Congratulations to Ms McBride, Order of the First State Recipient
This is a “credit where credit is due” two for the price of one. McBride has clearly been instrumental in making the lives of Delaware’s LGBTQ community better, and Markell, for all of his retrograde trickle down economics, has been pretty good on LGBTQ issues.

McBride, who was the first openly transgender speaker at a major party’s national convention, also serves on the board of Equality Delaware. She played a pivotal role in the passage of Delaware’s 2013 Gender Identity Non-Discrimination Act, which provided basic legal protections to transgender people in employment, housing, public accommodations, and insurance.
“Generations of Delawareans will have better lives thanks to the work and courage of Sarah McBride,” said Gov. Markell. “On their behalf, I’m incredibly grateful.”
Here’s the legacy of Sarah McBride in two instances:
1) Two days ago I was talking to an older professor who goes out into the schools, and he complained that in a Kent County HS there was a transgender student treated exactly like every other kid in the school by his peers–“They didn’t even act like he’s a freak!” was the complaint. When I told my 13-year-old grandson about it, I wondered if he’d relate to the story. Without batting an eye he said, “There’s a transgender kid in my grade. She’s pretty cool. Everybody likes her.” This seismic shift in attitudes would never have occurred, even in Delaware, without Sarah McBride.
2) I have an old college friend in Charlotte NC still fighting the fight for equal LGBTQ rights in the Tarheel State. Sarah went there and stood up for people in the Great Bathroom War he was astounded at her courage and how articulate she was on behalf of people she’d never met and probably never would. I am reminded of the slogan Mike Castle used to use: “We only send one. Let’s send our best.”
Thank you, Sarah, for everything you have done and continue to do.
Thank you, Jason! I was completely surprised by the honor and was proud to receive it alongside Mark Purpura and Lisa Goodman, two people who have done far many than me in the fight for LGBTQ equality in Delaware. They are two heroes in my book. I’m eternally grateful to them – and so many others – for the progress Delaware has made.
And wow, Steve! Thank *you.* I can’t tell you how much that means to hear. Those are the type of stories that make everything worth while.
We’re making progress, but not fast enough and not equally enough. Thanks to DL for the steadfast commitment to using this platform to advocate and educate. It’s made a big difference.