Watch El Somnambulo Tonight at 5:30 and other times
Our own El Somnambulo gets my vote for Progressive of the Year. His coverage of the state legislature is first rate. It is the only Leg Hall coverage I read. When he shines a light into that dank crevasse, legislators blanch with fear and embarrassment. Or at least they should if they were capable of feeling embarrassed.
He’ll be on WHYY tonight at 5:30 pm talking about the state legislative races.
Looks like this will be replayed tonight at 11:30
I used to cheer El Somnambulo gleefully at my radio. Now I cheer El Somnambulo at my television joyously. Love me some Tanzer.
Need me psychiatric care.
He should switch and use that pic as his gravatar…
Agree, Joe. My life is bereft and bankrupt without my morning fix of Al and El.
Where did you get that picture? It rocks!
Agree with kavips. Time for a gravatar change…