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Poll Results: Democrats in Disarray

Filed in National by on February 22, 2024 1 Comment

Atrios over at Eschaton captured the folly of Democrats dwelling on Biden’s age with one sarcastic headline: “Let’s Spend Weeks Talking About The Fact That Our Candidate Is A Drooling Vegetable”. But talk about it we have, so let’s find out who the readership favors to carry the Democratic banner in Biden’s stead. Oh, dear. […]

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Song of the Day 2/22: Public Enemy, “Don’t Believe the Hype”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 22, 2024 0 Comments

Sorry, Lappy™, it turns out that the case against Hunter Biden was a Russian ratfucking operation going back almost 10 years now, and all the mainstream news organizations dutifully repeated it because Republicans were full partners in spreading it. Public Enemy knew all about getting a bad rap from the media. They responded with this […]

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Song of the Day 9/21: Barenaked Ladies, “Brian Wilson”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 21, 2024 1 Comment

Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys has dementia, according to documents filed last week in California seeking new conservators for him following the death of his wife, Melinda, two weeks ago. The 81-year-old was described as described as “unable to properly provide for his or her personal needs for physical health, food, clothing, or shelter.” […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 21, 2024 3 Comments

The White House promises new sanctions against Russia in the wake of Alexei Navalny’s death. We’ll see if being put on Double Secret Probation does anything to slow down Putin’s murderous regime. Meanwhile, Trump reacted to Navalny’s death by…comparing himself to Navalny. I’m not even going to link to it, because every click just encourages […]

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Song of the Day 2/20: Crowded House, “Don’t Dream It’s Over”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 20, 2024 5 Comments

Kudos to Bono and U2 for leading their audiences – in Las Vegas, of all places – in leading chants of “Alexei Navalny” in remembrance of the martyred Russian dissident. Throughout the band’s residency at that new Enormodome, they’ve been dedicating a song to Ukraine’s struggle for freedom, and it’s not one of their own. They […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on February 20, 2024 6 Comments

Remember Hunter Seefried, the Laurel man who followed his Confederate battle flag-waving father into the Capitol on Jan. 6? Now into the second year of his prison sentence, he has filed for early release, noting that he chased a capitol cop but committed no violence. The 34-year-old also earned his GED and his forklift operator […]

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Song of the Day 2/19: The Presidents of the United States of America, “Kitty”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 19, 2024 0 Comments

For Presidents Day, the only band that was the Presidents of the United States of America, with their 1995 hit “Kitty” (Modern Rock No. 13). According to guitarist Dave Dederer, it’s based on a true story.

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DL Open Thread Monday, Feb. 19, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on February 19, 2024 24 Comments

It’s Presidents Day, so let’s start with the formerly anodyne holiday exercise of Historians Rankiing the Presidents. Let’s see here: Top 5 is Lincoln, FDR, Washington, Teddy, TJeff. Obama No. 7, Biden No. 14, I’m sure Trump is in here somewhere, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling … Here he is, No. 45. Last place. But that’s not […]

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Song of the Day 2/18: Elvis Costello, “Pay It Back”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 18, 2024 0 Comments

Let’s say you lend Donald Trump $5. Would you trust him to pay it back? Silly question. Of course not. Yet banks have lent him billions, and he’s paid them back – except for all those businesses that have gone bankrupt, of course. But now he’s on the hook for hundreds of millions. Stop, thief, […]

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Song of the Day 2/16: The Wailing Wailers, “Simmer Down”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 16, 2024 3 Comments

The new Bob Marley biopic, “One Love,” is getting slagged by movie critics, which probably won’t make much difference to audiences, who gave it high scores regardless. Only a few of the reviews complained about the music, though Jack Hamilton’s review in Slate dinged it for presenting a “dorm-room poster” version of his oeuvre. The […]

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Song of the Day 2/15: Bad Company, “Young Blood”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on February 15, 2024 11 Comments

The competition for scummiest asshole in Florida is so crowded it has to be held in categories, like drag races. In the congressional class, while Anna Paulina Luna is giving him a run for his money, Matt Gaetz still reigns supreme. While the Department of Justice has dropped its sex-trafficking investigation against him, former Rep. […]

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Song of the Day 2/14: Penny and the Quarters, “You and Me”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on February 14, 2024 1 Comment

It’s almost a miracle that “You and Me” ever reached our ears. The demo tape was recorded sometime in the early ’70s in Columbus, Ohio, for a tiny soul label, Prix, but was never released. It was rediscovered only in 2005, after the death of a man named Clem Price, who owned the studio where […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on February 14, 2024 14 Comments

The special election to replace the Lyin’ King, George Santos, as representative in New York’s 3rd congressional district wasn’t the squeaker predicted by polling. Democrat Tom Suozzi defeated his Republican rival by eight percentage points, 54-46. As is traditionally the case, reporters are falling all over themselves to explain why this isn’t good news for […]

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