
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Late Night Video — Am I Suspicious?

Filed in National by on July 18, 2013 9 Comments

Well, are they?

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Chart of the Day — Dodd Frank Isn’t Hurting Banks

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 18, 2013 1 Comment
Chart of the Day — Dodd Frank Isn’t Hurting Banks

Everyone who is surprised that the Banking Apocalypse that Dodd-Frank was loudly predicted to be hasn’t materialized, raise your hand. Thought so. While bank profits have had ups and downs since the crash, they are certainly plenty profitable and definitely not in any real risk as they tried to convince us otherwise. So here is the chart from the article in NY Magazine:

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First Looks at the Delaware Health Insurance Exchange

Filed in Delaware by on July 18, 2013 8 Comments
First Looks at the Delaware Health Insurance Exchange

Under the ACA, each state is supposed to create and manage a medical insurance marketplace where people who aren’t covered by insurance can buy plans. Delaware’s Health Insurance Marketplace website went live this AM — although the details of the exchange and the insurance options on offer are not yet available. I’m mildly surprised that California and NY got theirs up earlier — I had thought at one time that Delaware was pretty far ahead of the planning curve for planning and implementing this. Which is probably a misconception on my part.

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Late Night Video — Colbert Is Baffled By Non-Rioting Black People

Filed in National by on July 17, 2013 8 Comments

Be sure to watch to the very end……..

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Vance Phillips Pleads the Fifth

Filed in Delaware by on July 17, 2013 5 Comments
Vance Phillips Pleads the Fifth

At least that is what is being reported in the Cape Gazette today. You’ll remember that Phillips is being accused of sexually assaulting a campaign staffer in 2011 — repeatedly. So much for looking forward to Phillips telling his side of the story — as his legal team claimed he was eager to do.

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Late Night Video — Everything Wrong with Skyfall in 4 Minutes or Less

Filed in National by on July 15, 2013 1 Comment

I don’t care, I’m still a fan of this movie. Even though this video has a Whole Lot of Good Points. 4 and a half minutes long:

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Pallin’ Around With Neo-Confederates

Filed in National by on July 15, 2013 9 Comments
Pallin’ Around With Neo-Confederates

Earlier this week, there was a report from the Washington Free Beacon on the neo-confederate and neo-secessionist views of one of Senator Rand Paul’s aides. Jack Hunter is the guy and he helped Paul write his book, The Tea Party Goes to Washington:

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Late Night Video — Bill Maher Reads Tea Party Porn

Filed in National by on July 14, 2013 1 Comment

People, seriously, this is NSFW. And it is put-down-the-liquids funny. About 3 minutes long:

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Sunday (Bastille Day) Open Thread [7.14.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on July 14, 2013 3 Comments
Sunday (Bastille Day) Open Thread [7.14.13]

The GOP has made an offer on the filibuster nominee fight — they’ll approve 2 Republicans and 1 Democrat so that the NLRB has a quorum (and it can do its job). The problem here is that it leaves the NLRB with a Republican majority:

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Zimmerman Not Guilty Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 14, 2013 181 Comments
Zimmerman Not Guilty Open Thread

I’m as shocked and disgusted as I was last night when I heard. 2nd degree murder was likely a stretch but to acquit this guy from hunting down and killing this kid is an amazing injustice to the rest of us. Today I’m thinking about how to best prepare the kids around me to deal with this open season on them. Jay Smooth is reported to have said yesterday: “The fundamental danger of an acquittal is not riots, it’s more George Zimmermans.” Quite right.

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Erick Erickson Reveals More of the Despicable Me Strategy of the GOP

Filed in National by on July 13, 2013 8 Comments
Erick Erickson Reveals More of the Despicable Me Strategy of the GOP

Last night, the Texas legislature voted to approve a strict new abortion law, in spite of state polling that noted opposition to this bill and to special sessions to enact it. After an evening of confiscating tampons and maxipads from women entering the Capitol building, Texas Senators took their vote and decided that Texas Government needed to be big enough to interfere with women’s health decisions. After the vote, one of CNN’s stable of brain-dead conservative commentators posted this on Twitter:

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Saturday Open Thread [7.13.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on July 13, 2013 3 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [7.13.13]

More Hillary news — she continues to dominate the early polling for President in 2016. Quinnipiac released another of their tracking polls this week:

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Throwing Shade at the Sheriff Christopher

Filed in Delaware by on July 12, 2013 16 Comments
Throwing Shade at the Sheriff Christopher

This is, I think, the best headline ever from the NJ: Legal brief throws shade at sheriff. Noting that the Sheriff is appealing to the Supreme Court to give him a job that no longer exists, the Sussex County brief definitely gets to the original intent of the Founders on Sheriffs:

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