Senator Coons’ turn as the Whack-a-Mole.

Filed in National by on December 15, 2016

From Politico:

Senate Democrats will never vote to repeal Obamacare. But once the deed is done, a surprising number of them say they’re open to helping Republicans replace it. […]

So far, Democrats are taking a hard line: They won’t support anything that reverses Obamacare’s overriding goal of providing millions more Americans with meaningful, affordable health care coverage.

But if the GOP comes up with a proposal to fix the flaws with the current law — such as faltering insurance exchanges and fast-rising premiums— while maintaining subsidies and coverage for low-income Americans? Well, in that case, some Democrats will be hard-pressed to stay on the sidelines.

“If there is a path toward saving the best parts of Obamacare that are actually helping deliver affordable quality health care to millions of people while addressing some of the challenges, flaws and weaknesses of Obamacare, we should work hard with Republicans on that,” said Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.). “But we don’t know yet if they’re serious.”

Looks like we have to play whack a mole with Carper and Coons. As soon as we get one bipartisan Republican enabler in line, we have another pop up. Yes, let’s accept Republican framing and say you are willing to work together on a replacement. Repeat after me, Chris: The replacement for Obamacare is Obamacare. If you want to improve it with a public option or a Medicare buy in or more cost controls, fine. Anything else is a non-starter, like repealing the mandate or cost control regulations on insurance companies.

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  1. puck says:

    “Anything else is a non-starter, like repealing the mandate or cost control regulations on insurance companies.”

    It will be hard to keep Coons from supporting repeal of the 3% investment gains tax that funds Obamacare.

  2. anonymous says:

    We need a striker; he wants to play goaltender.

  3. JTF says:

    Is it just me…. or has Coons been *really friendly* to Trump? What’s his angle?
    I seem to remember a lot of bravado when she stole without credit the “short fingered vulgarian line”, but he’s been downright polite since the election. Going for an ambassadorship perhaps? Even carper has been tougher than him.

  4. donviti says:

    it’s like Delaware is a breeding ground for fence sitters.

  5. bamboozer says:

    Au contraire, the replacement for Obamacare is Single Payer. I’d say Medicare for all but it seems there’s a possibility Paul Ryan’s wet dream of a voucher program may just happen this time around. As for Coons he’s a Corporatist, just like Carper, Carney, Markell and far too many others. Until we put real Democrats in office this is what we are going to get.

  6. John says:

    He joined with Senators Warren, Durbin, Cardin, and Merkley on legislation to require Presidents to divest financial interests and place the proceeds in a blind trust. I’ve seen him publicly question several of Trumps cabinet picks. That has to count for something, no?

  7. Anono says:

    Wow, someone working across the aisle, to make it better for all! Good for you, Chris Coons!

  8. anonymous says:

    “He joined with Senators Warren, Durbin, Cardin, and Merkley on legislation to require Presidents to divest financial interests and place the proceeds in a blind trust.”

    Oh, bravo! That bill will get worked right after they finish dismantling Medicare, I bet.

  9. Jason330 says:

    Coons said something like, “what do people expect me to do?”

    Well Sir, I expect you to start using your standing as a SENATOR to oppose this Kremlin installed con artist.

  10. citydems says:

    He has Jason- his recent trip (this year) to Estonia, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Iceland – and has sharpened his focus on what is happening and threatening Eastern and Central Europe-

  11. anonymous says:

    Right. Like I’m worried right now about Estonia.

    How do the Coons apologists type this stuff with a straight face?

  12. cassandra m says:

    Well Sir, I expect you to start using your standing as a SENATOR to oppose this Kremlin installed con artist.

    Here’s the bigger picture problem — we have a Special Election coming up where the GOP is going to flood the zone with money. We already know that Specials are difficult for Dems. Coons should be thinking ahead here — providing a sharp GOP critique on Trump and the Congress at every opportunity and pointing back at Delaware. He doesn’t need much money to be heard and he should be tuning up the band right now.

  13. Jason330 says:

    Good point. Sadly, very little chance of that happening.

  14. anonymous says:

    “Coons should be thinking ahead here — providing a sharp GOP critique on Trump and the Congress at every opportunity and pointing back at Delaware.”

    Unfortunately, we must send to Washington the Chris Coons we have, not the Chris Coons we wish for.