
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Sen. Tom Carper Talks About State-Run Public Options

Filed in National by on October 11, 2009 7 Comments

This video from the Nightly Business Report is not embeddable, but click here and the player should come up for you. There is a transcript, too.

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Late Night Video — Beck is pwned

Filed in National by on October 9, 2009 1 Comment
Late Night Video — Beck is pwned

You go Stephen Colbert in another piece of satire gold:

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Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — DIY Bacon Vodka

Filed in National by on October 9, 2009 3 Comments
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — DIY Bacon Vodka

Bacon-flavored vodka seems to be all the rage right now, with a couple of expensive and hard-to-find versions out on the market. But making your own seems like a perfect fall weekend project. Plus you can make enough to give as hostess gifts or other gifts for the upcoming holidays. This recipe is courtesy of the blog Brownie Points:

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Alan Grayson Has a New Message for Ds and Rs

Filed in National by on October 9, 2009 7 Comments
Alan Grayson Has a New Message for Ds and Rs

Damn it, this guy is all right with me. Besides, there’s even a Friday bacon-blogging connection!

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Calling ‘Em Out

Filed in National by on October 9, 2009 9 Comments

Time Magazine reports that the White House is getting more aggressive in taking on the disinformation that gets into the press:

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Late Night Video — Autotuning Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking

Filed in National by on October 8, 2009 0 Comments

There is something oddly fitting about this autotuned tribute to Dr. Sagan. You wonder what the point of it is, but here is an exuberant remix of the words of one man whose exuberant sense of wonder and delight in the world and the stars just charmed you right into sharing that wonder and delight.

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Late Night Video — Call GOP Senator David Vitter with Your Prostitution Questions!

Filed in National by on October 7, 2009 3 Comments

Senator David Vitter has been up in arms about the whole ACORN business — where a scam prostitution crew tries to get a mortgage — that it seems more than fair to get the Senator to talk about his expertise with prostitution:

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CBO Score on Baucus Bill Completed

Filed in National by on October 7, 2009 0 Comments

The CBO score (this is a pdf) was delivered on the Finance Committee bill this afternoon and the news is at first blush — good. Good in that it will keep the process rolling to its next step which is a vote out of Committee so the work at merging the HELP and Finance bills can proceed. Key highlights:

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More Like This Please! Shep Smith Dismisses the Talking Points

Filed in National by on October 7, 2009 4 Comments

You have to see it really, but there is a transcript here. Shep Smith had on repub Representative John Barrasso from Wyoming for a discussion of the Public Option for health insurance reform, which definitely did not go as the Representative likely expected.

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NCCO Takes a Step Towards Openness

Filed in National by on October 5, 2009 3 Comments

From the article that DD linked to highlighting the Delaware Way this week, there was a small piece at the end noting a piece of good news:

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Late Night Video — Everything is OK

Filed in National by on October 4, 2009 3 Comments

Delightful bit of business monkey-wrenching some of the public space rules of speech, recording and interaction with “security” staff — spoofing the Fear is Good mindset. This is about 8 minutes long, then get back to work so you can move on to your shopping experience.

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Anger in America

Filed in National by on October 3, 2009 1 Comment

The ever funny Lewis Black riffs on the current fad of pundits stringing together a bunch of unrelated incidents to say that we are now an Angry Nation:

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Banned Books Week

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on October 3, 2009 6 Comments
Banned Books Week

This past week has been Banned Books Week, the week the ALA and American booklovers shine a light on the effort to censor or remove books from public libraries or classrooms and to celebrate the freedom to read. The ALA has provided an interesting map of the books banned and removed from public facilities. A […]

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