
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Give the People What They Want

Filed in National by on June 16, 2009 10 Comments
Give the People What They Want

[youtube][/youtube] Another very interesting poll is from the Employee Benefit Research Institute. (Excerpts below the jump are from the full report in pdf at the link.)

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That Didn’t Take Long

Filed in Delaware by on June 14, 2009 9 Comments

To play the tired PC card. Which, we are already clear, is basically the default position of retreat for those who can’t find rational or civilized arguments for their daily fear and loathing and paranoia. There is simply no attempt to delegitimize political speech from this site.  We absolutely welcome it.  We do work pretty […]

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This About Says It

Filed in National by on June 13, 2009 13 Comments


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President’s Town Hall Meeting on Health Care

Filed in National by on June 13, 2009 0 Comments

President Obama went to Wisonsin this week to conduct a Town Hall discussing efforts to fix the health care system.  This is abit over an hour long, but worth watching if you’ve only seen clips (the one where he gives the young woman a note for school seemed to be the news): [youtube][/youtube] I hope […]

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How You Make a Trillion Dollar Deficit

Filed in National by on June 11, 2009 45 Comments
How You Make a Trillion Dollar Deficit

…and then try to blame Democrats for it. This is simply fantastic analysis from David Leonhardt from the NYT tracing how the US got to trillion dollar deficits, that you should all bookmark and refer to when the usual suspects show up to pretend that the sky just started falling on Jan 20, 2009. Especially […]

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QOD — Rethinking the Legislature Edition

Filed in National by on June 10, 2009 50 Comments

The State of Maine is taking steps to regorganize its legislature from a bicameral body to a unicameral body.  This measure actually passed their House yesterday.  They say they are doing this to save money — $11M per year. So here’s the questions: 1.  At the state level do you think that a unicameral legislature […]

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HB 117 Passes the House

Filed in Delaware by on June 9, 2009 39 Comments

Vote on this hotly debated bill really did happen this afternoon and the results just got posted. Vote was 23 YES, 17 NO and 1 Absent.  Follow after the jump for the vote detail.  Apologies in advance for the formatting.

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President Obama Orders Stephen Colbert to Shave His Head

Filed in National by on June 9, 2009 2 Comments

As usual, Colbert is crazy and his guests are good sports. If you hadn’t heard, The Colbert Report is broadcasting from Iraq this week. Make this an Open Thread and tell us what is on your minds. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Obama Orders Stephen’s Haircut – Ray Odierno Colbert […]

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Another Episode of Wingnut Fail

Filed in National by on June 9, 2009 59 Comments

There they go again. Republicans’ Maximum Leader Rush Limbaugh is trying to manufacture a new bit of outrage, this time to boycott GM. That’s right — boycott General Motors. Clearly these repubs have not spent any time mapping out where the GM plants will survive. And clearly these repubs don’t give a damn about whether […]

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JFC Closed

Filed in Delaware by on June 8, 2009 31 Comments

See details here. The JFC is meeting today and Rep. Dennis Williams asked the media to leave. Apparently, they are doing a “work to rule” deal today — since HB1 isn’t yet signed by Governor Markell, it isn’t a law they have to abide by. Technically correct, but one wonders how long it will take […]

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So What’s Specter Saying Here?

Filed in National by on June 8, 2009 1 Comment

[youtube][/youtube] (via TPM) This is almost 7 minutes of a clear campaign speech with Specter claiming credit for the stimulus package and for bringing all kinds of funds to Pennsylvania for a bunch of projects.  Calling the current Republican caucus “obstructionist” was a nice touch. He is heckled throughout over EFCA.  At the end, he […]

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Bendito Machine

Filed in National by on June 5, 2009 3 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] This is what Cartoon Brew has to say about this: Jossie Malis, an animator and illustrator living in Barcelona, has been developing an animated series online for the last 3 years called Bendito Machine. Each film pits primitive people against alien creatures and intergalactic robots, done in an Aztec designed cut-out silouette style. If […]

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Silly Stimulus Games — Wilmington Edition

Filed in Delaware by on June 5, 2009 1 Comment

The NJ reported the other day on the award of $11M of Recovery money to the state for public safety projects — of which both NCCo and the City of Wilmington got $1.5M each. In Wilmington, 17 police officers and 8 firefighters are planned to be laid off since their unions have not agreed to […]

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