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O’Mara’s In

Filed in Delaware by on March 13, 2024 27 Comments

Former DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara filed the paperwork, becoming the first Democrat to enter the race for governor. His pitch: Democrats control every statewide office and both houses of the General Assembly, so it’s up to Democrats to solve the state’s problems. He made his pitch with a tour of all three counties today and […]

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Song of the Day 3/13: David Allan Coe, “Take This Job and Shove It”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 13, 2024 3 Comments

Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado is among the 23 Republican House members who announced they would not seek reelection this year, but yesterday he went them one better: He’s not even going to stick around until the end of the month. He’s leaving at the end of next week. Buck entered office as a Tea […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on March 13, 2024 3 Comments

I don’t know why this is surprising anymore, but it seems Robert Hur, the Trump-aligned special counsel who said Joe Biden’s brain was scrambled eggs, stretched the truth out of shape in his official report. Transcripts of the interview showed Biden was lucid, if occasionally confused about timelines. Democrats used Hur’s appearance before a House […]

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Song of the Day 3/12: Raspberries, “Go All the Way”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 12, 2024 1 Comment

Eric Carmen, the frontman of seminal early ’70s power pop band the Raspberries, died over the weekend at age 74. He gained greater fame in the ’80s after he left for a solo career, and in recent years some infamy for outspoken right-wing political stances, but his concept of a band that combined Beatles melodies, […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on March 12, 2024 9 Comments

The backlash against the police reforms that came after the George Floyd protests has been fierce, led by the police themselves. That’s led to many jurisdictions undoing those reforms in the face of reports of rising crime – which, if you bother to look at the numbers, is the opposite of the truth. Gee, I […]

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Song of the Day 3/11: Roxy Music, “Virginia Plain”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on March 11, 2024 1 Comment

People are still talking about Alabama Sen. Katie Britt’s disastrous State of the Union response, which seems to test the theory that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. I seem to remember Bobby Jindal had already disproved it back in 2009, when he was considered the GOP’s young, fresh, not-a-white-male face. All most people […]

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DL Open Thread Monday, March 11, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on March 11, 2024 2 Comments

I realize that most opposition to immigration stems from tribalism and protectionism, but something anti-immigration warriors rarely appreciate is simple economics: More people equals more economic activity. That’s why the Congressional Budget Office estimates increased immigration will add $7 trillion, with a T, to the U.S. economy over the next decade. Trump’s vow to deport […]

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Song of the Day 3/10: The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, International by on March 10, 2024 0 Comments

You can discover anything on the internet, just about. That’s why the online world’s inability to discover the name of this song or the musicians who recorded it makes it The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet. This much is known with 99% certainty: The synth-pop tune was recorded in 1984 by a young teen […]

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Song of the Day 3/8: Elton John, “I’m Still Standing”

Filed in Open Thread by on March 8, 2024 3 Comments

Joe Biden is yet another day older, but this is the rare day when that’s not the lead story about him. Even the mainstream media had to concede that the guy who delivered the State of the Union speech didn’t look or sound like the guy they’ve been describing for months. Elton John is five […]

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Song of the Day 3/7: The Beatles, “Doctor Robert”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 7, 2024 0 Comments

Dr. Feelgood the Candy Man, better known as former White House doctor Ronny Jackson, has been demoted by the Navy from retired admiral to retired captain for running a pill mill out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. during the Trump administration. The Pentagon inspector general found he drank and took drugs while on duty and created […]

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Song of the Day 3/6: Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears, “I’m Broke”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 6, 2024 0 Comments

This song is what the meeting between Donald Trump and Elon Musk at Mar-a-Lago must have sounded like. Guitarist and singer Black Joe Lewis was a hot item back in 2009, when he broke out at Austin’s SXSW festival and released the album “Tell ‘Em What Your Name Is!” which included this track. He’s released […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 6, 2024 7 Comments

Trump and Biden both won most of the Super Tuesday delegates, but with enough hiccups to give the media something to talk about. Trump lost Vermont to Nikki Haley and picked up only about 75% of the GOP votes cast, while Biden lost American Samoa to some nobody from Baltimore. As a barometer, Samoa leaves […]

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Song of the Day 3/5: Melbourne Ska Orchestra, “Get Smart”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on March 5, 2024 2 Comments

Feeling down? I find that there’s nothing like a little ska revival music to brighten my mood. Today’s exhibit A: the Melbourne Ska Orchestra, an Aussie outfit that shows how well the genre takes to a big-band treatment. The band has been around for more than 20 years, and is part of a global ska […]

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