
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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And It Wasn’t Supposed to Be This Close

Filed in National by on April 1, 2009 7 Comments

Yesterday, there was a Special Election to find Kirsten Gillibrand’s replacement for NY-20.  The vote was between Scott Murphy (D) and Jim Tedisco (R).  Tedisco had alot of advantages going in — not the least of which was that he is the current Minority Leader of the NYS Assembly and has been in office for […]

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GOP Budget — Fail More Edition — UPDATE!

Filed in National by on April 1, 2009 8 Comments

So, our story so far is that the GOP delivered its budget pamphlet last week — sans any numbers — and to the derision of even the press. Details are still fairly thin, but Rep Paul Ryan was interviewed on Bloomberg this weekend and he can’t tell the interviewer any numbers, either (although, they exist […]

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HB 17 Passes the House

Filed in Delaware by on April 1, 2009 4 Comments

From the GA website: This Act is the first leg of a Constitutional Amendment which eliminates the existing five-year waiting period before eligible felons who have fully discharged their sentences may have their voting rights restored. The vote was 32-8. Rep. Hazel Plant was the sponsor of this bill (with Rep. Keeley as prime co-sponsor) […]

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So When Does This End?

Filed in National by on March 30, 2009 4 Comments

Cops running through a door and shooting a guy for a dime bag (maybe even less than that). All of those resources pointed at a dime bag — a giant waste of money, manpower and attention. Michigan doesn’t have any drug kingpins to knock down?

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GM and Chrysler Not Viable?

Filed in National by on March 30, 2009 14 Comments

McClatchy is reporting that President Obama will announce today that he will not approve additional bailout funds for either car company, saying that they have not yet gone far enough to ensure their long term viability. GM will get 60 days of operating capital to go back to the drawing board and Chrysler will get […]

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The Republican Road to Recovery

Filed in National by on March 29, 2009 1 Comment
The Republican Road to Recovery

From driftglass — The Best Suicide Note Ever: But wait! There’s more interesting riffs on this theme: Been There, Done That (Permanent) Minority Report The Problem is Your Fucking O/S I’m not sure if there will be more in this series, but these are just damn brilliant comments on the vaporware that is the Republican […]

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The Flatlining of Dead Tree News

Filed in National by on March 28, 2009 11 Comments

Newspapers falling like dominoes seems to be one of the themes of the year, not unlike the 2 or so banks per week handed over the the FDIC.  It never seems quite real until one thing just crystallizes it all. And this is it. Just go see what squeezing every last dollar out of a […]

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Bracket of Evil Round 2

Filed in National by on March 27, 2009 8 Comments
Bracket of Evil Round 2

Click the image for the big ballot and come back and tell us your picks!

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Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging

Filed in National by on March 27, 2009 8 Comments
Friday Afternoon Bacon Blogging

Thanks and h/t to meatball for this culinary delight: Click on the image for the blog post that reviews this spot as well as more images.

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Prison System A National Disgrace

Filed in National by on March 27, 2009 3 Comments

That is the claim Senator Jim Webb makes introducing his National Criminal Justice Act of 2009: America’s criminal justice system has deteriorated to the point that it is a national disgrace. Its irregularities and inequities cut against the notion that we are a society founded on fundamental fairness. Our failure to address this problem has […]

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Another Day, Another Wingnut Conspiracy

Filed in National by on March 25, 2009 3 Comments

Nemski highlighted the crazy question FoxNoise managed to ask President Obama last night, and now I’m reading that the New World Currency is the new right-wing stupidity: [youtube][/youtube] And, of course, the Chinese are in this for something too — they are heavily invested in the dollar and heavily tied to it.    But count on […]

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Guest Post — Ask John Brady

Filed in Delaware by on March 25, 2009 13 Comments

John Brady joined in the conversation in El Som’s Law Firm Closing Thread, and a poster asked john a question. We asked John if he would like to respond to the periodic question from Delaware Liberal readers on an occasional basis. We are using the question anon asked of John for the first post. Discuss […]

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Update on Cape Henlopen School Board Election

Filed in Delaware by on March 24, 2009 15 Comments

Meyer Persow has his website up and running. If you are interested in supporting this progressive candidate you can contribute to his campaign via this website or signup to volunteer. They are definitely looking for folks to help staff their phone banks over the next month or so.

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