
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Crowd Sourced Edition

Filed in National by on September 25, 2009 18 Comments
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Crowd Sourced Edition

We’re getting plenty of suggestions for Bacon Blogging and this week’s entries come from RSmitty a faithful reader and the foodie team of UI and Free Radical.

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How ACORN Helped Defund the Entire Military Industrial Complex

Filed in National by on September 22, 2009 30 Comments

Well, maybe not all — but there’s some nervousness out there. After yesterday’s post on why reducing spending and government is so tough — today I find that Congress has just enacted a way to really cut back on expenditures that I whole heartedly endorse:

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Late Night Video — The Elements

Filed in National by on September 21, 2009 1 Comment

Great infographic video mostly aimed at kids to explain chemical elements — scored by They Might Be Giants! Very Cool and Very Fun.

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Why the Rightwing Jihad for Cutting Spending is a Loser

Filed in National by on September 21, 2009 13 Comments

Read every word of Bruce Bartlett’s explanation.

Bartlett goes into great detail on how “cutting spending” is a pipe dream — either because the kind of stuff that conservatives always tell you they want to get gone won’t do much to balance the budget or because there are not enough votes to get rid of it. He starts with showing how much control the President and Congress respectively have over spending and ends with busting the myths about how Reagan or Thatcher cut spending.

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Howard Dean Alert!

Filed in Delaware by on September 21, 2009 0 Comments
Howard Dean Alert!

The Amazing Dr. Dean will be at the Philadelphia Free Library this coming Thursday at NOON. He is speaking to promote his new book — Howard Dean’s Prescription for Real Health Care Reform.

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More Like This Please!

Filed in National by on September 21, 2009 6 Comments

Fox News has apparently been whinging that President Obama did not appear with them in the WH blitz to appear on all of the talking heads shows this Sunday morning. Why would that be? Here is the WH spokesman answering that to ABC news:

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Late Night Video — Funny Mashup Edition!

Filed in National by on September 20, 2009 1 Comment

Kanye misbehaving everywhere, I guess!

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The Teabagger Pledge

Filed in National by on September 19, 2009 27 Comments
The Teabagger Pledge

I saw this at dKos yesterday, but it also turned up in my email several times, today, so I thought I would post it here. Perhaps our local teabaggers will print this up and make a point of getting their cohorts to signup. Or perhaps tell us they endorse this letter in the comments!

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Avast Maties — It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Filed in National by on September 19, 2009 4 Comments
Avast Maties — It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day!

We interrupt your ritual pillaging and mayhem to remind you that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, with a message from its founders direct from Pirate News Network:

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Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Decisions Edition

Filed in National by on September 18, 2009 0 Comments
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging — Decisions Edition

Just what the world needs — a When to Eat Bacon decision tree. Click on the image for more detail. W

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Calling Them Out on Their Lies

Filed in National by on September 18, 2009 28 Comments

President Obama made a point of this promise in his speech to the Congress and it looks like it starts now:

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Late Night Video — The Definitive 9/12 Video

Filed in National by on September 17, 2009 2 Comments

Lifestyles of the White and Gullible, indeed…a word of advice — put down all liquids before watching. The English-only guy is especially fun. But so is the lady on Social Security who wants the government out of her life.

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Allan Loudell Assesses the State of Local Radio

Filed in National by on September 16, 2009 9 Comments

In today’s NJ, Allan Loudell has a published piece assessing the current state of and the opportunities for local radio.

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