
"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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Senator Chris Coons Calls Out Republicans for Not Getting to a Budget Deal

Filed in National by on May 9, 2013 6 Comments

Recall that the Senate passed its budget in March, and the House passed its budget before that — meaning that if we’re finally following the “regular order” of budgeting, there should be a Senate and House Reconciliation Committee so that these two bodies can come to some agreement on a budget. That budget — a policy document only, it appropriates no money — is supposed to guide the appropriation process. Except that the GOP doesn’t want to work on a budget until we are much closer to the debt ceiling problem. We were supposed to have faced the debt ceiling in march or April, but the Treasury figured out a way to postpone that until Fall. So the GOP is stuck with a pretty bad timeline — blowing up the economy over the debt ceiling just before they start campaigning is very bad juju. And they have NO negotiating position unless the debt ceiling is imminent they think. So Senator Coons took to the Senate floor today to call to get back to the regular order of the budget process and to stop the effects of the sequester:

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Late Night Video — Live Longer with Bacon!

Filed in National by on May 8, 2013 0 Comments

I love these stories — 105-year-old Pearl Cantrell in Texas attributes her longevity to BACON!. Although she seems to be eating the Oscar Meyer stuff which is a little dodgy:

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School Board Elections, Redux

Filed in Delaware by on May 7, 2013 20 Comments

Yesterday’s NJ had a remarkable article from Matthew Albright that purports to take a look at the usually out-of-sight school board elections and the possibility of influence by outside interests on the eventual winners. It is remarkable, because it singles out teacher’s unions as the outside interests being served by the inattention of voters to these elections. There isn’t even a fig leaf of a “both sides do it” argument — in large part because this article lets Jea Street pontificate about how teacher’s unions are running the board for school board elections:

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QOTD — What to Do About Syria?

Filed in National by on May 6, 2013 7 Comments

This morning, I listened as NPR gave John McCain more air time to call for some type of intervention in the Syrian mess. Lindsay Graham has been screeching for more capability for someone over there to have better capacity to kill one another. Even Mitt Romney has gotten into the act to call President Obama weak over his handling of Syria. In the meantime, we have a press running all over the place certain that chemical weapons have been used in Syria, when that is far from certain:

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Sunday Open Thread [5.5.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 5, 2013 10 Comments

And WTF is up with Tom Gordon’s CAO?

Grimaldi, who is County Executive Tom Gordon’s chief administrative officer, got in a shoving match during a Delaware Police Athletic League meeting in late 2011 or early 2012, witnesses said. And he was charged with offensive touching after a 2010 altercation that Grimaldi said was his reaction to an attack, court records show.

Having a government gig apparently means never having to be accountable, I guess.

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Late Night Video — Gun Lobby PSA Preserving Background Check Loopholes

Filed in National by on May 4, 2013 3 Comments

Too close to true for comfort, really. (Approx 1:30 mins)

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Saturday Open Thread [5.4.2013]

Filed in Open Thread by on May 4, 2013 38 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [5.4.2013]

[…]If your “way of life” involves handing deadly weapons to five-year olds, your way of life is completely screwed up and you should change it immediately because it is stupid and wrong. (And, again, also, too: goddammit, “learning to use and respect a gun” means at least knowing that the fking thing is loaded when it’s sitting in the corner of the parlor like it’s a damn umbrella stand or something, and we should talk about that part, too.) It is not in any way “normal” to hand a kindergartner a firearm. If a mother from the inner-city of, say, Philadelphia did that, and the kid subsequently shot his sister to death, Fox News never would stop yelling about the crisis in African American communities and the Culture Of Death, and rap music, too. If your culture is telling you that children who have only recently emerged from toddlerhood should have their own guns, then your culture is deadly and dangerous and that should concern you, too. If your culture demands that, in the face of a general national outrage over the killing of other children, your politics work to loosen the gun laws you have, as they apparently did in Kentucky, then your culture is making your politics stupid and wrong and you should change them, too.[…]

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A Hopeful School Solution

Filed in National by on May 2, 2013 5 Comments

What if you fired all of the security guards at a struggling elementary school and spent that money on Art programs? That is the Big Idea from this NBC news report telling the story of this Roxbury, MA school that appears to have found a path to improvement by reclaiming one of the features the school was built for.

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Monday Open Thread [4.29.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 29, 2013 14 Comments

This was a deadly weekend for the City of Wilmington, with 4 shooting incidents in about 24 hours. Mayor Dennis Williams did not return Adam Taylor’s calls for his article this weekend, but one of the WPD’s PIOs spoke to WDEL this AM on the subject:

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White House Correspondents’ Dinner House of Cards Parody

Filed in National by on April 28, 2013 3 Comments

Frankly, this is worth it just to watch Kevin Spacey walk all over these fanboys and girls:

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Late Night Video — Vatican City Explained

Filed in National by on April 27, 2013 1 Comment

Everything you wanted to know about the history and status of Vatican City with a funny Game of Thrones connection (approx. 7 minutes long):

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Late Night Video — You Are More Beautiful Than You Think

Filed in Open Thread by on April 19, 2013 8 Comments

John Young posted this in the Friday Open Thread. I had seen this some days back on Facebook and was not prepared for the emotional impact of this video. On the one hand, this is part of a Dove campaign. On the other hand, this is a remarkable demonstration of one of the ways women underestimate and sabotage themselves. This is close to 10 minutes long, but I think well worth every minute.

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Friday Open Thread [4.19.13]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 19, 2013 80 Comments

And what the hell is going on with NCCo staff? David Grimaldi has a fight in Pastabilities and NCCo Chief responds out of his jurisdiction:

“I did respond into the city,” Setting said. “That was just to make sure that everything was being done in the proper manner.” Setting referred other questions to Grimaldi.

Are all NCCo residents treated to NCCPD oversight when they are misbehaving in Wilmington enough for the WPD to be called in? This sure looks like special rules are in place for NCCo staff to misbehave with impunity.

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