
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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HB1 Petitioned Out?

Filed in Delaware by on May 14, 2009 19 Comments

Just heard that Sen Karen Petersen got the 11 signatures to bring HB5 1 to the Senate floor.  The Senate immediately broke to caucus. That’s all I got and I’m not so sure of that — what have you heard? EDIT: I just heard via email that this is HB1 that got petitioned out — […]

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OMG! Teabagging 2.0 is Happening Today!

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 9 Comments
OMG!  Teabagging 2.0 is Happening Today!

OMG! And we’re missing it! According to Politico, TeaBag Parties 2.0 is on for today via a tele-town hall. They are expecting 30K people at this one, which doesn’t say much about their “grassroots” organizing — this number ought to be bigger than the 200K or so you got on 15 April, guys. Plus what […]

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“It’s easier to hit somebody than outsmart them.”

Filed in National by on May 14, 2009 15 Comments

This was the response today of the FBI interrogator Ali Soufan to Sen Lindsay Graham’s quip that waterboarding must work since it has been around for hundreds of years. That is what was reported on NPR this evening, but not in any of the reported accounts I’ve looked at yet. But here’s McClatchy on this […]

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New Rules!

Filed in National by on May 9, 2009 2 Comments

Good stuff from Bill Maher last night: [youtube][/youtube]

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More Wanking — Patriot Act Edition

Filed in National by on May 9, 2009 9 Comments

If you’ve made your way around the blogosphere this week, you’ve seen some of the tale of the 16-year old who has been nabbed from his mother’s house by jack-booted Feds, sent off to another state, and otherwise mistreated as a result of the Patriot Act.  It is enough to make you take up your […]

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Senator Carper — Stop Voting for Banks

Filed in Delaware by on May 9, 2009 14 Comments  produced this ad that calls out Senator Carper’s vote to stop the bill that would allow bankruptcy judges to adjust mortgage interest rates: [youtube][/youtube] Call Senator Carper’s office at 202-224-2441 and tell him you’re disappointed in his vote against the mortgage modification legislation.  And just so you are clear about this — bankruptcy judges […]

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And The Run on Sports Betting (and Other Gambling) Begins

Filed in National by on May 8, 2009 2 Comments

Revenues are brutally insufficient everyplace, and multiple other states are taking a hard look at sports betting (via to add to their coffers without raising taxes too: […]In New Jersey, state Rep. Ray Lesniak (D) is part of a lawsuit seeking to overturn a 1992 federal law that essentially bans sports betting except for […]

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Take a Look at Expensive Photo Ops

Filed in National by on May 8, 2009 2 Comments

One of the photos from the useless and expensive Presidential photo op. How much was that supposed to have cost?

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Cape Henlopen School Board Race News Update and Request for Volunteers

Filed in Delaware by on May 8, 2009 24 Comments

The Cape Henlopen School Board election is 5 days away and Meyer Persow is working hard and campaigning like crazy for the At-Large seat. His work has been paying off — he had an impressive performance in this week’s debates; has been out and about meeting voters; he’s been endorsed by the Victory Fund and […]

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No Gay or Lesbian Jurists — The Bigotry Setup

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 4 Comments

John Thune: [C]onservative leaders have warned the nomination of a gay or lesbian justice could complicate Obama’s effort to confirm a replacement for Souter, and another Republican senator on Wednesday warned a gay nominee would be too polarizing. “I know the administration is being pushed, but I think it would be a bridge too far […]

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Cutting Tax Breaks for Ethanol

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 2 Comments

Good news that may reduce the incredibly stupid subsidy for corn ethanol: The Obama administration on Tuesday proposed renewable-fuel standards that could reduce the $3 billion a year in federal tax breaks given to producers of corn-based ethanol. The move sets the stage for a major battle between Midwest grain producers and environmentalists who say […]

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FOX Busted!

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 5 Comments

This is not fair and balanced any which way you cut it: [youtube][/youtube] And for all of the Democrats who rush to talk to these propagandists, you won’t be in much of a position to yell about how they treat you when you know up front that they won’t be honest about their reporting. (another […]

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What’s The Point of Having Cake If You Can’t Eat It?

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009 7 Comments

(Via From Pine View Farm) That is my favorite saying from the Muppets’ Miss Piggy in response to someone who was silly enough to recite the tired cliche that she could not have her cake and eat it too. Apparently Blue Dog Democrats think this way too: Overall, Blue Dogs submitted more than 2,500 individual […]

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