
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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When Delaware Democrats Vote to Cut Food Stamps

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 1, 2013 25 Comments

The Farm Bill (S. 954) was being worked by the Senate the last few weeks, in an effort to get a bill done and voted on before the recess. This bill looks much like last year’s bill (but adding some additional support for Southern crops such as rice, cotton and peanuts). As this bill came out of the Agricultural Committee, it had cut $4.5 BILLION from the food stamp program over the next 10 years. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand offered an amendment (#931) to restore those cuts:

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Friday Open Thread [5.31.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 31, 2013 1 Comment

Yesterday, there was a protest at the Sallie May HQ down in Newark:

They carried signs, chanted and sang as they marched to Sallie Mae’s offices before the company’s annual shareholder meeting. They came demanding to meet with company leaders in hopes of airing their concerns with rocketing student loan debt. “We were sold degrees that aren’t worth what they were worth,” said Sara Fitouri, a first year law school student at the University of Denver who is $145,000 in debt. “We don’t believe students should have to pay those debts.”
The students were successful in getting company officials to agree to a sit down meeting with leaders. Sallie Mae Board Chairman Anthony Terracciano told the students they would get their meeting, but not today because company leaders were all busy in board meetings.

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Wilmington Budget Follies

Filed in Delaware by on May 29, 2013 13 Comments
Wilmington Budget Follies

For the past few weeks, the back and forth over coming to some agreement over the Wilmington budget for the next fiscal year has been a source of a great deal of cynicism, exasperation and a fair amount of entertainment. While there is not alot to be proud of here — at bottom we have a new administration who seems to think that they can get things done by fiat. For all of the yelling and screaming about what the Wilmington City Charter says — it still gives the Administration the power to spend the money that City Council allocates to it. That is pretty basic everywhere. Even though the Council spent much of its time rubber-stamping much of the Baker Administration’s work, I wish I could be more hopeful in a more energized Council who will actually do what the Charter expects of them.

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Yuck — A 4th Grader’s Short Documentary About School Lunch

Filed in National by on May 28, 2013 0 Comments

This all started when young Zachary Maxwell wanted to start packing and taking his lunch to school. His parents, however, thought that the school lunches as described and pictured on line looked like they would be just fine. So young Zachary smuggled in a camera to school in order to show his parents the reality of those school meals. He kept filming (even got busted once) and made a short documentary called Yuck — A 4th Grader’s Short Documentary About School Lunch. Love this kid. Anyway, this doc has won some awards and has been playing the festival circuit. I’m posting the trailer and another piece with clips below. It sounds as if this entire film will be online shortly, but I don’t know when:

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Memorial Day Open Thread [5.27.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 27, 2013 8 Comments

Memorial Day has come to be a day when we are all urged to remember those armed services members who have served and who are currently serving the country. This is important and I hope we all have some time to reflect on the sacrifices made by these men and women on our behalf.

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Late Night Video — Know Your Food

Filed in National by on May 26, 2013 2 Comments
Late Night Video — Know Your Food

This is a xTed Talk (approx. 8.5 mins long) featuring an 11-year old who has figured out how conglomerate-produced food isn’t exactly the healthiest choice. Since we’re close to the point where locally grown food will be getting plentiful, this guy has good advice:

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Sunday Open Thread [5.26.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 26, 2013 12 Comments

Even more details of how DelDOT was organized as a conduit of taxpayer dollars directly to developers is in this morning’s News Journal. This is a remarkable story — including some detail on how DelDOT specifically locked in higher appraisal values just to ensure that developers could loot the Treasury for the maximum amount.

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Late Night Video — This is Water

Filed in National by on May 25, 2013 1 Comment

An edited version (approx. 9.5 minutes long) of the famous (and gorgeous) David Foster Wallace graduation speech at Kenyon College. It is well worth finding the entire speech to read or listen to:

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Saturday Open Thread [5.25.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 25, 2013 9 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [5.25.13]

In case there is anyone taking a break from holiday festivities long enough to check in here, here’s an Open Thread for you!

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Friday Open Thread [5.24.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 24, 2013 3 Comments

It is the beginning of a long weekend — for me, this is the first long holiday weekend of the year. From here on out, there is a scheduled holiday weekend pretty much every other month now. Yay!

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President Obama and the Guantanamo Heckler

Filed in National by on May 24, 2013 4 Comments

Hecklers of speeches — especially major ones — aren’t new. A public disruption of a speaker is meant as an attempt to embarrass the speaker and get attention for the heckler and the heckler’s cause. Yesterday, Medea Benjamin of Code Pink attended the President’s speech at the National Defense University at Ft. McNair yesterday and proceeded to heckle him 3 times during the speech. The video below (approx 8 minutes long and I apologize for the commercial) shows that segment of the President’s speech. I couldn’t hear everything she said, but it seems clear to me that she was calling for the immediate release of some number of the Gitmo prisoners. While the President was proposing a new plan to close Gitmo. What is fascinating to me about this clip is the President’s reaction to Ms. Benjamin’s interruptions. Not only did he appear to be listening to her, but he validated her concerns (or some of them) as important and worth listening to. I can’t imagine GWB managing this kind of respect towards someone yelling at him, and whoever was yelling at him would have been immediately hustled away from the event — not given two more times to disrupt. I haven’t had a chance to see the entire speech to know what exactly the President said, so I’m not here agreeing or disagreeing with what he proposed yesterday. But I am pretty proud of the way he handled this:

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Late Night Video — Gov. Markell Appears on Huff Post Live

Filed in Delaware by on May 22, 2013 4 Comments
Late Night Video — Gov. Markell Appears on Huff Post Live

Not sure that big news is made here — discussing gun safety (universal background checks), kids aging out of foster care, gay marriage (approx. 13 minutes):

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Buycott, Shop Your Conscience

Filed in National by on May 20, 2013 0 Comments
Buycott, Shop Your Conscience

Have you heard about this app? Buycott installed on your smartphone can scan products you intend to buy and give you a rundown of that product’s corporate history. It can also give you data on what those corporations do with the money they earn from your purchases. Interesting, right? For people who are trying not to buy anything from Koch Industries, for example, data from the scans you take can help you leave their stuff on the shelf.

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