‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: June 2016

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 1, 2016

An extraordinarily diverse and rich mixture of compelling music this month.  Something for (almost) everybody.

Yes, you have to click on the link immediately below for the first one. It’s worth it, trust me. Astral Weeks meets Haiti:



This one will be in my year-end Top 10 for sure:

I took my first tentative step on board with last year’s “Sandra’s Smile”.  I’m now pretty much convinced that he’s an essential artist:

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Ooooooh. The Luscious Dusty Trails and as so good. Just the thing for a lazy Sunday morning.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Maggie Rogers too. Where have you been hiding these good ones? No more half-baked art school projects.

  3. It was just a bad month for half-baked art school projects. Don’t worry, they’ll be back. I’m trolling art school projects as we speak…oh, wow, Buck Owens meets Ornette Coleman. Now how bad could THAT be??