

  2. jason330 says:

    The right to post-birth abortions is absolute and God given.

  3. Chris says:

    Either of you have kids? I used to be “Pro-Choice” in college. Hey, we all like to have options right. Then I had a child. Held it in my arms. If, after you have done that, you can still be “pro-choice”…then one questions the presence of your heart.

    They are babies from the time of conception. And with each ultrasound you see, you can already see the development of personality and behavior. Guess what…they actually move, respond emotionally…in short….they are alive. They are indeed babies.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Mine are 6 and 9, and yes they are real live kids and have been for some time. The question is “When did they become so?” do you feel bad about all of the little whipper-snappers that you didn’t use to impregnate your wife?

  5. Chris says:

    Not the same thing. Life begins when the combination of the sperm and the egg take place.

    Thankfully, my wife never miscarried, but I have known several women who have not been as lucky. Try telling them it wasn’t a baby.

  6. anon says:

    I used to pause and reflect whenever rightwingers questioned my morality.

    Not any more.

  7. donviti says:

    oh boy, we have a ringer…

    the question is about faith and if you get to shove yours down someone elses throat.

  8. donviti says:

    against abortion but for the war, gotta love these guys.

  9. Chris says:

    Against killing mass murders but for killing babies. Got to love you guys!

  10. Chris says:

    Besides it is not a matter of faith. It is a matter of life or death…quite literally in this case.

  11. anon says:

    It is a matter of life or death

    OK… so you are for homicide charges against women who obtain abortions? or do they get a pass in your world?

    See, if you penalize the doctors and nurses but not the woman, you are revealing that you are more interested in controlling women’s behavior than in actually enforcing pro-life laws.

  12. Chris says:

    Like clockwork with you guys. If I want to keep babies from being murdered I must want to control what a woman does with her body. You do know statistically speaking over half of those babies being murdered are female. They are being denied a right to choose what to do with their body. Heck, they are being denied a right to even keep their body. So the argument does not wash.

    Besides if you ever met me you would learn I am married to a woman that lets nothing stand in her way. And I am raising my daughter , and my son for that matter, to believe that “Girls and women and be anything they want to be”. So I am not interested in controlling women’s behavior.

    Many years ago I thought it so mind numbing that the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice camps weren’t even fighting on opposite sides. One wants to preserve a woman’s right to make decisions about her body, the other to stop innocent children from being slaughtered. Is there no common area? Is there not way that both can be happy? Can the groups not pull their resources to develop education, behavioral, and scientific ways that would eliminate the need for abortions? Pie in the sky I know. But still theoretically possible. Sure you will always have the extremists. Those on the Pro-Life side that will murder doctors to protect the babies, and those on the Pro_Choice side that actually solicit and encourage women to make abortion their only choice. But take those people out of the equation, and can the rest of us not find a good working place?

    Back on topic. Rose and a Prayer is trying to discourage or stop embryonic research, but not adult stem cell. Their facts are correct. All cures to date have been from adult stem cells. Lets pursue that avenue a little more don’t you think?

    The embryonic stem cell people I fear are in it more for the pro-choice politics then for the science. And that is sad.

  13. Chris says:

    Well, I had a nice thought out response to this, but the system clobbered it. So here is the short form.

    Over half of the aborted babies are female. Those females are being denied the right to choose what to do with their body. Heck, their body is being ripped apart.

    I am married to a woman who lets nothing stand in her way. Our children (1 boy/1girl) are raised to believe that girls/women can be anything they want to be. I have no interest in controlling women. Heck I would even vote for a woman President (but she would have to be conservative, not shrill like Clinton and Pelosi).

    But the reality is it comes down to whether a women loses a right to choose or a baby looses their life, without every getting a right to choose. By the way, I am a strong proponent of passing and ENFORCING laws to make the daddies take at least financial ownership these unaborted pregnancies. Giving a nod to a woman’s right to choose, I would even consent to a law allowing the woman to choose how much, if any, personal involvement the father gets with the child. Even allowing her to decide on the adoption or not. Unfortunately, there would be situations where the woman would abuse that power, but that is better than innocent babies being murdered.

    So no. I am all for giving the woman as much control as we can, short of allowing her to terminate a human being.

  14. anon says:

    It was a yes or no question, dude.

  15. liberalgeek says:

    So Chris, how would you treat all of the frozen eggs or embryos that we have waiting for a Mommy that is never going to come? Shall we have a steady stream of right-wing women line up to bake them for the rest of us? Or should there be no fertility treatments of this sort? Is it Gods will that these people be barren?
    Or should these be donated to researchers to try to find cures for fully formed, sentient human beings that happen to have some debilitating or fatal disease?

  16. donviti says:

    In my dreamworld I win the lottery and never ever have to work again!

  17. Disbelief says:

    Who’s for retroactive abortion of politicians? Me, me!!!

  18. Chris says:

    I find it amusing that in none of my posts have I once mentioned God or it being a matter of faith. Indeed I stated just the opposite. It was donvitti (who so impressed me with a thoughtful response on another comment thread) who resorted to such tactics in this case. It is a liberal tactic to group all Pro-Life people together with the faith-based ones because there is simply no other way to defend the slaughter of innocent children. So we invent tactics like using “fetus” and “embyro” instead of child because it is supposed to help soother or consciences.

    Since anon seems to need one word answers, “No”, I would not bring homicide charges against a woman seeking an abortion. Enforcement of abortion laws would be a tricky endeavor, but one that needs to happen.

    The fetility matter is one that would need to be addressed. Science will have to step up an develop fertility treatment methods that minimize the number of fertilized embyros that need to be created. Dreamworld if you like, but one we need to aspire to.

    INNOCENT life, whether you look at it from a faith-based or secular view, is precious, and ANY cheapening of that is detrimental to us all.

  19. anon says:

    OK… so explain the free pass for women who have abortions.

    If I buy your theory that abortion or stem-cell research is killing a baby, why should the law treat killing the unborn differently from killing the born?

    Or perhaps there is some difference after all between the born and the unborn?

  20. Chris says:

    It was an attempt to bridge the gap and give some quarter. But then again, I criticize Bush whenever he compromises with Dems. It never works.

    So fine. If it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that a woman performed a self-abortion then yes, she should be charged with murder just as a woman would be today if she gives birth and then leaves the baby to die or drowns the child in a toilet.

    A woman who seeks an receives and illegal abortion would be charged as an accessory.

    Is that what you wanted to hear? Have you unmasked a great evil misogynist in the midst? There is the media headline. “Local misogynist wants poor pregnant women strapped to the table and given lethal injection!” No doubt, that is how CBS would report it.

    I try to believe that liberals come in many flavors, but I am not so sure that is the case anymore. Broken record with you guys. Close-mindedness truly is the domain of liberals today.

  21. anon says:

    A woman who seeks an receives and illegal abortion would be charged as an accessory.

    OK. Take that to pro-life elected officials and see if they will introduce that amendment into their legislation.

    Your position still acknowledges a difference between the born and the unborn. If you hire a hit man to off a ” born” person, you are going down for murder, not “accessory.”

  22. Disbelief says:

    I figure no one should have a say in this matter unless they were born with a uterus. And I firmly believe that the wag was right who said, “If men got pregnant, abortion would be a God given right.”

  23. Jason330 says:


    What do you make of Castle’s Jihad on frozen blastula Americans?

    Pretty vile right?

  24. Chris says:

    Well I am assuming that this is probably one issue you are in agreement with Rep. Castle on. As I indicated earlier, I think we need to get to the point where creation of excess embryos needs to be reduced and the process become as efficient as possible.

    While I may seem black and white to you, I really am not. The fact is that excess embryos do exist currently and it is unrealistic to expect that all will be adopted out, especially since many people are not comfortable with that. It has also been my understanding that a large sample of embryotic cells can be harvested from only a small amount of embryos. While I do see the destruction of embryos as a tragedy, and still am convinced that the majority of “scientists” interested in this research have ulterior political motives, I think a compromise could be reached where one more cell line could be collected and force the scientists to approach it more efficiently and less willy nilly (wow…how did I work that phrase in…must be late). I know it will not sit well with many in the pro-life camp, but I think reasonable compromise, this one time, could be reached.

  25. Chris says:

    Time to step up and meet me in the middle?

  26. Anon says:

    I got a copy of the list of diseases that A Rose and A Prayer says have been cured by adult stem cells. It includes brain cancer (#1), ovarian cancer (#3), breast cancer (#17), multiple sclerosis (#38), Parkinson’s disease (#49), sickle cell anemia (#52) and cirrhosis of the liver (#71 – that one’s for you, Mike). What a crock. These folks are liars.