
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Teabagging Day! Bet They Wish They Had Thought of Loose Tea

Filed in National by on April 15, 2009 23 Comments
Teabagging Day!  Bet They Wish They Had Thought of Loose Tea

Now, it is also Tax Day, so make sure that you have completed your Taxes and sent them in before you get involved with any Teabagging activities.  Somehow I don’t think that the IRS will take your Teabagging Events as a serious reason to not file.  So here we go: This is what these guys […]

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Countdown — One More Day Until the World’s Biggest Teabagging

Filed in National by on April 14, 2009 8 Comments

One more day until the big event — and one more day to ponder the sheer hypocrisy of these tea party events.  One of the things I notice over the past week or ten days is how fast the folks trying to put this on are trying to re-spin the purpose of this thing.  They […]

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Countdown — Two Days Until the Worlds Biggest Teabagging

Filed in National by on April 13, 2009 13 Comments

Does anyone wish this were over yet?  Or is this too much fun to watch?  Do you think that this will be the end of the crazy or do Republicans still have new heights to reach? Witness the awesomeness of a Tea Party in Ohio back in February.  And witness the accepted GOP narrative re: […]

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Countdown — Three Days Until the World’s Biggest Teabagging

Filed in National by on April 12, 2009 12 Comments

Can you feel the excitement, the anticipation, the sheer thrill of telling the Administration to take back their damn tax cuts? Yeah, me neither.  More wingnut teabagging news: Jed Lewison invokes his special magic to let us know exactly what is at stake (again, NSFW,people): The Tea-Tantrum Movement — which is what Andrew Sullivan calls […]

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Countdown — Four Days Until the World’s Biggest Teabagging

Filed in National by on April 11, 2009 13 Comments
Countdown — Four Days Until the World’s Biggest Teabagging

Still don’t have the knack of the Family Friendly!   Teabagging news you can use: Rachel Maddow and Ana Marie Cox do a Pulitzer-worthy analysis of Teabagging, ranging from the FoxNoise complicity, to Senatorial teabagging, to the long term effects of teabagging on the Conservative Movement.  Must See TV: [youtube][/youtube] ACORN is taking attendance at […]

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Countdown — Five Days Until the World’s Biggest Teabagging

Filed in National by on April 10, 2009 8 Comments

Sorry again for the Not Family Friendly title. And this video is definitely NSFW. So plug in your earbuds or wait to watch this at home. And put down any liquids: [youtube][/youtube]

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Countdown — Six Days Until the World’s Biggest Teabagging

Filed in National by on April 9, 2009 33 Comments
Countdown — Six Days Until the World’s Biggest Teabagging

That title isn’t Family Friendly, right? Oh well. While we wait for what looks like a practice run for the Rapture from here, take a look at some Teabagging News: Alan Keyes makes the Chicago Teabagging Team! Michael Steele does not make the Chicago Teabagging Team! Teabagging Math (and signage) Fail! (139% tax burden? WTF?)

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Bracket of Evil — Championship Round!

Filed in National by on April 7, 2009 18 Comments
Bracket of Evil — Championship Round!

Good grief! Rove vs. Blackwater! I am really surprised that Blackwater has survived this far. I must have missed my George Soros newsletter on the evils of Blackwater, I guess. So you know what to do — vote and tell us who you picked.

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Filed in National by on April 3, 2009 1 Comment

[youtube][/youtube] Very good!

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Bracket of Evil — The Fiendish Four

Filed in National by on April 3, 2009 6 Comments
Bracket of Evil — The Fiendish Four

Rove, Limbaugh, Blackwater and Palin survived! Fox News not being in the finals is a real surprise. But you know what to do — click the image to vote your bracket and come back to tell us what you chose.

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Two Delaware Programs Included in Harvard Top 50 Innovation List

Filed in Delaware by on April 2, 2009 3 Comments

Two Programs from Delaware — the City of Wilmington’s Instant Ticketing Program and the State of Delaware’s K-5 Early Intervention Program — have made it to Harvard’s Top 50 Government Innovation List for 2009. The list is developed by the Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the John F. Kennedy School of Government […]

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Wingnut Freakouts — Gifts Fit for a Queen Edition

Filed in National by on April 2, 2009 8 Comments

Wingnuts everywhere (including some our local rookie leaguers) clutched their collective pearls yesterday over the fact that the Obamas gave the Queen of England a video iPod. While she already had a non-video 2005 version: So the Queen of England did what lots of people hooked on their iPods do — she asked for a […]

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UPDATE 2– SB7 Eminent Domain Bill in the House Today WIN!

Filed in Delaware by on April 2, 2009 16 Comments

SB7, the Eminent Domain bill, comes up for debate and vote in the House today. The NJ reports that there is the possibility of a killer amendment to this bill being introduced in an effort to derail the legislation. This is a part of the current Synopsis: This Bill requires state, county, or municipal governments, […]

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